Both Hell and Heaven (1)

At this moment, more and more zombies were attracted by Zhang Ming and walked out of the darkness of the underground parking lot.

The first zombies to come out were already at Zhang Ming's feet, waving their claws and trying to grab his thigh.

Zhang Ming cursed as he raised his legs high to avoid being caught by the zombies below.

Zhang Ming finally broke down when he felt the zombie claws touch his pants. He kept begging Chu Heng for mercy.

Chu Heng ignored him. His eyes were indifferent as he spoke softly.

"Hehe… It's too late. I can't be bothered to listen now…"

Zhang Ming was the bait to attract the zombies in the underground parking lot. Now that the bait had worked, Chu Heng naturally wouldn't waste such a good opportunity.

Now that all the zombies were distracted by Zhang Ming's shouts and blood, it was a good time for him to harvest.

Chu Heng kept repeating the action of shooting arrows. Every time he shot an arrow, a zombie would fall the next moment.

After a while, the arrows in the quiver were exhausted. Chu Heng quickly replaced them with another quiver and continued harvesting.

The zombies were still emerging from the parking lot in a steady stream and surrounding the lamppost.

Including the zombies that Chu Heng had already shot to death, there were about a hundred zombies attracted by Zhang Ming this time.

The blood flowing out of Zhang Ming's wound constantly stimulated the surrounding zombies. The zombies who came late stepped on the corpses of the zombies in front and kept waving their arms in an attempt to grab Zhang Ming's legs. They did not notice that Chu Heng, the sneaky attacker, was harvesting crazily.

More than ten minutes passed. Zhang Ming's legs were still raised high. He hadn't been caught by the zombies below.

At this moment, Chu Heng couldn't help but praise Zhang Ming's core strength. After persisting for so long, he still hadn't been bitten by the zombies once.

Indeed, the potential that a person could unleash in a desperate situation was huge.

However, judging from his exhausted appearance and trembling legs, it was obvious that he was just an arrow at the end of its flight.

Very soon, there was a scream.

It was Zhang Ming.

After holding on for so long, he finally couldn't persist anymore. The moment his legs hung down, the zombies below seized the opportunity to bite him.

After the first time, there was a second time. Soon, his legs were grabbed tightly by a zombie below. The other zombies immediately rushed forward and enjoyed this rare delicacy. A few zombies even hugged his legs and wanted to climb up to eat the flesh on them.

Soon, Zhang Ming's calf was gnawed until only bones were left. His screams gradually weakened, and there was only numbness and despair in his eyes.

Zhang Ming looked at Chu Heng, his mouth slightly open, as if begging Chu Heng to give him mercy.

At the same time, Chu Heng's massacre continued. Zombies fell one after another, and their numbers decreased rapidly. There were less than ten zombies left, and there was only one arrow left in the quiver on Chu Heng's back.

Chu Heng glanced indifferently at Zhang Ming, who was tied to the pillar. After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed.

'If you've done something wrong, you should accept the punishment that comes with it. It's been the rule since ancient times.'

"You want me to help you get out of this? Ha, ha… I'm sorry, but I'm not a nice guy."

He lowered his bow and fired the last arrow at the outermost zombie.

Seeing this scene, extreme resentment suddenly erupted in Zhang Ming's eyes. He roared with the last of his strength,

"You devil… You devil… You'll go to hell for sure…"

As he spoke, a zombie climbed up his leg and bit down hard on his open mouth.

The cursing stopped abruptly.

Chu Heng smiled indifferently and whispered.

"Hell, huh? Aren't we in hell right now?"

Hell for the weak, heaven for the strong.

Zhang Ming quickly completed the transformation process in front of Chu Heng and turned into a zombie with white pupils.

The zombies surrounding the pillar sensed the scent of their kind and gradually stopped biting. They looked around in confusion.

In the next moment, sensing the living aura on Chu Heng's body, the confused zombies instantly found a new target. They turned around and roared as they rushed towards Chu Heng.

There were not many zombies left, and the arrows had been exhausted. Chu Heng did not think much about it. He pulled out the crowbar from his waist and took the initiative to attack.

After they devoured Zhang Ming's flesh and blood, Chu Heng clearly felt that a few of these zombies had changed. Their speed was faster than the previous zombies.

However, in front of him now, these were just appetizers.

Before using Zhang Ming as bait, he had already used all the more than 70 Crystal Cores he had collected to increase his attributes. Now, his attributes had reached an unbelievable level.

Player: Chu Heng

Gender: Male

Strength: 40 (Human average is 10, human limit is 99)

Agility: 32 (Human average is 10, human limit is 99)

Constitution: 40 (Human average is 10, human limit is 99)

Ability: Unawakened

After he collected all the zombie corpses in front of him, his attributes would increase again.

Chu Heng didn't even need a minute to kill the remaining zombies. He killed them one by one.

Only the zombie that Zhang Ming had become was left tied to the pillar.

This time, Chu Heng gave him a quick death. He casually pulled out an arrow from a zombie's head and blew up his head.

After killing all the zombies, it was time to collect the spoils of war.

The Tianshui Compound was not small. Chu Heng knew that he and Zhang Ming were not the only ones here. There must be others, but he could not be bothered to hide it now.

Strength was confidence, and he had such confidence now.

Just as Chu Heng had expected, in a room in a residential building not far from him, a few people watched the battle from beginning to end.

These people had dyed their hair in various colors and were wearing earrings. They had gold chains around their necks and were wearing vests and beach pants. Two of them were even wearing slippers. One could see various tattoos on their bare skin.

Typical street thug attires.

Standing between them was a burly man with a crew cut. He had a four- or five-centimeter scar on his face and looked fierce. He was obviously not a good person.

"Second Brother… This kid has looted so many zombies. He definitely has a lot of good stuff on him. How about… Do you want to do it…?"

A man with blond hair turned around and looked eagerly at the scar-faced man.

Another man with dyed red hair joined in.

"That's right… Second Brother… That kid collected so many zombies and definitely saved up a lot of Crystal Cores. As long as we kill him, we'll be rich…"

Scarface stared at Chu Heng's back in the distance and said nothing.

"Second Brother, I don't think it's appropriate."

One of the two remaining punks, a young man with dyed purple hair, suddenly interrupted.