Great Harvest (1)

"Oh? Why is it inappropriate? Xiaodao, tell me!" Scarface asked with interest.

The purple-haired young man named Xiaodao thought for a moment and spoke.

"From the entire process just now, that guy isn't a pushover. He probably won't be easy to fool. If we want to snatch what's on him, we'll probably have to fight him head-on."

"There might be five of us, but if we get into a fight out there, we might not be able to take advantage."

As soon as he finished speaking, the yellow-haired man choked.

"Bullsh*t. There are five of us, and all of us have weapons. No matter how powerful that brat is, can he fight five people alone?"

"Yellow hair, shut up…" Scarface suddenly interrupted him, then looked at Xiaodao to signal him to continue.

The blond glared at Xiaodao and said nothing more.

Xiaodao glanced at him coldly, then continued his analysis.

"The man has a longbow, and it looks like he's very accurate. We definitely can't fight him in the open. If we have to, we must fight him in the residential building."

"The interior of the residential building is narrow, and we can't use our long-range weapons. Moreover, we cannot use our advantage in numbers in this environment."

"If we have to rob him, it's the best way to win and suffer the least casualties."

After listening to his analysis, Scarface's eyes flashed with admiration.

This Xiaodao was a lackey he had just taken in. As far as he knew, he was still a university student who had yet to graduate.

It was said that when he first entered university, he got into a conflict with the school bully because of his bravery and sent him to the hospital. Later on, that school bully relied on his family's power to force the school to expel Xiaodao.

Because of the stain, the other schools did not accept him. In his last moment of anger, he directly dropped out. Later on, he happened to be taken in by Scarface as an underling.

Scarface did not expect this kid to be so smart. He was a rare intelligent advisor.

Scarface was secretly pleased at the thought.

After transmigrating into this strange world, everything started anew. Coupled with the fact that he was lucky and met up with his lackeys early, he naturally had the thought of making a name for himself.

"Okay, Xiaodao is right. This can't be rushed…"

"Let's observe a little longer. If this kid is lucky and doesn't come to our building, then forget it. If he dares to come, then we'll make sure he doesn't return…"

With that, he glanced at his lackeys and said.

"We don't have much food left from the last time… Pack your things. We'll continue our search on the sixth floor later…"

"Okay, Second Brother…"

"Okay, Boss…"

Looking at their backs, a strange look flashed across Xiaodao's eyes. He looked at Chu Heng's figure outside the window thoughtfully.

"I'm finally almost done collecting…"

"Damn, this collection function is too unintelligent. If only I could collect them automatically. I'm so tired of collecting them one by one…"

Chu Heng, who had been busy for nearly an hour, looked at the last zombie corpse in front of him and complained angrily.

Fortunately, it wasn't hot today. Otherwise, he would really have cursed.

After collecting the last zombie, he didn't care how dirty the ground was. He directly collapsed on the relatively clean grass beside him and let out a long comfortable groan. He didn't want to get up again.

However, although the entire process was tiring, it was definitely worth it. He felt extremely satisfied with his gains.

Counting all the gains, he got a total of the following.

Crystal core * 88, Elementary Mutated Fertilizer * 5,000g, Access Card * 82, Key * 150, Bread * 8, Water * 3, Space Ring Fragment *4

Before this, he already had three spatial fragments. Coupled with the four he had collected this time, it had already exceeded the requirements for the upgrade of his space ring.

Ding! Your space ring has met the upgrade requirements. Do you wish to consume 5 Space Ring Fragments and 10 Crystal Cores to upgrade?

"Upgrade immediately!"

Ding! You have lost 5 Space Ring Fragments and 10 Crystal Cores!

Ding! Your space ring has been upgraded to Level 2. Storage space +10. Current storage space is 30.

Space Ring Fragment * 10 and Crystal Core * 30 are required to be upgraded to Level 3, Storage Space +20, unlocked Low-level Vehicle Storage Space * 1.

Note: Low-level vehicles include: bicycles, motorcycles, tricycles, motorboats, sleds, and various small cars.

"What the…"

If the Level 3 Space Ring could carry cars, wouldn't it be able to carry vans, buses, even aircraft, ships, and even military ships?

Looking at the Level 3 privileges, Chu Heng suddenly thought of killing people to evolve his space ring, but he quickly sobered up.

"No, I have to hold on to my bottom line no matter what. I can kill those who deserve to be killed without hesitation, but I can't kill those who are innocent and shouldn't be killed. Otherwise, what's the difference between me and those animals who kill indiscriminately…"

At this moment, Chu Heng finally remembered Zhang Ming's corpse that he had tied to the lamppost.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about you…"

He got up and walked to the lamppost where Zhang Ming was.

Activate collection!

Congratulations on your successful collection. You have obtained Level 0 Crystal Core * 1, Retractable Door Switch * 1, Door Key * 1, Elementary Mutated Fertilizer * 100g, Canned Beef * 15, Canned Fruit * 24, Compressed Biscuits * 20, 20L Bucket Water * 2, 10L Bucket Water * 3,500ml * 24, Mineral Water * 5, Lighter * 2, Gasoline * 2

"Holy sh*t… Damn, you were really greedy…"

Chu Heng was shocked. The hint only mentioned what was in the cars. How could he have known that there would be so many of them? It was like buying goods. This could be said to be a huge gain.

Tears welled up in his eyes when he saw the pile of supplies.

He had eaten nearly ten pieces of bread since yesterday, and he craved meat.

This time, not only did he obtain a lot of canned meat and fruits, but he also obtained a lot of water. He did not have to be as thrifty as before.

'Finally I can wash my face and brush my teeth…'

Thanks to the supplies and the proceeds from the auction, he finally had 108 Crystal Cores for the first time.

It was time to spend!

Chu Heng looked at his attribute panel and frowned.

Initially, he had planned to clean up the residential building first after dealing with Zhang Ming. However, most of the zombies in the underground parking lot had been attracted out and eliminated. Perhaps it was a good choice to clean up the underground parking lot first?

If he followed the previous plan, adding Strength and Constitution first would definitely be more appropriate. However, if he followed the new plan, because the underground parking lot was complicated with the poor lighting, Agility was clearly more important.

While hesitating, Chu Heng decided to observe the situation first.

Standing in front of the entrance, he looked down into the gloomy underground parking lot.

There are 52 zombies in the underground parking lot. Their distribution is relatively scattered. There are two survivors hidden in one car. There are a variety of cars. There is a Golden Treasure Chest deep in the parking lot. It is of lower threat to you at the moment. It is recommended.