Unstoppable and Invincible (1)

"Brother Chu Heng!"

Seeing the person's appearance, Meng Yue shouted in surprise with an aggrieved expression.

"These Neon people bullied us and even injured Brother Xiaodao!"

When he saw who it was, Zhang Xiaodao heaved a sigh of relief. He nodded at Chu Heng, indicating that he was fine.

Chu Heng's gaze lingered on An Ya for a moment before he looked at the Neon fatty murderously. However, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

Shanjian Yezhong: Neonese, age 35

Strength: 45

Agility: 35

Constitution: 30

Energy: 100

Special Ability: Beast-like—Pig. Sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. After activating the special ability, it can consume energy to greatly increase the attributes of the body. The effect will increase as the level increases.

Current Ability Level: Level 1, 100% increase in sense of smell, 50% increase in hearing, 50% increase in physical attributes after activation, 10 energy points consumed per minute.

Flaws: The Awakened will inherit the shortcomings of pigs such as lust, gluttony, obesity, and so on. The duration in low levels is short.

Solution: Correct lecherous, obese shortcomings by neutering; Recommend carrying energy potions with you.

Fatal weaknesses: brain, heart

Risk Assessment: Even if he activates his superpower, he won't be your match. Threat Level: Low.

Chu Heng almost laughed out loud when he saw this hint.

"In the Dragon Nation's culture, 'Zhong' is a tomb. Isn't Shanjian Yezhong a wild tomb in the mountains? And in terms of pronunciation, 'Yezhong' is the same as 'bastard'. A bastard in the mountains?"

"Didn't they say that the Neon Nation advocated the ancient culture of the Dragon Nation? Why is this name so creepy?"

"This name… Even putting a chicken on the keyboard and typing a few words would probably be better than this."

It was fine if it was just a name, but the key was that this fatty's superpower was also funny.

Chu Heng found the solution to his superpower's flaws familiar. Wasn't this how the people of the Dragon Nation raised pigs?

After the pig was castrated, its personality would become docile, and it would not grow fat. Naturally, it would not be lecherous or fat…

Chu Heng suppressed his laughter and tried his best to regain his composure before seeing the hidden hint.

"How do you want to die… hahahaha…"

Before he could finish speaking, he looked up and saw the fat head and big ears of Shanjian Yezhong. Thinking of the hidden hint just now, Chu Heng immediately lost his cool and laughed wildly.

Although the Neon fatty couldn't understand what Chu Heng was saying, he could tell from the expression on Chu Heng's face that he was mocking him and saying a few words in Neonese.

"What did he say?"

Chu Heng restrained his smile and asked the middle-aged man from the Dragon Nation who was leaning against the corner of the wall.

An Ya had briefed him on the situation earlier. He knew the Dragon Nation man spoke some Neonese.

"He… he said…"

The middle-aged man covered his arm and cowered, not daring to meet Chu Heng's cold gaze.


Chu Heng coldly spat out the word "Speak", his tone filled with no doubt.

"He said that you're quite handsome and just the type he likes. He asked you… asked you to wait and he would dote on you after he enjoyed these two beauties…"

"And… and told you not to rush…"

Hearing his translation, Chu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly. Although his expression did not change, his eyes became extremely cold as if he was looking at a dead person.

Chu Heng slowly walked towards him. With every step, his aura became stronger.

"Chu Heng, be careful. He's very strong…"

An Ya reminded him nervously.

From the first time they met, Chu Heng had never truly revealed his full strength in front of them. Therefore, although she knew that Chu Heng was very strong, she did not have a precise concept of how strong he was. She was even worried that Chu Heng would suffer a loss from this fatty.

After all, this fatty was an Awakened, and Chu Heng had never shown his ability in front of them. It was very likely that he had yet to awaken.

Chu Heng nodded and did not take it to heart.

Even if Shanjian Yezhong activated his superpower, his highest attribute was only about two-thirds of Chu Heng's. How could he possibly win?

As Chu Heng got closer and closer, Shanjian Yezhong's expression finally changed. Although he had many flaws, he was not stupid. Sensing the almost tangible aura on Chu Heng, he knew that he had probably kicked an iron plate this time.

However, he did not show any fear.

As an "expert" who had awakened in less than two days, he was confident that even if he could not defeat Chu Heng and wanted to leave, Chu Heng would definitely not be able to stop him.

And to be safe, he'd told his own brother, Shanjian Ruizhi, about the situation here.

Shanjian Ruizhi was also an Awakened, and he was much stronger than him.

As long as he could last for about ten minutes, his biological brother would be able to rush over. At that time, no matter how strong Chu Heng was, he would definitely not be a match for the two brothers.

As Chu Heng approached, his aura reached a terrifying level.

Shanjian Yezhong expression changed slightly, and he chose to take the initiative to attack.

An Ya's crowbar instantly appeared in his hand. He immediately activated his superpower and swung it at Chu Heng's head.

Chu Heng had originally given this crowbar to An Ya, but now that it was in Shanjian Yezhong hands, it displayed even greater power. When he waved it, one could faintly hear the sound of air being torn apart.

Seeing this Neon fatty attacking him, Chu Heng sneered and advanced instead of retreating.

In a flash, he arrived in front of Shanjian Yezhong. He turned his body and swung his saber upwards, directly slashing at the wrist of Shanjian Yezhong's hand that was holding the crowbar.

Shanjian Yezhong's face immediately turned pale. He had thought that Chu Heng would be very strong, but he did not expect him to be so strong.

Chu Heng's speed was really too fast. Even his brother, Shanjian Ruizhi, who was good at speed, could barely compare to him after activating his superpower.

Knowing that he would not be able to dodge this attack, a fierce look flashed across Shanjian Yezhong's face.

Ignoring the injury on his right hand, he clenched his left fist and punched at Chu Heng's temples. He was using the method of exchanging injury for life.

Chu Heng smiled coldly. The long saber in his hand did not slow down. The blade brushed past his arm and cut his hand in half from the wrist. Blood immediately splattered out.

At the same time, Chu Heng also clenched his left fist and collided with Shanjian Yezhong's. He sneered.

"You can't beat me in speed. Do you think you can beat me in strength?"


The two fists collided, creating a shockwave and a loud explosion.

Immediately, everyone heard a crisp sound, as if something had shattered.

To the disbelief of the Neon and the delighted eyes of An Ya and the other two, *

Chu Heng stood on the spot safe and sound, maintaining his posture of punching out. His expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, Shanjian Yezhong's left hand was hanging limply and unnaturally. One could clearly see broken bones protruding from the surface of his skin, bleeding profusely.

As for Shanjian Yezhong, he was no longer as arrogant as before. His face was filled with pain as he looked at Chu Heng with fear.

Chu Heng's lips curled up. He picked up the crowbar that had fallen to the ground and threw it at An Ya.

"Don't drop it again…"

With that, he stepped on Shanjian Yezhong's chest, and the powerful force caused Shanjian Yezhong to fall to the ground.

Chu Heng took a step forward and stepped on Shanjian Yezhong's throat with his right foot. He asked indifferently.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"