Torture, the Son Repaying the Father's Debts

It took less than a minute for the battle between Chu Heng and Shanjian Yezhong to end.

However, in this one minute, Chu Heng cut off Shanjian Yezhong's palm with ease, followed by crippling his left arm with a punch, causing this Neon fatty to become a cripple.

"Brother Yezhong…"

The other two Neon men shouted in panic and looked at Chu Heng with fear.

Although they wanted to help, they couldn't do anything. Not to mention that they were too weak for Chu Heng, An Ya and Meng Yue would not allow them to do so.

When Chu Heng was fighting Shanjian Yezhong, An Ya faced the stronger of the two, while Meng Yue faced the other. The four of them fought.

Although the two of them had higher attributes than their opponents, the two Neon men were clearly more experienced in combat. For a moment, they fought back and forth.

Chu Heng did not interfere with them. He stepped on the throat of Shanjian Yezhong and watched the battle with interest.

In his opinion, these two Neon men were neither strong nor weak. It was just right to give the two girls some practice and enrich their combat experience.

Soon, An Ya defeated her opponent first. Her attributes were much higher than his. It would be strange if she couldn't defeat him.

The reason why it took so long was because she deliberately lowered her attributes to achieve the effect of practicing.

About half a minute later, Meng Yue also successfully ended her battle.

The two Neon men wailed like two dead dogs on the ground.

Chu Heng nodded in satisfaction. His gaze returned to Shanjian Yezhong and he suddenly smiled playfully.

"Didn't you say you wanted to dote on me just now? Where's your arrogance?"

After saying that, Chu Heng glanced at the middle-aged man leaning against the wall.

"Translate it for him. If you try to lie or miss anything, I'll make sure you die before he does…"

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Heng fearfully and hurriedly nodded. Then, he translated Chu Heng's words to Shanjian Yezhong.

Hearing his translation, Shanjian Yezhong immediately revealed his signature lustful smile and licked his tongue at Chu Heng.

There was a lot of fat on his face to begin with. When he smiled, his facial features were almost piled up. He looked extremely disgusting.

In fact, that was exactly what he'd intended.

He knew his brother very well. From Chu Heng's performance in the battle with him just now, he knew that even if his brother came, his brother would definitely not be this guy's match. Therefore, he sent Chu Heng's appearance and information to his brother just now and told him not to come over but to accumulate strength. His brother would avenge him when the chance came. He did not want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Shanjian Yezhong knew very well that he would definitely die this time, and he would suffer humiliation and torture before he died.

Therefore, he wanted to use this method to disgust Chu Heng and make him give him a quick death in his anger.

But Chu Heng was not so easy to fool.

He didn't get angry when he saw Shanjian Yezhong's disgusting state. The foot on his throat moved to his right knee.

"You're quite tough. I wonder if the bones in your body are that tough…"

Chu Heng gradually exerted strength on his feet, and immediately, Shanjian Yezhong's knees started cracking.

In the next moment, the joint of his right knee was completely shattered, and he was trampled into a meat patty by Chu Heng. The top and bottom of his knee formed a sharp contrast.

After all, Shanjian Yezhong was a person with emotions and desires. Under the intense pain, he roared miserably.

At this moment, he wished that he could faint. However, his extraordinary physique kept him awake, making him feel the sharp pain from his knee all the time.

"I hate the Neonese the most in my life, but you just had to come knocking on my door. Then don't blame me…"

"Your fathers invaded our land, burned, killed, and looted. Their crimes were countless."

"There's an old saying in our Dragon Nation that the son has to pay the father's debt. It's not too much for you to help repay it…"

Chu Heng said with a smile. The more he thought about that unbearable history, the more hatred he felt. He stepped on Shanjian Yezhong's entire right leg and crushed it into meat paste.

The wailing continued. The people beside them could not help but gasp when they saw this scene.

The middle-aged man beside him was afraid of angering Chu Heng, so he obediently translated what Chu Heng said to Shanjian Yezhong.

"F*ck you, f*ck you…"

Chu Heng was stunned for a moment. This fatty was actually cursing him?

In the next moment, Shanjian Yezhong's left leg also turned into meat paste.

Perhaps knowing that he was doomed, this fatty became even more unyielding. As he wailed, he cursed Chu Heng's family in Neonese.

In exchange, his hands were trampled into meat paste.

Only his torso and head were still intact. The presence of his hands and feet made no difference to him. He was almost no different from a stick.

However, he was not dead yet. Previously, he had used his powerful physique in his superpower state to injure Zhang Xiaodao and bully An Ya. Now, this powerful physique forcefully kept him alive, causing him to suffer a hundred tortures.


Enduring the pain, Shanjian Yezhong brewed a mouthful of phlegm and shot it at Chu Heng.

Chu Heng dodged and stepped on his mouth. Shanjian Yezhong's chin instantly shattered.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something interesting, Chu Heng smiled.

"I know your powers make you horny and fat. And there are ways to help you improve. Want to try?"

After listening to the middle-aged man's translation, Shanjian Yezhong was first stunned. He did not know how Chu Heng knew, but he immediately understood his intentions. He shook his head frantically, his eyes filled with fear.

He tried to say something to beg for mercy, but his jaw was shattered. All he could do was chuckle.

"What are you talking about…" Chu Heng dug his ears impatiently. "Then I'll take that as a yes…"

With that, Chu Heng raised his foot high and moved it above Shanjian Yezhong's crotch, preparing to step down.

Everyone at the side realized what Chu Heng was trying to do. Zhang Xiaodao, the other two Neon men, and the 'translator' felt a chill down their spines.

It was something every man feared when they saw it.

Just as Chu Heng was about to step down, An Ya's voice came from the side.

"Wait, let me do it…"

Chu Heng was stunned for a moment before looking at An Ya.

When Zhang Xiaodao heard this, his expression was a little strange.

An Ya walked slowly towards Chu Heng. Her face was cold and there was no joy or sadness.

"My grandfather and three of his brothers died in the hands of the Neon intruders. Moreover, he wanted to rape me just now, so… let me do it…"

Chu Heng walked away in confusion and gave his seat to An Ya.

The next moment, Shanjian Yezhong let out an incomprehensible howl of pain.

It hurts… too much…

Chu Heng subconsciously turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaodao. Their gazes were a little complicated.

Just then, one of the other two Neon men said something in Neonese.

After hearing the middle-aged man's translation, An Ya, Zhang Xiaodao, and Meng Yue immediately became nervous. Chu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gaze became playful.

This translated as…

"You demons, prepare to wash your necks and wait for our boss to avenge Brother Yezhong!"