Inviting Lin Sen to Join the Heavenly Hub Military Region

It was not easy for Lin Sen to get home. He was troubled by a group of advertisers who were surrounding him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned home, he saw the people from the Military Region at his door.

At first, Lin Sen did not think that the two persons in military uniforms were here for him.

In the family, there was Chen Li who was also related to the Military Region.

However, when Lin Sen saw Chen Li, he felt that something was wrong.

Although Chen Li had changed his clothes; they were intact. At the same time, he had also briefly washed up, and he did not look like the sorry state he was in when he was in the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment,

Lin Sen could still see that Chen Li seemed to be injured and was limping.

"Could it be that Chen Li was working for the Military Region and suffered a work injury?"

"Are people from the Military Region here to express their concern?"

When Lin Sen thought of this, Chen Li suddenly looked at Lin Sen.

Those eyes were very frightening.

It was as if Lin Sen had an irreconcilable feud with him!

"Lin Sen!!!"

Chen Li shouted. His voice seemed to carry a bone-deep hatred, making Lin Sen feel a sense of bafflement.

He admitted that he and Chen Li usually disliked each other, but it would not develop to the extent where it was either one should be dead.

Where did Chen Li's hatred come from?

On Chen Li's side, when he saw Lin Sen appear, he quickly snitched.

"Officer, it's that little bastard!"

"He's Lin Sen, who cheated in the Military Region Selection!"

Chen Li was currently unaware of Lin Sen's achievements in the arena.

What he was talking about was the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment.

It was because of the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment that Lin Sen was qualified to participate in the Military Region Selection.

Therefore, as long as Chen Li reported that Lin Sen had cheated in this segment, Lin Sen would be disqualified regardless of whether he passed the first round of the selection!

Hearing Chen Li's words, the others did not say anything for the time being, but Lin Sen's mother, Mo Rou, subconsciously rushed over.

She said in a daze.

"Officer, there's… there must be a misunderstanding…"

Mo Rou did not know if Lin Sen had really cheated, but as a mother, her first reaction when she heard news that was harmful to her son was to rush out and cover her son.

When Chen Li heard this, he shouted.

"Go away!"

"You have no right to speak here!"

With Chen Li's shout, not only did Lin Sen's face turn black, even Shangguan Jing's expression did not look right.

From what Shangguan Jing knew, Mo Rou was Chen Li's mother in name, but Chen Li's attitude…

Just as Lin Sen clenched his fists and was about to come over to help his mother…

Shangguan Jing suddenly spoke.

She came to the trembling Mo Rou and asked gently.

"Auntie, don't be nervous…"

"Is Lin Sen your son?"

Shangguan Jing tried her best to speak in a friendly tone.

On one hand, it was because this was Lin Sen's biological mother. Since she had come to invite Lin Sen, she had to think carefully about Lin Sen's family.

On the other hand, it was also because she really could not bear to see Chen Li and Chen Yun's faces.

Under Shangguan Jing's gentle voice, Mo Rou's nervous heart gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Lin Sen had also returned to his house.

Shangguan Jing turned to look at Lin Sen.

She had a smile on her face, and her shoulder-length short hair fluttered in the wind. She looked very valiant.

"Are you Lin Sen?"

Shangguan Jing took out a card and handed it to Lin Sen. It was proof of her identity as a member of the Military Region.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Shangguan Jing!"

"I'm here to invite you to join our Heavenly Hub City Military Region!"

Invite Lin Sen to join Heavenly Hub City Military Region?

At this moment, Chen Yun and Chen Li were dumbfounded.

The old drunkard and his son looked at each other. Countless questions surfaced in their minds.

At this moment, Chen Li was very reluctant. He was making his final struggle.

Chen Li pointed at Lin Sen and said.

"Officer, this person obtained the qualification to participate in the selection by cheating!"

"I have proof!"

"All of you must have been deceived by him!"

Chen Li took out his phone. On it were the photos he had taken and the video he had recorded.

However, both Shangguan Jing and her little follower turned a blind eye to Chen Li's so-called evidence.

Seeing this, Chen Li could only look at the advertisers who had followed Lin Sen here.

He said desperately.

"This person cheated in the Military Region Selection!"

"Don't be fooled!"

"This is the evidence I gathered…"

Chen Li could only pin his hopes on those advertisers.

These advertisers were essentially here for the traffic.

The evidence that Chen Li had could be considered to have a certain amount of traffic.

As long as the matter of Lin Sen cheating was exposed, it would cause a certain sensation and be able to obtain a certain amount of traffic!

Therefore, these advertisers would definitely not let it go!

Chen Li's thoughts were correct, but when these advertisers heard this, they all looked at Chen Li with strange expressions.

'Did Lin Sen cheat?'

How did Lin Sen qualify for the selection in the first place?

Did he cheat in this segment?

There was no need for advertisers to consider this.

This was because during the official Military Region Selection, they had seen Lin Sen's strength clearly through the live broadcast.

Moreover, the people from the Military Region had already come to get in contact with Lin Sen and invited him to join the Military Region.

Could it be that even the people from the Military Region were deceived by Lin Sen's cheating methods?

Chen Li shouted hysterically, but no one believed him.

Lin Sen, Mo Rou, Shangguan Jing, advertisers…

Everyone ignored the hysterical Chen Li as if he was a clown.

At this moment, Shangguan Jing asked Lin Sen again.

"How is it? I don't think you need to think too much about it, right?"

Shangguan Jing was afraid that Lin Sen, a genius, would be roped in by other forces, so she quickly told him all about the bargaining chips given by the Military Region.

The military-grade skill book, the Plant Lord's Cultivation Technique, and Lin Sen and his family becoming powerful people!

"Become… a powerful citizen?!"

Lin Sen muttered under his breath.

These few chips, the skill book, and the cultivation technique were not as attractive to Lin Sen as the last one!

With the Seed of Amplification, Lin Sen could amplify plants by 10,000 times. The so-called skill book and so-called cultivation technique were not very important to him.

However, becoming a powerful citizen was very important to Lin Sen!

It was for no other reason than to give her mother a better life!

"What do you think?"

"If you join our Heavenly Hub City Military Region, you and your family can be elevated from commoners to people of power."

Shangguan Jing had already briefly sorted out Lin Sen's current family situation.

Therefore, she knew that this condition was a fatal attraction for Lin Sen!

As for Lin Sen, it was just as Shangguan Jing had guessed.

Faced with this condition, he indeed had no ability to resist.

Most importantly, he had no reason to refuse.