The Regretful Father Chen Yun and Son

Just as Lin Sen was deep in thought and had yet to answer…

Chen Yun and Chen Li's eyes widened. They were overjoyed.

"Sen'er, quickly accept this officer's invitation!"

Chen Yun had never called Lin Sen that. Today was the first time he had done so.

However, Lin Sen did not feel any warmth when he called him "Sen'er". Instead, he felt a little disgusted.

At this moment, Chen Li rubbed his palms together and smiled.

He looked at Lin Sen.

"Brother, why are you hesitating?"

"Accept the officer's invitation. When the time comes, our family can be elevated from commoners to powerful people!"

When Chen Li mentioned "family", his face was not red and his heart was not beating fast. This shamelessness made Shangguan Jing speechless.

He clearly looked like he wanted to put righteousness before family.

Seeing that Lin Sen did not answer, Chen Yun was afraid that Lin Sen would not agree to it.

So he quickly gave Lin Sen some thought.

"Sen'er, you're still young. I'm afraid you don't know how many commoners dream of having power."

"After becoming powerful citizens, , we can be considered nobles of the ancient era in the entire Heavenly Hub City!"

Chen Yun told Lin Sen about the benefits of becoming a powerful citizen.

They would not be fined for running red lights, and they could enter and exit all kinds of special places.

Some special materials and items could not be bought by commoners.

At the same time, after becoming a powerful citizen, one could live in the inner city of Heavenly Hub City.

It was a better living environment there…

Just like when Lin Sen awakened his ability, a classmate mentioned a special fruit that could change his awakened ability when eaten.

If there was something special, it was definitely not something that commoners could have.

In short, Chen Yun told him everything in an exaggerated manner.

He was like an old father who was trying his best to persuade his child for the latter's future.

If Shangguan Jing had not experienced what happened just now, she might have thought that this family was very close.

However, after experiencing what had just happened and seeing Chen Yun's behavior, Shangguan Jing had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The person in front of him was so utilitarian and hypocritical!

Previously, when he thought that Lin Sen had no value, he had dissociated himself from the relationship and refused to acknowledge him as his son.

Now that Lin Sen had value, they were a family again.

On Lin Sen's side, his face was dark.

Although he knew Chen Yun and Chen Li's ugliness, he still felt that he had underestimated their thick skin.

Lin Sen did not say anything. Or rather, he did not want to have anything to do with these two anymore.

Hence, on Shangguan Jing's side, she spoke for Lin Sen.

Shangguan Jing looked at Chen Yun and Chen Li with a smile.

"But, Mr. Chen Yun, when we asked you before, you said that you didn't have Lin Sen as your son…"

Shangguan Jing's words were like a critical hit, making Chen Yun's expression awkward.

Chen Li turned to look at his father.

He did not expect his father to say such words in front of the people in the Military Region.

Although deep down, they definitely did not approve of Lin Sen.

But in front of the people from the Military Region, one had to be careful with his words!

Chen Yun quickly shook his head.

He looked at Lin Sen ingratiatingly.

"No, no, Officer, you must have heard wrongly."

"Sen'er, we're a loving family, right?"

Chen Yun did not care about his face anymore.

When Lin Sen heard this, he really could not hold it in anymore.

He said coldly.

"I don't have a family like yours!"

Lin Sen held back more words.

No matter what, it was his mother who had chosen Chen Yun back then. Lin Sen did not want to say too much in front of his mother.

Hearing Lin Sen's words, Chen Li was anxious, let alone Chen Yun.

"Brother, that's not right."

"Although Father would usually do and say some wrong things when he was drunk… he's still your father.

"After your meteoric rise, you don't want your father anymore. That doesn't make sense, right?"

Chen Li was smarter than Chen Yun. He would threaten Lin Sen morally.

He thought that currently, if Lin Sen abandoned his father and brother after becoming successful, leaving behind an impression that he was such a person before the Military Region officer, Lin Sen's future path would be narrow.

Therefore, in order to clear the impression of him before the Military Region officer, Lin Sen would definitely admit that they were family…

As before, Lin Sen remained silent. It was the girl beside Shangguan Jing who spoke.

The girl's expression was a little strange, and she looked disgusted.

"Is that so?"

"But we just heard that you're going to put righteousness before family and report your brother?"

Putting righteousness before family?

Report his brother?

When Chen Li heard this, his expression instantly turned ugly.

He had reported too early!

Chen Li was very regretful. If he had kept his cool back then, he would have asked these two military personnel why they were here.

Perhaps he could still coerce him morally at this moment and let Lin Sen bring them along to become powerful citizens!

But now, it seemed to be too late…

They had already presented their worst side to the two military personnel.

Even if Lin Sen did not say anything, they had no chance of turning the tables!

Chen Yun and Chen Li's faces were ashen.

Lin Sen spoke again.

However, it was not about Chen Yun and Chen Li.

Instead, he gave Shangguan Jing an answer.

"I accept your invitation!"

Lin Sen finally gave an affirmative answer.

Shangguan Jing said softly beside Mo Rou,

"Auntie, come with us. From now on, you've become a third-ranking person of power. You can live in the inner city of Heavenly Hub City."

"Your son has also become successful. In the future, get a housekeeper to take care of the household chores and you can enjoy life…"

When Shangguan Jing said this, Mo Rou's face was filled with fear and trepidation, as if she could not believe it.

The girl beside Shangguan Jing joked, "Why would he need a housekeeper?"

"Auntie, with your son's potential, there are a bunch of girls waiting to be your daughter-in-law."

"When the time comes, get your son to find a wife. You just have to recuperate and enjoy life."

The girl could tell that Mo Rou was unwell, so she deliberately said this.

It was to remind Lin Sen that since he was successful now, he should quickly bring his mother for treatment.

With the two girls's banter, Mo Rou's nervousness was soothed.

"Aiya, for my son Sen'er…"

"If a girl takes a liking to him, it's already a blessing. A bunch of girls lining up to be my daughter-in-law? I don't even dare to think about it."

Although Mo Rou said that, she was just being humble.

As a mother, she was definitely happier than anyone else to see her son succeed.

At this moment, she could not help but smile.

Accompanied by Shangguan Jing, Mo Rou and Lin Sen packed up their things and prepared to move to the inner city.

Chen Yun and Chen Li had been begging Lin Sen to acknowledge them as family.

Mo Rou could not bear to see the two of them begging.

But Lin Sen firmly refused.

"For the last time, we have nothing to do with each other. If you want to acknowledge an ancestor, go and acknowledge others!"

Acknowledge an ancestor?

When Chen Yun and Chen Li heard this, their expressions changed drastically from anger.

When Shangguan Jing and the girl beside her heard this, they snickered softly.

Judging from Chen Yun and Chen Li's pleading, it seemed like they were acknowledging their ancestor…

In the end, after packing up, the father and son looked at the departing figures of Lin Sen and Mo Rou, their expressions constantly changing.

There was anger, jealousy, and regret…