
the Chinese bug

(My lady, and my lord.) Said, the farm overseer, " ( what is going on with the farmers?) Asked. Sun Jain, " ( the healer is with those is under the bug, over a total of fifty farmers taken sick, ) said. The farm overseer, "( did he say what type of bug it is?)-(" Sun Cao what is going on with the farms,) asked. Wen Bao, " ( chinse bug I about to head over to see what is the cause, how is the hunting islands?) Answered, Sun Jain. " son keep your family safe and people, lock the gate, put the firewall up. Said, cao Jain, " what? momma and poppa? said, Du Jain, " whatever it is, we be on quarantine, think about your family and the people, if you need anyone call your grandparents, " mom dad that is too dangerous, for *Cao Cao please don't go, cried. Zhang Jain, " Zhang we will be fine, we call you on the screen, to make sure it doesn't reach the west put the firewall up, call your city marshall around once, and tell your city advisor to come to the castle, said. Sun Jain, they walked out of the castle got on their horses, and ride to the farming islands, and the North, inside of the cat city, ( mom dad what is? ) asked, Geng Bao. " (this is not good, send your city marshall out once, call in your city advisor, put up the earth wall, Geng, )-(Sun we been hit by the chinse bug, sixty hunters is sick,) said. Xiang Bao, " (I know we hit by it too, fifty farmers have it, we guarantee the farming islands,) said. Sun Jain, " tell Aunt Sun Iwe said hi when they are going to see their great god niece, so this is serious,) said. Geng Bao, " that is a good idea do it now Geng seal up the city, we can come back because we are quarantine here, take care of your family and people, yes, the chinse bug is deadly, ) said. Wen Bao, " Geng, said. Mao Bao, " (mom and dad, and Aunt Sun and Uncle Cao be careful, ) _(" we will, We call you back on the screen to make sure it hasn't reached the North or West.) said, Xiang Bao. they are already on the hunting islands, and the East in the Bear the city and the castle, " (Sun, Cao, Xiang Wen what is going on with the islands?) asked. Liang Yun, " (Chinese bug has hit them, we putting everyone and under quarantine, fifty farmers has it, we are on the way to see how bad is it,) answered, Sun Jain. " (we are on the hunting islands sixty is sick, we getting ready to do that now,) said. Wen Bao, " Ding let's go, your family comes first He, and the people, put the wood shield up, send your marshall out once and call in your advisor, we call you when we are there to make sure the bug didn't reach the East, said. Liang Yun, " daddy mommy please don't go, said. Bai Delan, " so this is hitting everything? asked, He Delan. " we are okay Bai, said. Ding Yun, they walked out of the castle and got on their horses and head down to the Trapping islands, and in the South and the Whale city inside of the castle, " ( what's happening on the fishing islands, ) said, Zheng Yu, " ( seventy fishermen are ill my queen, I have the healer tending to them, ) said. the fishing overseer, " (guys we got sick fishermen, how is the other islands,) asked. Hong Yu, " ( there is a chinse bug hitting them, Hong we have quarantined the islands until they are clear up, ) said. Sun Jain, "( good idea,) let's go, LI your family and people comes first, send your marshall around once, call in your advisor, said. Hong Yu, " we will call you to make sure it didn't hit the south, put the waterfall up, said. Zheng Yu, walked out of the castle and got on their horses, and headed out to the fishing island, Sun and Cao Jain arrived on the farming island, as they cross the bridges, the farming overseer walked up to them, " my lord my lady, he said, " how is it? asked. Sun Jain, " only five so far, what is to be done? " we are under quarantine send the farmers home, I go check the plots to see if any food has been infected, said. Cao Jain, " I go see what the healer has to say, Cao Jain headed to the farm grounds as every farmer went home to their families, they went up to the tents, the healer walked up to them, Wen and Ren stand up in looked at her, " she right I brought this own my self boys pursuing after a man that never loved or want to be with me, said. Qiao Zan, " my lady Sun, said. the healer, " what is the condition? can they be cured. asked, Sun Jain, " yes, I give them medicine, for now, is wait to see if take the effect, said. the healer, " okay until it takes effect, we are on quarantine, she walked up to the sick, and what they saw was a warm bright light, " what is she doing, Wen Zan walked up, " hey what the heck you doing they are sick can you see, " the calming flame helps them to rest as they see the flame in me, I not doing nothing wrong, said, Sun Jain, Cao Jain walked in the tent, " step away from my wife boy, my love, he held out his hand to her, she takes it, and they walked out, " the plots are fine, said. Cao Jain, " they have been cured waiting to see if they going to be fine, I just ease them with the calming flame, I love when you get jealous when you are the only man in my life, he pulled her to him, she put her arms around him, they kissed each other, they went under the water to make love, " i love you Sun you know that, said. Cao Jain,