
" Finally it's leaving"

It's starting to get a little better, people conditions start to look a little better, a screen appeared, " (momma poppa you okay okay!?) asked, Du Jain. " (yes we are okay son calm down, is the shield up? hows Zhang and *Cao Cao?) asked, Cao Jain, " (they both are good, and yes, she feeding him, he little upset that grandmammy and grandpappy not here!) said, Du Jain. " (my pour baby boy, how will you do when we leave to go back home son, give him a kiss for us,) Wen and Ren Zan walked out of the tent, " (we talk about that when you are back here safe, healthy and still married,) said. Du Jain, " (we always going to be married son, your parents loved each other very much, it's good it hasn't reached the west at all right my love?) said, Cao Jain, " yes my love we check back tonight,) said. Sun Jain, " ( momma poppa,)-(' yes son,) they both answered, " (I love you please, please be safe, I can not bear to be without you,) cried. Du Jain, " ( we love you to Du, we always safe, go be with your son and wife, ) said, Cao Jain. " (we are always going to be here for you Du, we are not going anywhere or have gone anywhere, ease your mind my son, and know you always will have us at your back,) said, Sun Jain. he shook his head, and the screen disappeared, " we got a wonderful son my love let's go for a dip, said. Sun Jain, " yes we do, for him almost did a direct spin turn out great, no, it's too dangerous, you don't know if the bug infected the water, she drag him down to the pond and her armor disappear off her, " Sun, my sunshine put your armor back on please, " come on let's get in the water. Cao, my husband. said, Sun Jain, " I thought my wife said she doesn't like to get wet because it takes her a long time to get dry? " you twisting what I said, I don't like to be in the rain, she pulled him into the water, she kissed on, " Sun he picks her up and his armor and they went under the water, on the hunting island the hunting oversee walked up to them, " lucky the bug is leaving, they are starting to get better, my medicine should start to take full effect, said. The healer asked, " how bad was their condition? Asked. Xiang Bao, " fevers, stomach pain, can't keep anything down. hopefully, with it, their symptoms will get better my lady and lord. has she walked up they saw a warm glow from her, they went to sleep, and she got them to rest, " let's call our son my love, said. Wen Bao as he held out his hand for her, Xiang Bao take it and they walked out of the tent, the screen appeared, " ( how is my granddaughter?) asked, Wen Bao, " ( she crying for her grandparents, Mao is trying to calm her down, ) said. Geng Bao, " (my sweet baby girl, I told you, When it was a girl, that is good that bug hasn't reached the North,) said, Xiang Bao. " (so that mean you heading back mom and dad, ) asked. Geng Bao. " ( we still on quarantine son, but it's lifting up.) said, Wen Bao, on the Trapping island, the Trapping overseer walked up to them, " my lord and my lady, he said. " how bad is it? asked Ding Yun. " only eighty taken sick, they are in the tent, the healer is with them, he answered. they walked inside of the tent, the healer walked up to them, " they been treated, the only thing to do now is wait to see if they get better, said. the healer, "then that what we will do, she walk up between the cox, they feel a warm glow from her and they went to sleep, Liang Yum, held out his hand to her, Ding Yun take it and they walked out of the tent, the screen appeared. " (so what is the news?) Asked. Bai Delan, "(it's clearing up Bai, only Eighty, but it's a good thing it hasn't reached the East,) said. Liang, " (how is our grandson doing,) asked. Ding Yun, " (he looking for you, mom and dad, kiddo come here, he pick him up, " Huang it's grandma and grandpa, said. He Delan, " (hey sweet boy what you doing up?) asked. Ding Yu, " ( there my second little bear,) said. Liang Yun, and Liao Meng, smiled and laughed, and the South on the fishing Island, the Fishing overseer walked up and told them how many is sick, and they walked inside of the tent, the healer walked up to them, " it's clearly, few days they be good my lord and my lady, said. the healer, Zhang Yu walked up, and they feel a warm whaling calmness as she approached them, she takes Hong Yu's hand and walked out of the tent, " ( how is the Cai Wei?) asked, Zhang Yu, " (asleep for now, you coming back mommy and daddy?) asked, Su Long. " (still under quarantine Su, it is clear, so we see you soon, we just glad it hasn't reached the South, do you have the shields up Su?) asked. Hong Yu, " (yes, be safe please daddy and mommy, ) said, Su Long, back on the Farming island, " you done yet, please get out of the water my wife, begged. Cao Jain, " you know what I think my husband, you should go talk to your sons, " I just talk with our son, he is fine. he held his hand out to her, " don't act like You don't know what I am talking about, not Du, yes he is fine and so is our grandson Cao cao, the ones you had by her, they need you, Cao, they wouldn't come West to look for you, they scared, lost, a spike that you do not want to be their father you are, go. then maybe I get out, she went under the water, " Sunshine, could you please get out of the water, no I do not want to, said. Cao Jain, They walked up to him, " thank you for what you both did, said. Wen Zan, " yeah we can't have you all sick, Sun, said. Cao Jain, " mom she is going to be okay, asked. Ren Zan. Sun popped out of the water running her hands down her hair, "Does this means I get some cuddle tonight? she should be fine, answered. Cao Jain, she looked at him, " is that a yes look or no look, Sunshine, Ray, " that is my middle name my husband, a course it is my job to please my husband, said. Sun Jain, "I am no so please, my wife will not come out of the water, this what being married for thirty years get you, a wife that thinks she getting her way, she smiled at him, " how you get her, she is. " my wife, we were drawing to each other from tat first night we meet, is that right my wife, asked, Cao Jain. " you are correct, I let you boys chat, I going to see the plots, as she stands up, water fall off hr as her armor appeared on her, he helped her out of the water, " talk with your sons Cao, " if that so then you, their stepmother, why you want to be without me, said. Cao Jain, " sorry I am only mother to one love, you can manage without me for a few minutes, they need to get to know you, "I father to one, yours, no I can't I hate being without you, said. Cao Jain, " my lady where the bug came from? asked. Wen Zan, she looked at him, " anywhere, this land not the most healthy place, we need harvest plots to get food, they kissed each other, " meaning she saying viruses is all over, they walked up to the plots, " I got this go talk to your boys Cao, " Cao Cao is a baby he can't talk, and Du is fine, said. Cao Jain, " no our grandson or son, your sons those two, go. said, Sun Jain. " if I do this I want a full hour of cuddling, said, Cao Jain. "full hour you shall have my husband, is there anything else you like. " yeah, I do not want to do this, " they need a father now, you are their father be with them in this dragon hour, Cao. He looks at her wondering if she can read his mind, " yes I still know what you are saying, Cao, if you want that full hour you better go, show lord Cao around the farming island, we need to take notes so we can give it to the new king and queen, said, Sun Jain. they walk up the island with him, as she checks out the plots, "