
the morning

we where in the back yard training, the Hybrids and their human hunter is gone now, that still leaves the vampire and their pack hunters, the werewolves in their team hunters, and the Dybrids and their hunter, " you are one against five the have speed on their side, they will use that to their advantage counting on you not move like them, what you do, i did not get that question. " go after the leader right? wrong, they play on you will, they hunt as pack and fight as a pack, do not let them come to you Clove we go to them there unexpected one by one take them up, she at a club looking for dinner, she doesn't smell you because you don't smell, he doesn't even know you in the club, said. uncle Snowman, " if she see you it's game over she call her eam over, how you take her out by surprise, you must do this quiet, swift, and quick, there could be over vampires in there as well, said, pop bear, i crack my neck lift my shades put them on my head, quietly i sneak up on her and snap her neck and drag her out back and cut her head off her she turn into ash, they clap, " she got it now, said. Uncle Spike, and car pulled up, " looked, they are probably out back training her, do not break her considerations, don't say anything, he is her father they are her uncles they are preparing her for the fight that is coming her way, got it Mike, " yes Aunt Rachel, they got out of the car in walked in up to the back door, " how the training coming along forget that how she did in the fight, don't tell me she played with him, asked. Rachel, " he is at home sleeping he has hs phone near him his house is trip with alarms, you must get him to forget about garbing his phone, she hit him near the heart, said. pop bear, " forget breaking in his house, you set of alarms which he call for help to his team, yes she did. Who is this Rachel? asked, Uncle spike, " how do i do that if i can't go to him, can we skip this one? i asked. " he not going skip you, you go to the next he call them, your plan will be over and you will die Clover, think outside the box, when do you need help? asked, Uncle Snowman, great i don't see why can we safe this one for last, so i scream to the top of my voice, * SOMEONE HELP ME< HELP PLEASE I BEING MUGGED! they turn around and looked at me, " cried you wake up the whole town Clover, but not him. said, pop bear, it was wroth a tried was it, so next best thing i break is car window setting off the alarm, uncle Snowman, " nice what if he doesn't have a car, Clove?" you telling me they going to hunt me on foot? i raise my eyebrow in a funny away. " possible, they live in the night, they hunt in the night. so what you going to do? asked, uncle Spike. one or two options, " guys come next her do the next, he came down to stay for a few weeks his parents is out of town, said. Rachel, " she going to get, watch, said. pop bear, either i kick on the door or let him know i am out here, so, i kick the door hard, waking him up, where he for get's the phone, when he comes out. i snap his neck, removing his head he turn into ash, they clap, " see that wasn't hard to get right? asked, uncle. Spike, " you mean kick the door get him outside, either he that brainless or i scare the pee out him, i told him, uncle Snowman kissed me on the head and said, " baby he dead he don't pee, you ready again. asked, Uncle Snowman, " break, time to eat, said, pop bear. we walked inside of the castle, " great i can eat.i said, " you hungry, what you like C? we got hamburger mix in cow stomach,bake chicken with fried corn mix in sheep liver, and chop mic in horse blood, asked, uncle Spike. " hamburger please, Aunt Rachel hand him the plates and he puts in the refrigerator and the plate and heat it, he give it to me, "enjoy Clove, he put the headphones on me put the tape on, " helps her to focus, i start to eat, why i listening to the tape, " can i asked a question Aunt Rachel? asked. Mike, " no she not your real cousin, Spike or Snowman is one day going to find her attractive stop looking at her as a niece want to be her, " no we won't Rachel, they both said. " that is not it, what she eating?" mind your business Mike, let's go. she kissed me on the head. " see you latter Clover, keep up the training, they left, pop bear walked in the kitchen, " Beaver Colorado is over run with werewolves, and they going to have pack hunters, said. pop bear, i wipe my mouth, and continue to eat, " she is not ready for pack, said. Uncle Spike, " they over run or few? Asked. uncle Snowmen. " they wouldn't be calling if it's a few snowman, load up with silver, let's pack the cars, he remove the headphones and turn the chair around, " stay close to us, if you see a pack hunters tell us we take one and you take the other if there is any, said, pop bear. " got it pop bear, where we going? i asked, " Beaver Colorado so we fill the guns with silver rolls, we left the castle to head out of town, back at the dinner, " so who is she? asked Mike, " Mike mind your business, she is not any concern of yours, said. Aunt Rachel,