
time for work

the city is very quiet, " i don't know. i got a bad something is watching, this is were my senses kick in, they in the woods but not in the city. so we got out the car and walked, up to the door and knock on the door. " dead silences bro, you know what this means? asked, Uncle Spike. " yes, half of the city is dead or turn, the butler open the door and the mayor walked up to the door, " please tell me that you are the Shamrocks, asked. The mayor, " we are indeed, i am Slice, my brothers Spike and Snowman and my baby girl Clover, he let us into the house as his butler closed the door behind us, he take us into his study, he closed the door behind us, " so when did they came? asked, pop bear. " when him came from the darkness, our homeless, then our beggars, and street walkers, he told us. " 30 til 90 percent people are disappearing, said. uncle Spike, " then the people one by one disappeared, can you help us, and what is your asking price, pop bear turn to us, " Shamrocks assessments of the people see who is not bitten, treat those is are, said. pop bear, " you got something it they not sensing you, " what is the plan for hunting? i asked, " this is a three week job, this time we going to set gear surveillance around the city, patrol the city, they not going to come us and we are not going to go where they are, " that is not very much, those that are in the house living as us, that we can cure, teams? Asked, uncle Spike, " no this time, we don't ask until the job is not, lucky Rachel bring her food and we got ours from the castle, he turn around, " three week job, we cure those just got bitten, shelter the cure, and drawl out the strays that is already taste their first drop of blood, then after the city is secured and cleared then we move to the industrial hives, and the layer, one that is done then we talk how much, is their a hotel or motel near? asked, pop bear, he told us of the frost hotel that is few miles away, " Shamrocks let's move and get the city hardwired, we left the house, and went out in the city to put the cameras, this whole night i keep getting a uneasy feeling in my gut, they not watching so they not scare, theirs a cat in a dogs city, i not on the edge. " hey C look at me, i looked at him, " talk to us you been like this since we got here, said, Uncle Spike." this not going to end well is it? i asked. pop bear take his glasses off and look at me, " Clover release your fear now, i do not need you to freeze up now, Freeze up no, more like i going to get injure or maul, better me then them. " i not sensing anything, " nothing!? asked, uncle Snowman, " they not watching, listening, and their leader is not in the same city, hive generals, house soldiers, city newbies, like he came in went, i told them, i not sensing the freaking leader, i don't sense him or her, i don't sense the pack, uneasy = uneasy, i take my shades off. " sh#t Richard we are up against a brick wall, he came turn and left, baby can you see where he is? i prefer a Hybrid fight not a freak dog, he not in his human form but werewolf, " to look would get his attention draw him back, this job we should turn down pop bear, this fight i can not win. uncle Snowman grab me, " stop it Clover ray Ryan, he may be a half human / half wolf he may have canines and claws, you are half human/ half cat you to have felines and claws, you got this, he unaware cats never win against dogs, even if i win in a combat, i will not win in a shimmer fight. i take a deep breath, my heart is racing, my blood is ruining, they walked up to me, " bring his #ss back here Clover, we take his tail out first, they armed themselves and shook their heads, so i looked, he stop in his tracks, " Dybrid! that was enough to send chills down my back, he coming this were to be my last hunt, then let's made it a good one, i take off my sword and i changed into my dybrid form, " Clove i didn't say change, " he in his wolf form, on the way, i love you pop bear, uncle Spike, and uncle snowman, thank you for finding me and raising me, they lower their guns. " do not do that do us, don't say goodbye, said. pop bear, he take his glasses of, " you are the best of us baby girl, you are the best daughter i could ever had, you are my world, without you there is no me, we going to take him down and safe this city, he put his head on my cat-like head, " we not going to lose you, we got you C, uncle Spike put his on mines, " we need you, the world needs you , spite the fact that may not realize that, they do. he put his head on me, the werewolf walked up drawling, teeth showing, and claws in raw form, they cocked their guns and open fire at it, we ran at each other attacking each other. the bullets is piercing it but not taking it down, " he is not going down Slice, said. Uncle Spike, " everyone aim for the head or the heart, do not hit Clover, i claw him across his chest bite gown on him, a bullet hit him in the head and another hit him in the heart, you know what that said you got to move the head, i was about to take his head off, when he stick his claws through me, i morph, blood came from my lips, CLOVER!!! they all called out, what strength in me i rip his head off, i fall on my knees, pop bear drop his gun and slide over on his knees and catch me. " pop bear,