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who said this was going to go clean, it was a Cat and Dog fight, we may put up a fight, we are no match against teeth, they were beating themselves up. " clove, cried, uncle Spike. " guys she is going to be okay she a fighter like her father and uncles, said, Aunt Rachel. " i should knew when she was saying bye. i should pull her out, pop bear hit the wall with his fist, " for you she knew the risk and call it anyway. Uncle Pete walked up to them, " our girl is going to be okay, but lot of recovery and training is going to be need, for now Clover is going to need rest to regenerate property she has the ability to heal herself, said. Uncle Pete, "go see her she half awake, i give her a pain killer to help, keep her in bed, they pet him on the shoulder and they ran up the steps, they walked out of the door. as they enter my room, i looked at them, trying to sit up, "no, no, C lay, said. uncle Spike, " you scare the crap out of us, don't do that again Clove, cried. uncle Snowman, i try to say something, " we know Clover, no hunts until you get better, and out of recovery and training, is going to be need, for now Clover is going to need rest to regenerate property she has the ability to heal herself, said. Uncle Pete, "go see her she half awake, i give her a pain killer to help, keep her in bed, they pet him on the shoulder and they ran up the steps, they walked out of the door. as they enter my room, i looked at them, trying to sit up, "no, no, C lay, said. uncle Spike, " you scare the crap out of us, don't do that again Clove, cried. uncle Snowman, i try to say something, " we know Clover, no hunts until you get better, and out of recovery and training, " i get you some food, you can eat ? asked, uncle Spike. " i not hungry. " not good Clover both sides need to eat, will you try? asked, uncle snowman, " blend up everything into a shake, i see if Rachel can made her food until shakes, hey kissed me on my head, " get some sleep, we be up bit with food, they walked out closing the door behind them, they walked in the kitchen and get Aunt Rachel on the speaker phone, " (yeah,) said, Rachel, " (phase one of feeding we need food shakes,) said. pop bear, " (she not eating?)-(' she just said she not hungry Rach, what can you.) asked, Uncle Spike. " ( i got i make container shakes have both in them, ) said, Aunt Rachel, " ( thanks Rachel,) they hang up and pop bear begin to blend up the food.The sun is up in the sky, from my window you can hear cars going down the road, people walking outside and talking, what is strange you can't hear what is lurking in the woods. I sat up in the bed, my stomach is slowly regenerating, but I am still hurting, pop bear walked in with a cup. " Clover you shouldn't be out of bed, said. Pop bear, i looked at him, he lay me back in the bed and slide up a chair and help me to eat from the cup, " what now? i said, " nothing Clove you rest, eat and heal, after we will see he continue to feed me, wasn't so bad, after I got done eating, he tuck me in bed. " get some rest Clover, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, I went to sleep. He walked into the kitchen, " . how is she doing Uncle Slice? asked. Spike, " she healing, it day one all over agian, they going to take advantage of this since we are out of commission, said. pop bear, day of wrecking we call this, where werewolves, Vampires, Hybrids and Dybirds go wired, " this maybe good, a day off, it all hit them at once, " let the world see what we see what see, said. Uncle Spike, " for us to get unwanted, and to get ask and paid, we back off, The Shamrocks day of recolonization is now, said. Uncle Snowman, so pop bear call Aunt Rachel and Uncle Pete so the whole family can be safe under one roof, they came and we locked up the house, " time for all of to get know and paid is now, said, pop bear, " for that to happen we do absolutely nothing, we letting these people see what we see daily, plus we all could use some Rand R, said. Uncle Spike, " we know you have your kid or nephew working with you, slice and Dean and me have Clover working with us, it unstable to have three around while her Dybird is battling to come out, " don't worry Clover is my only niece and daughter, this is Day cap, why she is healing it will control it, he head up the steps. they looked at Aunt Rachel, " guys you know i love her like she is my own niece, i love prepared food for her, " why do i since you backing out Rachel, asked. pop bear, " i have family that comes to visit, specially my grandson, he is only Eighteen that doesn't understand , " we feel you family first we get you, like you she maybe not be my blood but we all help raised her, feed her, and train her, Clover, you, Pete, Spike, and Slice is my only family, i have no kids, or wife and i have no need to leave to get married soon, or ever, we need you Rach she needs you, said, Uncle Snowman, " who in your family is here visiting you Rachel, and are you on board with team Shamrock? the sun went down in the sky, i can hear the vampires thoughts, day of wrecking i hope we doing the right thing, " just my daughter and grandson, i haven't told her about you, i told him what he saw keep to himself, " where are they? asked, uncle Snowman, uncle Pete walked in " let's see how my patient doing, he looked see that i slowly regenerating, " good, very good this will help with controling it until you heal, what youhear outside Clover? asked, Uncle Pete, " this just feel wrong to let thishappen uncle Pete, they should go out, " C not without you, this what you four need to be offical and unwanted, he kissed me on the head, " in the car, they are my blood just like you four are, what this i heard about getting her a met Snowman, asked, Aunt Rachel, " only when we say, he knows bring in a stray to tame and train use up available time to hunt bring them tell them her and her room is off limits, said. pop bear, she walked out to get them, " maybe we should let them have upstairs we move down stairs in the living room, said, Uncle Spike,