Chapter 13

as I start walking to my home I see Jerry hiding to wait for me, as well as Cody, who is putting on the leggings along with Brownie, as I start to actually look at the armor, seemingly attached like a robot, I even noticed when I look over the two sets and how they combine with clamps to attach the pieces as again I think I might get the full set, as the entire set seems to look like a futuristic armor with a white sheen, though even with just metal the thing is definitely heavy, and uncomfortable to wear, though outside it's not like we have much a choice As Brownie speaks after testing out the new leggings.

"With so many of us with leggings, it might be like a uniform here huh?"

"Probably now that a good bit has armor"

"As well as it being doubtful many would like to take the chance now that acid puddles might be around"

"Ah true that either way, the rain should be over by the next morning right? so let's all just get back by Tomorrow and ready our armor"

as Cody nods and Brownie agrees on it we all begin to go our separate ways, as when I can no longer see the other two, I head straight to Jerry as non-obvious as I can

"Jerry, we got some room to talk again, did you find anything?"


after accidentally making him almost scream and break our cover and I stopped him, feeling like a kidnapper as I let him go when he noticed it's me as he takes a breath of air

"Sorry should have come from the front"

as he pauses and sighs

"It's, a, fine, just didn't see you and I was feeling watched for so long back in there"

"watched? I didn't feel any of that "

"is that so, either way during one of the more easy days of the mission which was when the walls are basically done the moment I got out of the area to look around the feeling came over me "

"did you at least find anything?"

as Jerry shakes their head

"No the reaction was immediate the moment I start heading a bit from the area, it was like, whoever it was, they were waiting for me to do it, and me trusting my senses I know it won't be a good idea to go any further after that"

"Ah, just perfect, did you at least get something of info?"

as Jerry looks at the building as if to think a moment as they look back over to me

"I think there is something inside the spider's nest, right under all of the webbing, I was using my binoculars at the start and I noticed something in there, I was going to come closer bit like I mentioned about the feeling that happened "

"so we have to wait till we get a mission for over there huh"

"Probably seems we would get caught otherwise"

"hm, that helps a lot actually, so we got a plan"

"then let's meet tomorrow and finish this quest quickly, that way we can continue this along"


as we both nod to each other and rest for the day on my own bed


the morning comes as I stretch awake strangely in a much better mood than when I was sleeping during the mission as I can make a guess since there is not as much to guard against inside of the moving city, as I get up and begin to wash my face and start walking over to the food giveaway seeing Cook again with their usual demeanor as they do their work as I get my food and start heading to the guild hall

"seems Cody and Brownie ain't here yet, maybe in the other food giveaway lines other than Cook's"

the little known fact the reason Cook's line is usually longer, is because they are usually faster than the others at the station, even when they talk, a bit

"Should I ask them if something is up?"

as I look back over to the no longer line I was just in, as I decide I'll just wait till tomorrow since I know they are the one that goes down to us, besides I haven't eaten yesterday due to the, past event, to say the least as I check out every piece of food and water for the day, and soon to eating and drinking it all in a sitting

"That will last me the day as usual "

I still see no sign of the two of them, as I turn toward the guild building and enter it seeing the rest of the people including Jerry trying to blend in with their big backpack of stuff they use

I go over and take a seat since this place has them as I wait for the two I'm waiting for as they enter through the doors, as I get up to wave at them hello as they come over to greet me

"hey what took you so long you two?"

"my shop was not putting together right so I had to ask for Cody's help"

"turns out a piece of the wood of its parts splintered, with the remains of crates and the tools I made, I fixed it"

"huh really, that must have sucked"

"it did"

" well let's get going then!"

I say as I go over to the clerk, as they are looking at something, as when I get over there I see the mask

the mask is black, As wide white eyes And a smile are shown looking like the black is paint that was scratched off in order to form them as I swallow my saliva in a gulp

as the mask moves its mouth as I can almost feel its eyes staring right, at me seemingly enjoying itself at my sudden surprise, as I hear two voices speak out its mouth at the same time, one sounding like a deal maker doing their usual contract, the other sounding shy, saddened and worn down

"Beware those whose names are unknown and whose minds are torn"

"Keep those dear to you close and avoid the spider's nest"

"Beware the eyes in the shadows that watch quietly"

"And help those whose worlds were turned upside down"

as the world begins turning black around me as I can't feel my breath, as a shadow-like figure wearing the mask Grabs me the first voice laughing, and the second voice crying, as the figure picks me as I see six more figures behind it too foggy to see what or who they are As the masks speak again The voices combined, together like a horrible mesh

as the mask's "mouth" cracks open revealing wolf like fangs as all of a sudden I almost feel like my skull was torn off my body and crushed

as I wake up again in a cold sweat my heart feels like it will beat out of my chest if I don't calm down quickly enough, as I look over at the mask looking at the bed I was asleep on as I look around and pinch my cheek the pain reminding myself and waking up a bit as I get up and pick up the mask, as im visibly shaking looking at it

I am now fully conscious as I look at it, still shaking I make it face the corner of the room though now I'm sure it moves on its own accord as I head out to the direction of Jerry's place seeing him just outside chiseling more notes down under the signs like secret papers, well, barely secret as I yell a greeting to get his attention

"Ah! hello yet again I just found something of a discovery!"

"Funny, me too honestly, I had one of my visions"

"Oh, was it a good or bad one?"

"I had my head torn off and crunched"

"Bad one than what was it about "

"I barely remember, what o do is to Beware of shadows, keep my friends safe, I think, help some-thing or someone, and"

as I look at the walls of the currently still, moving city, still covered in green as if the downpour of acid didn't happen, making me wonder who keeps it up as I start again

"and Beware the nest or, what's in it"

"so what would be in the nest that will cuase your vision to mention it and shadow-s?"

"right I thought there was one Shadow person in the moving city, I mean what other shadow person exists?"

"indeed that and something to help too, you think it means the people in the city"

"I dunno, the thing wasn't looking or even sounding very human, and very clearly is willing to kill me, and here's the scary part"

"you mean other than your head being crushed?"

"the thing was wearing a mask, the one of the Destroyer that I found and showed you, even its so-called mouth cracked open to doing the thing, and, things in my dream went that way the moment I found it at the clerk's desk"

"So something is Either up with the mask or the Destroyer is coming around again!?"

"NO! I mean, I'm sure it's the mask, I saw it move multiple times nowadays, and it always looks at me, but the figures I don't know at all about, they all, just looked like blotched shadows"

when I mentioned the figures Jerry paused with a thought as they mutter a bit

" how many figures you say there were again"

"hm, well it's the main one, and six others behind it watching quietly "

"so seven figures, that sounds fairly familiar"

as the thought finally reaches me

"sounds like the leaders of the moving city "


I'm doing the usual at the food bank as I hand out crates with the needed food and water for the day as I do some small talk to those getting it, help with info though some of what they say annoys me

some simply thank me, and others are worried of

me being one of the humans that work with monsters. and lastly are the theorists always saying the "monsters" plan to eat their kids or something stupid like that, either way, those "monsters" are what's keeping most of you alive, I sigh

as I look below my platform to place the food and see my list, some parts having a line in the middle to say their done, I ignore it again as quickly as I watch it, work is work either way, as I go back to giving the food supply with small chat just like I always do till I have to go down again for the mission quest