Chapter 14

after I and Jerry talked a bit more we came up with a game plan

it is simple, first, we just follow the lead of the quests and keep an eye out, second, is to continue to find leads about really anything about the history before the Destroyer wrecked it all, Third is to investigate the identities and weaknesses of all the leaders, luckily Jerry by the elevator aint just a nickname, as we then make sure to get humanity in a position to be fine without them, and then go at them one By one, the idea is perfect if we execute it well!

ass me and Jerry separate to go where we need to go as I look over to the food giveaway that Jerry is going to with his extra pack of stuff to analyze with as I avoid it, I find it hard to stomach since my head was crunched, I know it didn't happen yet, but I am just not feeling it.

as my stomach begins to growl as if in protest but I ignore it and continue as my mouth feels dry, while I start to head to the mission building as I see Brownie trading other's desserts for their food, and Cody working on making a shell of something that looks like a clock though what seems to have its gears replaced with a small machine entirely which Cody looks to have lost sleep over and still made little progress beside her, as I walk over

"hey Brownie, and, Cody are you ok?"

"I've been trying to make a clock but without anything that automatically makes it tick by a minute I've had to make a whole process for it"

"couldn't you just do a sundial"

At which point Cody looks at me as if I've lost brain cells, which I quickly realize why and cough to myself

"We don't go out much, and wood is not good for taking acid in"

"Y-yeah, I got that after I said it"

"Either way, we should get going since the mission might bring us back down again"

"yes besides my business is already mostly done, let's get ready for another day together!"

as brownie begins to pack up her stand leaving the part Cody is on for last, as I and Cody begin to help her out with picking up as Cody puts his set up away as well, me constantly thinking of that vision again as we do

"While we are on the topic of the mission, you seem, troubled Jake, a vision or new info?"

"It's, nothing"


yet again, Cody doesn't pull me out into the spotlight and just looks over to me with a calculative look as he finishes up along with Brownie, as we all enter the building for waiting on the mission as a makeshift board of a plank of wood with a carving as the clerk says it out loud

"for the completion of this smaller base on the ground there are two rewards, 1 is added items for our shop for different weapons other than swords and twenty points! please work well and quickly"

while there wasn't that much noise since we'll not many were here though one new guy came over as if they just got their nerves, well, not much the new guy if the rest of us aren't far from new either as the group they came to, the muscle duo, seem to be working on helping him out giving me a strange feeling about the guy though I just continue with my own thoughts, though they are quickly interrupted with a headache

as I notice the elevator instead of going up will go straight down as I remember Jerry didn't tell me what they found, either way as I and the others wait for the elevator, it soon rises as the clerk begins letting us in to go back down as we soon see that the acid flood has mainly passed leaving only big puddles behind but even then most of us got some leggings, though the trench we have made will most likely be flooded now as most decide its a good idea to pause on the trench for right now

the elevator lands on the ground and the first group of us get out as the elevator rises up for the second group as we started to split in two again, the muscle due and the new one They are helping get started with dirty blond hair, jeans, and an old hoodie, are dealing with the start of making the frame, ceiling, and walls of the base, as Cody and the thin due take charge to lead the construction the floor and lookout areas for any enemies coming over

when we began, me, Brownie, the muscle duo, and others from this half of the team are working on lifting the metal frame, since we can't really use wooden ones, and while I feel my head pound and my arm joints begging for help, we eventually got that part done, as we got some pieces to make ventilation though insulation is a bit of an issue at the moment we can get the walls and the ceiling done which is just more metal sheets layered, as we do that Cody's team is working on the floor using floor panels, which was heaven compared to the pain of the beams, as after flattening the floor to be usable with the shovels and some rollers while others work on getting the pieces for the towers and the line along the walls we get the floor panels put down

as soon we finish up on the walls, as we soon start working on helping the other team with the flooring, as we weld the floor panels, which are just slightly decorated metal with some openings to put the beams into that can also be welded into it to be stable, as I see another one of multiple people welding the floor the guy is apparently Ent he has black hair that combs over one of their eyes, somehow black eyes, a black sweater, and black pants, seems I can tell what their favorite color is, enough so to give me another headache

as soon as the floor is finished ent goes over along with the thin guys and Cody's group to build the starting pieces of the towers and wall platform, as I and the others begin to make the beams that will hold up the ceiling, more pillars but still, they aren't that big as they are pure metal, as we just put them in the whole the metal tiles leave in and begin to weld them in along with their supports to keep them in place

as after we finish that, we work on the ceiling, sadly though, we didn't attach all the panels before night came only managed to get two out of eight panels on a pillar, so we began to rest inside the base under the two pieces of ceiling that cover us, with the other ceiling sheets placed as a second wall in case it, rains

luckily though rain didn't come over and we had a more peaceful sleep now that we aren't sleeping on uneven ground as we do the usual rotations, as I see ent not be very sleepy seemingly inching to me, which was quickly stopped, as my stomach makes another painful growl, I get to sleep, as the night soon passes

the night passes as we all began to exit the base while keeping care to be worried for any spiders, as Cook is there to give out food, as I realize, just how thirsty and hungry, I have not eaten or drunk anything for two days in a row as I get in line, and ready to get my food from Cook as I try to eat in a rush only for my stomach to suddenly growl in protest again, as I settle for some water which helped my headaches, and a tiny bit of food as the rest I'll get through later, as I go over to Brownie

"Hey! can I ask you a favor?"

as brownie looks over from her half-done crate

"Sure! what is it you need me to do ?"

"I just haven't eaten in a bit so my stomach might need to get used to food a bit more again, can you hold my crate so it doesn't get stolen, so I can come back later for it?"

"Alright, but be sure to eat again soon I hope you at least drank something "

"no worries, water was the easiest for me to get into my body, and not have as bad headaches"


as before Brownie can ask I go off to start helping the few already starting again to put a roof on the base, well, to finish the roof, the process we did last time, and less pain, as we as a team lift the sheets over like a grid having all corners of be on either a wall or a pillar as we place them all and finish the ceiling as we then place the made generator and some bulbs for lighting the place up enough to work on wiring as we got the wires needed, as we depended heavily on Cody to set this up as we get to work on this, hopefully, done before the day ends.


it was very easy to blend in with them all, the more difficult part however is getting to actually doing anything, after my, mistake they have a constant guard on me, and some weird looks about my color choices, not like they knew a good color scheme as I do

either way, I got a good eye on the suspect, I honestly thought they were a woman for a moment too, they had long ginger hair as well as some freckles, with a dusty barely white t-shirt, and blue jeans, the only thing that showed me otherwise is while they had a lean build they still had a good bit of muscle, then again the other lady also had that build, just more hidden

either way, they seemed more off than usual like their mind is on something, but I need to find out what, as I continue, as I figured at this point my identity was already compromised for him, but I can look over at his friend, but not as ent, but a shadow, so all is left is to wait this out till at least next night as I work on the starting of the wall platforms and the smaller beams, besides I already got a call to Wolf about new quest ideas too, wonder how quick he will be on those