chapter 25

while I was working with the Ent and Chris on the wall extending job we suddenly here some screams nearby as we ready to get off thinking that a monster is starting to climb over the walls behind us as we don't won't to get caught up to another metal spider incident Ent looks specially annoyed as we start going down still hearing screams as when we start seeing the full base clearly, we notice why

a corpse lays in front of one of the enterances of the base, their blood spilling over as it seems to be of a teen boy both arms and legs crushed by the fall and the neck moved too far in a direction to be still intact, their eyes are glazed over and wide open in panic, alomg with pieces of wooden board scatteredunder them, probably hit the ground before they could scream

me and Chris as well as many others couldn't look away from it, the eyes almost look like their staring, as ent sighs at the sight shaking their head, as I look above from where they fell seeing the people above at the construction area for the roof standing stock still

it went on for minutes till eventually the corpse started to get picked up as Cook walks over to clean up the corpse as they make an announcement

" we're sorry to announce that one of you has perished on the inside of the base in front of you all, we will get to clean up shortly, any of the victims relatives please arise and come forward, and we will deal with the issue of burial shortly "

as they then left off after placing a tarp over the body, Like it was a normal occurrence, after they left and 2 people with hair starting to grow gray coming with still crying as the others there start leaving finally coming away from the shock as they are now working on trying to leave it be

not many where in the mood to work after that, many went inside the base through the other enterance, the others are ether back at working for the day, staying at places as far from it as possible in the base, or just returning to the moving city, I stayed inside today as well as Chris, and Ent who knows working alone is pointless as we just start normal conversation for forgetting even as we start hearing footsteps coming near the door

we can them hear some people talking and moving, probably the clean-up crew taking the body, as I soon see Cody with a look of melancholy as they stare at the door where the body still is, as I decide to go away from Chris and Ent and head over as I tap his shoulder to get his attention

" Hey, don't blame yourself, I'm sure -"

" Don't try to make light of the situation, jake. It is unwanted and generally disproved of"

". . . got it, you know, this is the first I saw you like this, i doubt seeing any dead body will get you like that either, so what made you like this?"

as Cody simply looks out at the exit where the footsteps start walking away, they sigh

" it is simply because even with the modifications to add to safety this event shows that the deaths are gonna be unavoidable, the effect of the realization I'd strengthened when I saw it happen in front of me, as even when I tried, it did ultimately nothing"

"Oh, ah, well, that will take the wind off the sails for near anyone, I would be surprised if you didn't."

" I was just close, very close, close enough to see their face of confusion, and also so close to saving them as they were moments away, I know it isn't my fault their would be even more people on the ground if it weren't for the rails and modified bridges"

" Yeah, you helped a lot. The job was just, that dangerous, and someone forgot that."

" I assume on later we will be low on staff due to the incident today, I doubt new recruits will come soon, and we will expect slowing progress as some will definitely leave for something on ground"

" Well, soon Brownie will be down, and she will probably be like 5 pairs of hands, looking at the sword she weilds, and her stand she carries like a backpack."

" I appreciate your attempt at cheering up my mood, I, just need time to take it in."

" your, welcome. Don't people usually try to forget, like, now?"

"I want to think of ways that could have stopped such an event from happening, not to think of the past but future modifications to make for the future."

" Huh, good idea, then I'll leave ya to it! just say if you need me. "

as Cody nods as I walk away while seeing Brownie looking a bit shocked, right, she isn't one like Cody, and she was outside as a break

when I got to her, I started to realize that shock was an understatement as she was actively shaking until she noticed me as I sat down

" Huh, I feel you had a bad time outside, didn't you?"

" Yeah, it's obvious, isn't it?"

" Anything I can help you with?"

" Just, the obvious shock from it all, honestly, I just need time to collect my thoughts, since I was nowhere near as close to the event as Cody was, literally and figuratively,"

" ok, just say if you need me,"

as I walk off and just go out the back to see the clean up team already leaving base, looking to have the full set of armor, as they converse with each other as they carry the body bag back to Cook's area as they go on toward the moving city

as soon after the announcement of the clean-up being finished sounds inside the base as well, not many come out still, the base grew quiet after a bit till night As we start getting to bed


time passed after the event, not much happened due to less hands for the base, as well as people being reminded of what being unaware gets someone the base is actually looking fairly good however and we got some new people coming down so, things can at least speed up again, and groups are string to form as well, since, having full teams helps keep eacheother in line after it, and we'll, more people are starting to hunt as parties to get materials for either themselves or to give for points, as for the people and stuff inside, the two walls are starting to get finished though the one I was working on is still taking much longer then I want if I say so myself, the greenhouse, woodchiper and such were done before with them being almost done already as the greenhouse is about to make its first batch to plant and the the woodchipper plus composter is beginning, and doing its job fine as Jerry, the one that has been looking around the inside the nest of the spiders den for any clues about the building and has started to be working as a sort of analyst along with Chris and Cody about the environments and the spider monsters that while couldn't be used so far would be useful in later times

new places to be built too, new places to sleep in other then the base also started being made after the second wall when house making quests appeard, since with more people, there was less space inside the base for them to sleep in as those that were first their gets first dibs which means peaplo like me, Jerry, and others that where first on the ground, the homes were going to be a metal outer shell and metal door attached to the walls like it's apartment space that not only helps out its armor, that also uses to help against the acid , as it will not only add further blocking for the walls, they also are for easy to get down from with ramps down that can be entered from the homes and down and up the ground in case anything does happen, as the homes are gonna be higher quality then the box homes in the moving city with beds and pillows filled with spider webs, and covered in black acid spider fur which was strangely fairly comfy to be on when compared to the normal beds, with new clothes make of the processed webbing, as well as a small shower that gets refilled whenever it rains, as well as a toilet, a desk and a box to place your armor in with a lock, the places can be gotten by a rent of points, making sure people do a hunting mission, or do a building mission with an updated system as their have been several leaders of groups made to keep things going

the leaders of such is Cody still at the roof as usual as they have started to make a full groups to help with the roof and making sure they dont die, as Brownie is getting the idea aswell from Cody to help do the home Projects, the muscle duo and the kid still doing well just starting to lean to hunts more, Ent making a group as well probably to have people to talk to consistently, as for me I'm mostly picking whatever picks my fancy


" This meeting should have a clear reason for all of you,"

as their are four others in the room each wearing a different mask, a woman with jeans, a sky blue shirt, and a labcoat wearing a Frankenstein's monster like mask dozens of stitches on the masks face yet it still smiles a wide grin

"Zombie! here as you wanted, let's hurry though my'friends' are waiting for me!"

a man with a dark blue suit while clean is still ragged wearing a mask of a ghost making a painful wail

"I sadly agree with this 'zombie' ghost is here as well,"

a man in another lab coat yet they have a uniform look about them with gloves, with also a white shirt and pants, that haven't been dirtied somehow as their mask is like a program on a white mask of code

"You two quiet! this meeting is important code is here, "

as the last was a woman that has a very dirtier look compared to the others covered in patchwork clothing, their hands however, always stitching something or making patchwork dolls

" Indeed, though I don't know exactly why as i doll am here, now for what of which is what our dear madam will tell us correct?"

" as a projector shows an unown one as they nod,"

" Indeed, the meeting shall start"