chapter 26

when I got the making a home mission, I joined up with Brownie and the others of the group she made on short notice as she looked over to me

" Hello Jake, I'm glad you came over. It's nice to have friends around when building a wall home,"

" Right, but hey, at least me, you and Cody are gonna be among those with first dibs, right?"

" Oh, wasn't this so others can finally fit and sleep at the base?"

"Right, right, soo, your mental trauma doing better, Brownie?"

"im doing well, dont worry. Besides, death is a thing of life, right?"

" Of course you would be able to go through with it like that. Either way, it's nice you doing well. If anything, how is Cody doing? I've since stuck to the ground, so any idea how he is?"

"Oh, he is doing well. He just isn't as talkative as before, has gotten more worried about every piece of a plan nowadays,"

" ok, so not good, not good at all, i kimda really do hope he gets better, serms to me he got a bit, paranoid, not like i blame him"

"Indeed, not helping, he is staying on such a mission either. Can you help him when you have the time? I'd be glad if you did. "

"yeah, ill think on it, maybe i can even do it like you do wheneveri complete a mission ill have a day to help him out, maybe we will all be there at a single time like before!"

as I look over at the big operation all up above, yet not many people there

"Yeah, so i heard you're gonna try a new way to hunt acid spiders, correct?"

" y-ep, it's the new thing from the cook place, a sticky ball,"

"Um, can you explain, please? im sure you used them once already, like a test, or Cook just told you"

"Yeah, dont worry, i know! from what Cook said about them, they are the spiders webbing that i and others have collected, but compressed to a ball, it explodea into a mess of sticky web! trapping the legs that are hit by it. "

" Well, i hope you do well with the stuff! i would say be careful though who knows if a metal spider is with them? "

"Don't worry, I know when to run! see you soon!"

as me and Brownie nod and head to out to put our hands on the mission of the home as we place the frames, metal sheets and overall work on it, and with Brownie being a building machine and I basically going all around along with all the help we were already halfway done by the time the sun starts to set

as we put the last tile of the floor, we finish off for the day as I and Brownie start walking back to the base area. As others are doing their own thing now

"Well! it's another day that has been done off the record, though a bit tiring. It's not that bad. Im all ready for when me and you and Cody finally get our own places! I'd be lying if i didn't say that the base has been getting a bit too cramped suddenly. "

"I really don't mind as much as you do, Jake. I quite enjoy the feeling of knowing many are at an arms reach! though it would be well if I could fit my possessions in more places than under the bed, either way though with the homes, there would be more space for everyone!"

"Well, whatever you say either way, Brownie, but I'll still say, while the box homes aren't, the best, privacy was at least pretended about in the moving city op there,"

" I, think that was the point? probably to not cause a roit at the start, though then again you an Jerry are you two"

" eh I'm sure these new ones are gonna make sure people would want to go down here to do missions for an actual place, meaning they intentionally "

" You really aren't the type to trusting them, are you? so, let's go right, to the base to rest. "

" Yep, I wish we could finish multiple of these places soon, I am ready for some more space to be alone, so I can not worry about someone watching me sleep."

"What, do you mean by that?"

"eh it was just a weird feeling I've been getting since the incident. I think it might have been a ghost?"

"You sure it isn't just your worries? i mean, it would be terrifying if it would have been a real spirit, otherqise even i might not be able to sleep today. "

" eh, just wanted to mess with you a bit and look like we aren't the only ones here look over."

as me and Brownie see the man of the over at the base with some papars, probably asked for by Cook

though makes me think on when Jerry asked Cook as well only to get a resounding jo as I go over to Cody only to notice how he looks like the event still has a good hold on him, as I can see the visible bags under his eyes as he just barely notices us

"Hey Cody, you ok? it seems like you're running on fumes and seem to be barely awake even as im talking to you. "

"Ah, hello Jake, apoligies if i seem that way, i just had to take great care of those at the ceiling project as normal"

"Um, alright then, bud, just so you know, im gonna start helping out between missions like Brownie has been doing, so I look forward to that, alright!"

" Oh, thanks then, sadly, one more person on some days isn't gonna speed up the ceiling project much, even when it's you."

"Oh, that so? was I any special for you to say that last part?"

"you are just more active than the average one, you may not be good on the strength aspect but you are proficient when it comes to many small tasks at the same space of time, so your help is appreciated"

"w-ell, thanks for the compliment, now me and Brownie gonna rest at base as usual, so see you later, Cody! oh also did you -"

"Don't worry, Jake, I know about the sticky ball option that was recently added, but thanks, I wish you and Brownie a nice restful night,"

as I nod along with Brownie as we both go past Cody as i go onto one of the few leftover unoccupied beds to sleep on as I get my stuff under it and lay down

"I'm ready to finish these houses already, but sleep is nice, sleep is well,"

as while I close my eyes and turn to my side I can suddenly feel the staring seemingly right in front of me, but as I open my eyes, there was nothing, as I close them again and decide to ignore the sensation as normal

once morning came up as I yawned off my tiredness and put on my armor and get myself in the game, I begin to put a hop in my step to get on over to the exit of the base, toward Cook's area to get som food and check the missions in case they have new ones, while i head over to him i can see progress of the passage from base to the Cook area nowadays is almost there, as Cook is there, as always as I wait in line, then check in on him

" This is only temporary, huh?"

" Ah, I see your usual talk is as stale as always, and before your voice asks, no, there isn't a new mission, and the food is the same."

as he placed the food crate as he was talking with an annoyed glance

" So, how do you deal with the acid rain? I mean, it's been a bit since the last shower, and I'm a bit curious now. "

" Well, why now? It's been multiple days since, the entire thing,"

" Well, with the new homes being built, there are plenty of defenses to acid like airtight doors and the whole cube thing, yet with your hut, I see a tent."

as Cook just sighs and stares at me, holding up a finger every point he makes

" one, if this stuff is really not immune to acid wouldn't you think we would not have made a replacement already, two I'm the first on ground to know so plenty of evac time, and last but not least, even if I didn't get the time to evade we have ways to survive"

"Alright, I got the picture."

I say as I pick up my crate and start walking away as Cook sighs behind me, which I choose it's best to ignore

I begin eating my fill as Jerry sits next to me, also eating as I greet him

"So, what's with the look? You seem like you'll explode in excitement,"

" Ah, I just figured a new idea! though it might bring some complications when it's finished and if it doesn't work. "

"What do you mean by that? is it something that dangerous?"

"Well, you know how I went inside the spider's caverns and their nest in oder to look for what your visions were meaning? well, I started to write them down I even have Chris in on it to analyze the specimens with me, who brought Cole to help with telling what they can be used for, I can send our research to the others and we will be ready to do our own thing!"


" This should work, right? there's is nothing wrong, correct?"

" Yeah, I looked through the stuff worry, I can tell when a plan is well done, the leader gave permission, correct?"

as Slimer and Wolf are in a room as he is looking through the papers for Slimers 'home' project sighing at how they are like

" I just hope it ain't one of your sealed city plans."

" What's wrong with those? they have food, water, and plenty of others they are with to thrive?"

" The problem is I know what you do with them. One is in moving city, and I don't see the point on how that would help with making them less likely to perish,"

at that point, Slimers smile widens, and I just sigh

" Look, I have no issues, but I'm gonna be in control of the plan. You just work on supplies and on intelligence as usual, alright?"

as slimer nods and walks out of the room, letting me think for a moment only for scrap to appear

" Hello, one of the three."

"You know that was a while ago, and it wasn't us that did it,"

" The Destroyer, you mean, just, get on with it"