chapter 27

I couldn't wait on Jerry idea as I shook him a bit in a small bit of excited fevor, making his glasses almost drop off his face

" Well, look at you! I bet even they will have to respect us after that, so what do you have right now?"

" well right now I have the webbing spider, the light spider, the acid spider, and, the metal spider, that's all I can get before it was practically impossible to get deeper into the nest due to the sheer amound"

" Well, I hope your idea goes well then, Jerry! sadly, I can't leave Brownie out to dry, but still, good luck!"

as I stand up finished with my crate as I start heading toward Brownies construction area already having people their working As she waves at me with a smile on her face making me rush over to help out with the whole building project as I check in what to do and get started

there wasn't much in comparison to yesterday as the shell, ramp up, as well as wall, ceiling, and ground tiles are put down yesterday as well as all that is left to do is make sure the so called moat was filled in and the the furniture of the home as the first part is to separate our work as brownie work on the water systems, as I do the bed and drawers as others begin working on the air filtration which is a massive thing to deal with when comes, as the process has it connected to the underground greenhouse, and base, as the main filtration will be a part of another big building as for now it will be good at the moment, as the rest starts going on without a hitch as we start to finish off the house and before the day even ends

" Well, that's one out of, a lot,"

" hey its something to the betterment of people's lives, like most things it starts small and then grows!"

" Well, either way, this ended before the end of the day like most building projects, so it looks like we have some free time, right?"

" Yes, I'm sure, I'll just be at the watchtower then, never too careful."

" Ah OK, I'll just visit Jerry again, he has something good planned, also before you ask I well tell it to you later!"

" ok then, see you soon, Jake! and wish you and Jerry luck!"


as I start to walk off towards the enterance to start my search of Jerry Noticing we probably should have made a meeting point, but then again we both thought I was gonna be busy for the whole day so I'm gonna have to actually search for him, where he is either in the base, or on the wall towers watching as an excuse to watch the spiders more as I head on over to the wall hoping his notebook impossible it as I go up one of the temporary stairs to the platforms as I head on up, seeing the view as the sun is getting ready to set

" Huh, yknow, for an absolute wasteland covered in caverns and spiders, this actually looks kind of buetiful."

as I look over the place as another patrol goes past making an attempt at an attack on the outer walls though not to success, they may not be finished but the entirety of the bottom part was done so they couldn't just go right inside As I watch them eventually leave and go back onto the path accomplishing little damage that would have to be fixed just in case later as I get off the edge from watching and go looking by looking through the watchtowers

as I pass by Brownie on the way as I get to the tower he is in, making notes on the notebook still of the spiders that just went after the wall as they almost trip when I suddenly opened the door beside him, and was about to hide the book till they realized it's me

"Ah, it's you. Wasn't your mission gonna take a while?"

" well, all that was left was the furniture for inside the house and some air quality work that is mostly gonna be done by a probable future project, so we finished the other half of the house earlier than planned, but hey, it means I can meet you sooner!"

" Well, glad to see you get a break. As for what I was doing, all is well, other than the average spider attack. Strange, how normal things like that get you know?"

" True, but hey, makes us less likely to freeze in fear, so how do you plan to you, Chris, and Coles notebook out without the ones in charge Noticing?"

" mostly give it to the most trusted, some of the leaders of teams like Ent, Brownie, and Cody, as we will use it to gain people more likely to, I dunno, not look at those at the top for everything like it was before, at least, put the idea to their heads"

" Who knows, but if there is anything I can do to help count me in!"

" not much for today but if you have any time on your hands, we can check the nearby caverns of the nest to continue the studies, I would have gotten closer earlier however I would need someone as a guard and while you don't speak that much about it, you are relatively good at doing a hunt or too compared to others, so?"

of course, the nest again

" ok, besides, we are gonna just be on the outer rim on the nest, correct?"

" Yes, don't worry, though I don't know why. It seems as if you dislike going more and more every day you're on the ground. "

" Ah, just a repeating nightmare. Either way, that's good to hear! I'll be ready for you, when?"

"I'm just gonna do it after another day of prep. Besides, you could use it too for those spiders!"

" And that's perfect! see you soon then, bud. I'll head back to base to take my long nap, and I wonder how your notebook will look by then, "

as I whistle a tune As I wave bye to Jerry heading down from the wall to the base again

the place is already starting to get crowded again as if it already time for bed, as since I was early, I get a bed to sleep on unlike many who end up on the floor, with a bit of a saddening sight as I can see why Brownie is so intent on building homes now, as I take off my armor, put it under me and go to sleep

as I wake up yet again in the same sequence, it's dark out and the same scene of it having recently rained as I get up put my armor on and have my weapon out as I look around seeing no one around as I walk toward the exit, rain has came and gone the leftover acid still around being the same scene again, though the two of then aren't here this time, as I exit the base and start heading towards Cook's area under the tent

" If I stay at base, my face gets torn off by Brownie, I stay within the walls I get killed by ent, at this point what is cook gonna do"

I continue walking forward to the location until I see the usual tent and cook not there, as I make sure to avoid any puddles from outside the base, as I would have no idea is the puddle is a puddle or a cavern full of acid, as while a dream I rather not have such an experience, as I look around the tent area seeing no one there other then some empty crates and the makeshift counter As I continue to walk, this time toward the moving city as if to explore before I get suddenly killed again as I see the broken elevator and the falling apart city covered In webs as I take a small gulp and walk toward it, watching as the thing is only keeping In one peice by the webs as it creaks and rusts over as I begin to climb over as I try going up the city's legs in order to reach it

however I see something in the distance staring at me with seeminly immense rage rushing to the foot of the leg I'm climbing on, seeeminly covered in white pale armor seeminly made of bone with a tail ending in a spike, as I could barely call it even humanoid, as this sight forces me to rush as I start climbing as fast as u could to avoid the thing as just when I'm about to get to the legs "knee" I feel a claw stab through me like papar as in the end I was too slow while climbing as it swiped its claw to the right taking off a hole side off my body as I collapse and bleed out onto the ground now looking at the city with a heightened curiosity as it speaks the usual

" You already know the nest will seal your fate. What is there even to gain,other than ruin?"

as the being stomps onto my head, crushing it to a paste as I wake up with some sweat all over me as I use my clothes to wipe it off and get up to continue the day


when I got news from Jerry about his Idea I couldn't help but feel a little bad as Jerry told the "secret" info straight to me so innocently that I almost forget that he is a conspiracy theorist against us, kinda sad

" So don't tell anyone anything! otherwise their might be a leak in information!"

" Don't worry, Jerry, other than for ideas that Chris does every day, I won't tell people."

" Ah, thanks, Ent, yknow this is kinda stressful, and yet liberating."

ok now he is hitting me as I stop myself from sighing and just listen to the guy talk as I look at the book he has aloud me to remember a bit of it till he hill take it back to show to others like as I could already tell who like Brownie and that Jake person

" And that is all I'll have to say for now! Can I get my book back?"

"Ah, don't worry, not the type to steal,"

as I toss him the book where he almost misses it, catching it in his hands and waving as they walk away as I finally sigh

" I'll let you have a week. After that, just blame yourself"