
When I turned eighteen, Boss Teodor brought me to every drug deal he did, but he told me to wear a mask to hide my face from his fellow drug dealer. He doesn't want his business partner to know me because he said I am his secret weapon. He introduced me to them using the alias he gave me. Viper. He said it fit me because I'm like a poisonous snake. Yes, I am poisonous and my poison will slowly kill you.

I'm always by his side wherever he goes, sensing around for a threat and if I found any threat I won't hesitate to end the life of whoever it is. I don't feel regret for killing those people because they are no different than Boss Teodor, and in that way, I'll gain his trust completely and soon.

His men started to fear me as days passed. They said I'm like a robot who doesn't feel anything, only designed to kill. That's good,  they should fear me because I'll wipe them all soon.

Now, I'm twenty-two, I became Boss Teodor's right hand because Jax died during our operation a few months ago. They thought he died in the hands of our enemies but the truth is I'm the one who killed him. I still remember the horror in his eyes when I pointed my gun at his forehead. I chuckled with that thought

Now, my words were followed by everyone. I have my own men, and I'm the one who handles all Boss Teodor's business. I'm so happy with this achievement. My men are walking on their tipped toes every time I am around them and it only makes me burst into laughter.

I was lounging in the living room when Boss Teodor came.

"Boos." I greeted him.

"Viper, I came here because I have a favor to ask,"  he said as he settled on the couch in front of me.

"What is it, Boss?"

"Can you guard my daughter? I don't trust anyone capable to safeguard my daughter's safety but only you". I didn't know he had a daughter. He has a daughter and he trusted her safety in my hand. I smirked at that.

"If you have an important business to deal with, I can ask some of my men to replace you while you are not around to guard his daughter.

"Okay, Boss. It's an honor to guard your precious daughter. I could tell that you cared for her so much."

"She's the only family I have and I don't want any harm come her way."


The following day, he brought me to his mansion where his daughter is staying. We arrived in front of a luxurious mansion that was surrounded by more or less twelve feet of a concrete wall. We stepped inside and were greeted by a maid and a butler.

"Welcome home master." They greeted Boss Teodor, and he nodded in response.

"Is Catherine's home ?" He asked. The mansion is beautiful.  Decorated with expensive pieces of furniture, and the walls were covered with paintings of a well-known personalities.

"Yes, master." The butler answered. Boss Teodor acts differently here. His eyes don't have a glint he wore when he was in front of our men. Like he always wanted to murder them. Here his eyes are staring at his servants softly. He even wore a smile on his lips.

Call her." The butler nodded and left us. I watched him climb up the spiral stairs until I couldn't see him anymore. Boss Teodor went to the living room and I followed behind him, and we settled down. The servants served us some snacks and drinks and left us behind.

"Matthew,  don't mention My drug business to my daughter. She doesn't know about this. And your name is Matt, not Matthew. It's safe like that."He warned, and I smiled inside. So this is the reason he acted like a kind person in front of his servants because the people staying here didn't know his rotten self.

"Yes, boss," I answered, smirking inside.

I  looked up when I heard a squeal up the stairs. "Dad." I  saw a pretty woman descending the stairs smiling at us. Boss Teodor stood up smiling and approached his Daughter at the foot of the stairs, and gave her a tight hug.

"I miss my princess so much." He lovingly said. The woman pouted and hugged his father tightly. I didn't know that this man has this soft side, and could hold someone so tenderly using the hands that killed so many people and kidnapped many innocent children.

"Come, princess, I want  to introduce you to someone." He said and led her daughter to the couch where I  was sitting.

"This is Matt and he's going to be your new bodyguard because you always kick your bodyguards out," Boss Teodor said with a playful glare in his eyes.

"Dad, I don't need a bodyguard ." She whined pouting.

"You need a bodyguard." His father said sternly.

"Matt,  she's my daughter, Catherine, guard her 24 hours a day, make sure that she's always away from danger."

"Yes boss," I answered. 

"Yes, boss." Catherine echoed glaring at me. I could already tell that this woman is a brat. I  just gave her a cold stare and fixed my eyes on her to intimidate her. 

"Dad, I don't like him as my bodyguard." She whined.

"He's qualified to be your bodyguard; he can protect you from all the danger." His father said and I chuckled inside.

"But Dad, I don't like a Cyborg  bodyguard, look at him, he's like a robot." She whined.  Boss Teodor chuckled, but I  kept my blank face.

"He's not a Cyborg, princess, you'll like him soon.". Catherine slumped herself beside me and poke my cheek but I  slapped her hand away, which startled her.

"Don't touch me." I snarled. If she thought her bratty attitude will work on me then she was wrong. She quickly stood up and went to his father, scared.

"Dad, I don't like him, he's scary." She whined like the brat that she was.

"No! Princess he's going to be your bodyguard starting tonight." His father told her.

"Daddy." She whined, stomping her feet on the floor. "Brat!! I thought.

"No," Boss Teodor said in finality. She stormed away and ran to her room but Boss Teodor only chuckled

"Your work starts now." He said to me, "Your room is right next to Catherine so that you are near here, and you can aid her as soon as possible if something happens,'' I only nod in response, but smirked inside.

"Butler Seo, show Matt  to his room." He ordered the Butler who was just standing at the corner waiting for his command.

Butler Seo gestured for me to follow, and I  stood up and followed him up the stairs.

"This is your room, and the room beside you is Miss Catherine 's room." I  nodded and stepped inside the room.

"If you need anything just call me." He told me. I  answered him with a nod again.

"Weird guy."  I heard him murmuring before leaving the room, and I just chuckled.