I was fuming with anger. "What the heck is with all the bodyguards? And that new bodyguard he's like a Cyborg you can't see any emotion in him. He looks like a plain white bond paper, blank! And it's annoying. Let's see how long this cyborg stays. I grinned pacing in my room thinking of the way so that the cyborg would vanish in front of me.

Around midnight I changed my nightgown to skinny jeans and a crop top, I wore a hooded jacket and pulled the hood over my head.

"I'm sure he's now sleeping soundly." I giggled, and slowly twisted the doorknob and opened her door, but I yelped in surprise, and quickly slammed my door closed.

Why is the Cyborg outside my door? I clutched my thundering chest, that cyborg scared me. My heart almost jumped off my chest. Don't tell me he's not sleeping.

"Oh no, this is bad, my happy life is starting to crumble down. No, he can't stop me." I took a deep breath to calm my pounding heart and swung the door open again, and the Cyborg is still there. I walked past him and ran down the stairs toward the front door, grabbing my car key, ignoring him but to my dismay, he followed behind me without uttering a word.

I gritted her teeth and unlocked my car, but the Cyborg was fast. He was already inside my car before I could get in.

"Get out of my car." I snarled but he just ignored me and sat comfortably in the passenger seat. I settled in the driver's seat angrily, started the car, and drove as fast as the car could, breaking all the traffic rules. The Cyborg beside me stayed as Cyborg as he was, and it irritates me so much.

"I suddenly stepped on the brake hoping that my Cyborg bodyguard would crash into the dashboard, but to my annoyance, he put his right foot up on the dashboard to prevent himself from being thrown forward.

I glared at him but he just kept his eyes on the road. I started the car again and pulled over in front of the club. I quickly get out with the cyborg following me like a dog. I went straight to the bar and ordered my drink, while the cyborg sits at the chair one seat away from me and orders his drink as well. So annoying, so annoying." I mentally chanted.

I drank three shots of hard liquor and went to the dance floor, and danced my annoyance away. The cyborg just watched me from his seat looking at the people around me. Why didn't he show any emotion? He didn't show any annoyance with what I was doing. He just followed me like an obedient pet dog.

I danced and danced until a guy came to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I tried to pry his hand away from me but he pulled me closer to him and leaned toward me but before he could kiss me he was pulled away from me.

My cyborg bodyguard was holding his collar and he dragged him out of the club. I'm so scared of what he might do to the guy. I rushed behind them with two other men following behind me. So the cyborg wasn't alone guarding me.

When they arrived outside, My cyborg bodyguard threw the man on the wall like he weighed nothing and gave him a hard kick on his chest. I rushed to him and pulled him away when he threw another kick at the man. "Stop it," I whispered. I'm scared he's going to kill the man the way he looks at him.

The two men following us run to Cyborg. He quickly hid me behind him and pulled his gun and shot them. My eyes widened and I stepped back away from him, But he pulled me, dragged me towards my car, and shoved me inside.

Those men aren't with him, and he shoots them. I'm trembling in fear. now. I didn't see someone being shot in front of me before, and this cyborg just shot people like an animal.

"Now, you're scared. Listen here missy, every time you run away, I'll kill someone." He said coldly, and It added to my fear. He settled in the driver seat and started the car and drove the car faster than I did earlier.

"You're a murderer," I whispered, clutching my seat.

"I am, so you better listen to me." He warned. I just sat on my seat scared until we reached the mansion. I quickly got out of the car and raced inside.



I grinned while watching. the brat girl ran away like her ass is on fire and pulled my phone from my pocket and made a call

"Great job." I grinned.

"But you kick me, hard boss."

"I'll give you a bonus, and them." I chuckled and hung up. I stepped inside the mansion and climbed up to my room and slept soundly with a grin plastered on my lips.

I'm sure what happened tonight won't stop this brat from running away again. But at least I could sleep in peace for a few days.


The following days Catherine behaved like a good little girl. She went to school and came home without any problem. She is in her room when she's at home and only comes down when it's time to eat.

One week passed, and she didn't try to sneak out at night. I thought she would continue to be an obedient little girl in a long run but I was wrong.

I just went out for a few hours because Boss Teodor asked me to eliminate his business partner who double-crossed him by tipping the authorities about his drug dealing, and all his goods were confiscated by the authorities and lucky him someone warned him and he was able to leave the place before the authorities came.

I was a few blocks away from the mansion when one of my men guarding Catherine called me that she tried to sneak out again but as soon as she saw him outside her door she hurriedly went back inside her room and locked it.

"Don't leave outside her room."

"Okay, Boss." I hung up the call and drove inside the mansion. I'm sure that woman wouldn't just give up easily. I parked my car in the garage tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. I stepped out after a few minutes and went behind the mansion where I could see her room.

Her room is on the second and when I rounded the corner I chuckled inside to see her descending from her terrace using the blanket she tied on the railing.

I crossed my arms watching her slowly coming down. She didn't see me because her eyes were focused above her. I waited below smirking and when she was a few feet away from the ground she look down and she screamed in fright when she saw me and I almost feel bad when she fell to the ground face first. I'm sure it will leave a nasty bruise tomorrow.

She groans in pain but I just watch her with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Stand up and go back to your room." She bites her lips, softly touching her face which has blood coming from the scrape on her left cheek. Her eyes were brimmed with tears head hung down in embarrassment.

"Good." I thought. "You'll go back by yourself or you want me to drag you inside?" I said coldly. She hiccups and runs back inside.

"Miss where you come from, and what happened to your face?" I heard butler Seo ask her but she ignored him. I followed behind her up the stairs and my stupid man who guard her eyes widened when he saw Catherine. I signaled him to leave and he quickly scampered away.

Catherine threw me a deathly glare before she slammed her door shut." I chuckled inside and went inside my room to have a good night's sleep.

The following day, Boss Teodor came, smiling at me. "Matt, how's working with my daughter?" He asked as we settled in the living room.

"Not bad." I shortly replied. He nodded his head smiling. "Butler Seo, can you call Catherine?"

"Okay, sir." I watch as butler Seo leaves chuckling inside. I'm sure there's a big nasty bruise on Catherine's face right now, and I wonder what lies she would tell to his father about it.

"Sir, Miss Catherine said she wasn't feeling well." Butler Seo said. I bite my lips holding my laughter.

"Why? Is she sick?"

"She just told me she's not feeling well and told me to leave her alone."

"What she's doing right now?" I tap my fingers on my lap watching the agitated face of Boss Teodor. So this girl is her weakness I guess.

"She's on her bed." Butler Seo replied. Boss Teodor stood up and marched up the stairs and I followed behind him mentally chuckling.

"Catherine, what happened?" Boss Teodor burst into her room without knocking, and I wanted to burst into laughter when Catherine covered her whole body with a comforter.

"Dad I'm not feeling."

"Butler Seo, Call a Doctor."

"No need, Dad, I will be fine in a few hours. I just need to rest." Boss Teodor sat on the edge of her bed and pulled the comforter down but Catherine held on to it, preventing his father from seeing her face. I watch standing, leaning on the wall with my arms crossed over my chest.

"If you don't want to call the Doctor, let me see your face."

"No, Dad. I look messy. I haven't washed my face."

"When did you feel shy about how you look in front of me?" He chuckled. "Come on princess, you're worrying me. What happened? Why are you not feeling well?

"Nothing serious Dad."

"Then show me your face. I won't leave this room until you do." I watched as Catherine slowly pulled the cover down and I wanted to burst into laughter when I saw a nasty purple bruise on her face.

"What happened to your face? Matt, what is this? You are here to guard her but what is this?" Boss Teodor snarled.

"Why don't you ask your daughter where she got it?" He glared at me but returned his eyes to her daughter.

"Princess, what happened?"

"He hit me." She lied, eyes brimming with tears. I raised my eyebrow at her but she gave me a smirk.

"What?" Boss roared and quickly grabbed my collar but I pushed his hand away from me.

"Boss, why don't you go to her terrace," I smirked when her eyes widened. I'm sure she forgot that the blanket she tied to her terrace was still there. Catherine shrieked and bolted up from her bed and ran to her terrace with her father following her.

"Catherine!!!! I smirked when she shrinks like a deflated balloon when she saw how angry her father was.

"I told you I don't like bodyguards." She murmured while biting her thumb. I noticed her doing it every time she was nervous.

"So you use your terrace as your door?"

"You give me no other choice, there's a guard at my door so I used my terrace." She murmured.

"And you fall to the ground, that's why you have that bruise?"

"It was the cyborg's fault. If he didn't startle me, I wouldn't fall. He was standing below while I was descending from my terrace. He saw me fall but he didn't catch me." She huffed like a brat.

"I don't want to touch your fat ass. What happened to you is your fault so don't blame it on others. I'm here to guard and protect you if someone tries to hurt you, not from yourself." I snarled and left them behind. She thought I feared her father? Sorry brat Princess but your father is the one who should fear me.