Since that day  I've never sneaked out from home every time my cyborg bodyguard was around. He is true a cyborg. How could let me fall on the ground like that? I'm sure he can catch me if he wanted to but he did not, not minding I'll get hurt. It took a week before the bruise completely fade and I need to hide it using thick makeup every time I went to school. He's so annoying.

I tried to convince my father that my bodyguard is a killer, and I saw him shoot someone in front of me. I wanted to get even but my father only laughed every time I told him and I  got tired of whining at him and just ignored my cyborg bodyguard and stayed in my room every time he was around.

But when my cyborg bodyguard is not around I still sneak out to go clubbing and partying, and he will just appear once in a while, but I was glad that he only stayed at the corner and watched the people around me like a cyborg guard dog.


It's already been two years since the cyborg became my bodyguard and I was already used to him being around me, but I'm still scared of him. Within two years he never tried to open a conversation with me. All he said to me were

"Let's go." Let's leave." We're going home." We're leaving." That four short sentences are the only thing that comes out of his lips. It irritates me every time he said those sentences because he acted like a true cyborg who was programmed to say those sentences repeatedly. Sigh.

He's cold as ice toward me, he doesn't smile or even give me a fake smile, he always wears his blank emotionless face like a cyborg he is, except when he is annoyed and angry with me and hen I don't listen to him he will use force to make me follow what he wants. I couldn't complain to my father because he would only laugh and say that he was only doing his job. They are both annoying.

Now, we are heading to the birthday party of my friend, and my cyborg bodyguard is quietly driving the car. He looks gorgeous with his simple white shirt with a black leather jacket over it and faded jeans that hugged his muscular legs. His brown hair reached his shoulder, and he tied it into a ponytail. He has a small face like a woman, a cute nose, and plump lips. He looks like an angel if only his eyes don't give everyone a cold stare. I sigh. He's beautiful

"Yes, I  had a crush on him the first time I saw him, but I hid it because I was scared of him and I'm sure the feeling is one-sided the way he treated me like I'm just a burden he was carrying. I sighed again and fixed my eyes outside the window.

After thirty minutes of driving, we finally arrived at our destination, and my cyborg bodyguard opened the door for me. This is the only good thing about him. He is a gentleman. I stepped out of the car and waited for him to lock the door and clung my hand to him. I'm glad he didn't pull his arm away from my hold, and I grinned at him but I received a cold stare. I huffed and only focused my eyes in front of us.

We stepped inside the huge mansion and were greeted by the loud music and people chatting and laughing.

"Catherine, I'm glad you can make it."

"Hey, Joan, Happy birthday. I won't miss the natal day of my best friend." I greeted her and kissed her cheek. " This is for you."

"Thank you, Cath. Who is this?" She asked with a teasing smile on her lips. I rolled my eyes at her shaking my head.

"A friend, he's...

"I'm Matt, Happy birthday." He introduced himself and offered a handshake. I balled my fist on my side. This cyborg greeted my friend with happy birthday but never did to me. He's been working with me for two years but he never greeted me on my birthday. I hate him.

"Oh, you didn't tell me that you have a hot friend," Joan whispered and slightly nudged my side. I  forced a  smile at her but deep inside I'm so jealous that I want to strangle the cyborg beside me.

"Come on, I'll introduce you both to my other friends." Joan held my hand and led us inside. She leads us to the table where there are four guys and one girl chatting with each other.

"Hello, guys!! This is my friend Catherine, and her friend Matt.

"Catherine, Matt, they are my friends. Andrew, Jasper, Daniel, her girlfriend Lea, and Derek."

Hello, guys, I smiled at them and shook hands with them, while the cyborg just nodded with his blank face. I slightly nudged his side but he gave me an irritated look before reaching out his hand for a handshake. I smiled at him but was ignored. Cyborg as always. I muttered.

I noticed when Andrew turned to shake his hand, the cyborg gave him an annoyed look because he was staring at him closely and held his hand a bit longer.

"Is there any problem with my face?" The cyborg asked and I could hear the irritation in his voice. He hates it when someone looks at him for too long. I know it because he will lash out every time I do it before but now he got used to it and just ignores me and when a stranger looks at him every time we are outside he will snap at them. Andrew quickly pulls his hand away from him with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry, but you look familiar, have we met before?" Andrew asked, looking straight at the cyborg's eyes. I stepped closer to the cyborg, I'm sure he will lose his cool if Andrew continues to talk to him because this cyborg doesn't like to chitchat. Sigh so boring. Once he becomes my boyfriend that's the first thing I will change. I grinned at that thought.

"We didn't meet before, but I know who you are, you are inspector Andrew Choi, and don't ask me more questions because I don't like being questioned." He said in his cold voice. See this cyborg. I wonder if he even has a friend. I didn't see anyone beside him except my other guards. His life is so boring!!!

"Matt, that's rude," I whispered to him. But he gives me a cold stare. "I'm just here to accompany you, Catherine, not to chat nonsense with your friend." He coldly said and I wanted to hide in embarrassment and I saw Andrew feel the same as me. This cyborg just speaks what he wants to say without thinking about other people's feelings. Can he just shut his mouth like he usually did? Why does every time he speaks it usually hurt or embarrass someone? Sigh he should stay as his cyborg self at this moment it would be better that way.

"I'm sorry for being nosy, you seem like someone I know, but It's impossible because he's already dead," Andrew whispered, and I could see the sadness in his eyes.