To say that I was annoyed is an understatement. l was already pissed about going to this party in the first place but seeing Andrew Choi here makes me want to just leave Catherine, behind.

His stares made my skin itch. He kept looking into my eyes as if he was looking at something there. It feels like he was looking at my soul, and it makes my blood boil, especially since he has the same name as my brother who abandoned me.

Andrew, the brother I adored so much, my hero and my role model but abandoned me when we were on the brink of death. I don't even remember what he looks like. My hate for him led me to forget him; only his name was left in my head. He whispered something to Daniel, and he also look at me with his scrutinizing eyes and I lost it. I slammed my palm on the table in annoyance.

"Do you have a problem with me, why are you staring at me like that?" I asked. I couldn't control my irritation anymore. "Matt, please," Catherine whispered beside me and held my hand, I pulled it away from her hold, but she grabbed my hand again.

"Excuse us." She said and pulled me away from her friends and dragged me to the dance floor where some couples were dancing. I yanked my hand away from her and tried to walk back to the table but Catherine grabbed my wrist and spanned me around and wrapped her arms in my neck leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Please don't, Matt. Don't ruin my friend's party." She whispered. I stood stiff like a block of wood, this was the first time someone hugged me except Leo. I tried to push her but she only held me tightly, circling her hand around my waist. I can feel her warm body pressed on me, her heartbeat, and her uneven breathing on my neck that sent an unknown feeling inside me.

"Let go," I whispered. I don't like this feeling, whatever it is but Catherine ignored me. "I said let go," I said between gritted teeth and pulled her hand away from me pushing her lightly. She quickly stepped back and lowered her head, and went back to the table leaving me behind. I took a deep and quietly followed behind her ignoring the stare that her friends were throwing at me.

"I think we need to go first." I heard Catherine say. I stood a few feet away from them with my arms crossed over my chest, my eyes roaming around us.

"I'm sorry for the rudeness." I mentally chuckled, so I'm the rude one when Choi was the one staring at me? She didn't know that staring is rude. And she felt sorry because I confronted him? Stupid woman.

"It's okay, we understand," Andrew said, smiling at her. I wanted to wipe that smile on his lips but I didn't want to ruin the party because the brat asked nicely.

"And you don't need to leave because of that," Daniel said smiling also. I couldn't take their smiling faces anymore because it annoyed me. I trudged to Catherine and stood beside her.

"We're leaving," I said coldly.

"I'm sorry but we need to leave," Catherine said. I took out my phone from my pocket when it rang and moved away from them.

"Hello!!!!! "Boss, the shipment was intercepted by the police."

"What? How did it happen?"

"I only heard that the authorities were already in the area before our men came."

Who's in charge of that shipment ?" I asked between gritted teeth.

"Spider, boss."

"Okay, tell him to come to my office now," I said and hung up and I went back to Catherine and her friend.

"We need to leave now. I have an important thing to do." I whispered to her.

"I'm sorry but we really need to leave," Catherine said. Her friends sighed but nodded their heads. They said their goodbyes to each other and we quickly left.


I dropped Catherine at their mansion and went to my office, in the building that Boss Teodor bought for me. It's a three stories building and I occupied the top floor. The second floor is where my trusted men stay, the first floor is the receiving and dining area, and the basement is where we keep our weapons.

I quickly went inside and saw Spider and ten of his men in the living room who quickly stood up when they saw me, and I could see fear in their eyes.

"Boss!" They greeted me, but I just walked past them and settled down on the couch. I looked at Spider straight in his eyes.

"Who's the traitor in your group?" I asked with my eyes fixed on him.

"I...I don't know, boss." He stuttered.

"You're the leader and you don't know." I stood up and walked toward one of his men and pulled him closer to me. "You, you know who's the traitor in your group?" He shook his head vigorously. I chuckled and pulled my gun and shot him in the head. The rest of them, their eyes widened and their faces paled.

"No one can tell me who the traitor is? I asked, wiping the blood from my face. They all quickly kneeled in front of me.

"Boss we don't know who the traitor is, please spare our lives." They begged in unison, and I only burst into laughter.

"Then who tipped the police about our shipment? Only your group knows that there's a shipment coming tonight. I asked, pointing my gun at them.

"We don't know, boss, we were surprised when we arrived at the port the police were already there." Spider explained.

"You're a stupid, idiot." I screamed, ``Why don't you place some of your men to the port to watch the area to make sure it is safe before our shipment arrives? You are useless and I don't need a useless man." I said and shot them one by one.

"Clean the mess," I ordered the rest of my men who were standing at the corner quietly watching all this time. They quickly followed my order and dragged all the dead bodies out of my sight. "Inspector Choi we finally meet." I thought, grinning.



"I'm sorry for being nosy, you seem like someone I know, but It's impossible, he's already dead," I whispered sadly. His forehead creased, and he cock his head. I could see that he was pissed because of my stare.

Daniel scooted closer to me when he heard what I said. "What do you mean, you mean he looks like your dead brother?" He whispered, and I nodded.

"His eyes really look like Matthew," I whispered. Daniel looks at Matt studying him but it only annoys Matt more, and he slammed his hand on the table catching everyone's attention.

"Do you have a problem with me, why are you staring at me like that?" He said softly but I could hear the anger in his voice. Catherine went beside him and whispered something to him. She hold his hand but Matt pulled it away from her, Catherine hold it again and pulled him to the dance floor.

"He has a temper," Derek commented.

"But he's hot," Joan commented. He is Daniel's friend. She is our classmate during high school and Lea's friend as well. I'm just here because Daniel forced me, and I couldn't say no when he play his guilt trip.

"I'm hot too." Jasper grinned at Joan, but she only rolled his eyes at him, and Derek burst into laughter teasing his friend. I only shook my head and watched Catherine walking back our way with Matt following behind her.

Are they really friends? It seems like they are just enduring the presence of each other. I was observing them since they come and Matt was so aloof from Catherine. Maybe their parents just forced them to come here together.

I felt bad when Catherine said that they are leaving first. I know the reason is that Matt was annoyed at me.

I received a call after Matt and Catherine left. And I smile seeing who it was. I've been waiting for this call.


"Hello sir, we got the drugs shipment, It's in our hands now." I smiled.

"That's great, where are you now?"

Headquarters sir."

"Okay, we're heading there now," I said and ended the call. I smiled and patted Daniel's shoulder. "We need to leave, the shipment was intercepted by our men," I whispered. Daniel grinned. We quickly said goodbye to Joan and her friends, they didn't ask any questions because they know our job. We went straight to the headquarters with a smile plastered on my lips.