
As soon as we arrived at the location, I hacked all the cameras in and out of the building while sir Andrew and our team spread around the area.

I was inside the car assigned to watch every movement of the people in and out of the building. I looked at all the monitors around me closely and gave info to my team about the whereabouts of the enemies.

"Sir Andrew, someone approaching your right." I cursed when I saw the masked man move so fast toward him and I'm glad he was able to kick the gun that was pressed on him.

I moved my eyes to the other monitor instructing others, with my fingers moving fast on my keyboard.

"Shit!! I cursed when my eyes returned to the monitor where Sir Andrew was, and I saw the masked man was now pointing a gun at him while he looked frozen on the ground.

"What happened? "Sir, what happened to you? Andrew, Sir!!! I screamed on my earpiece but he was still staring at the masked guy blankly. "Ah!!! Shit!!! Fuck!!! I cursed with my thundering heart.

"Derek, help Sir Andrew hurry up," I said hysterically.

"Why what happened and where is he?" Derek's voice echoed in my earpiece.

He's on your right side 10 meters away from where you are hiding, ' God Derek hurry, the masked guy pointed a gun at him." I screamed. I panicked and quickly picked up my gun from the seat beside me and sprinted out of the car not waiting for Derek's answer and ran as fast as I could avoiding the bullet on my way to where sir Andrew was. I can already see him ahead but I can"t see the masked guy because of the pillar that is covering him.

"Sir, Andrew!!! Snapped it!!! I screamed on my earpiece trying to wake him up in his daze, but I abruptly stopped when he saw him fall to the ground and I saw blood.

"Shit!! Sir!!! He raced toward him, and I saw the masked guy holding his wounded arm not far away from sir Andrew.

"Hide Jasper, I got this." I heard Derek's voice in my earpiece. I quickly hid at the nearest pillar holding my gun tightly. I pecked to see what was happening and I saw the masked guy also hide and crawl away. I shoot him but he is fast and dodges every bullet that comes his way even Derek can't hit him. He runs fast and jumps in every hindrance on his way as if it's just an ordinary thing to him. He was like a ninja like he was just floating in the air when he jumped.

"Jasper!! I heard Derek's voice which brought me back from my trance.


"You see it right?" Derek asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Who was he? Is he human?" Derek asked again.

"I don't know, '' I answered and ran toward Sir Andrew who was still on the ground. I checked on him and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that his wound was on his shoulder below his collarbone and the bullet went out on his back, but there's a lot of blood and he lost consciousness but I was glad that his wound was not fatal and he was alive.

"How was he?" Derek asked.

"He's still breathing, but he's unconscious."

"He was lucky that I spotted them easily before that guy pulled the trigger if not his already dead," Derek sighs.

"Yes, But I wondered why he acted like that earlier, he looked shocked, and lost," I told him.

"Asked Daniel. I'm sure he knows the reason. By the way, where is he?"

"He's here," I whispered when I saw Daniel coming.

"What happened?" He asked when he saw Andrew unconscious with his shirt soaked with blood.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he's just unconscious, " I answered.

"What happened? Why is he wounded?" Daniel asked again.

"I'll tell you on our way, we need to bring sir Andrew to the hospital. He lost so much blood." Daniel sighs but nodded in response.

"Men clear the area, and get all the evidence that you'll find," Daniel ordered our team. Then he carried Andrew toward the car. Derek was already there sitting in the driver seat waiting for us and quickly drove off when we got inside.

"Tell me what happened?" Daniel asked again on our way to the hospital.

"I also don't know but sir Andrew seems shocked as if he saw something that shocks him. He just looks at that masked guy even though he pointed a gun toward him. He was quiet for a while looking at the unconscious sir Andrew.

"And that masked guy really something, he moves so fast that he can even avoid the bullet, and he jumps like a bouncing ball, I only hit him on his arm because he notice the bullet late and he was able to avoid it before it hit his body but instead it hit his arm that's why he missed hitting sir Andrew on his head," Derek told us.

" Do you know the reason why he suddenly acted like that, sir? "

" I don't. Let's ask Andrew when he wakes up. " He replied sadly. Derek looked at me, and I know he thought the same of me. Sir Daniel knows something but doesn't want to tell us about it. I sealed my lips and didn't ask again.

We arrived at the hospital and sir Andrew was quickly brought to the emergency room after one hour, he was brought to his private room.

Derek and I settled on the couch in the corner while sir Daniel sat on the edge of sir Andrew's bed. But we were startled when sir Andrew quickly suddenly sat up, screaming.

"No!!!!!!! He screamed, flailing his hand with tears streaming down his eyes. Daniel quickly held his arm and tried to push him back down on the bed. "Andrew, calm down." He whispered, but he continued to wiggle saying no.

Derek and I look at him, shocked this is the first time we saw him like this, looks so vulnerable but I guess Daniel has witnessed this before because he's calm while talking to sir Andrew.

"Andrew calm down, it's just a dream," Daniel said, holding his shoulder and shaking him softly. Sir Andrew opened his eyes and cursed, wiping the tears that fell from his eyes.

"My nightmares come back. I saw Matthew. He was crying asking for my help with a man pointing a gun at his head."

"Andrew It's just a dream, and you know it will never happen because Matthew .....but sir Andrew cut him. I wonder what they are talking about.

"I know, but it looks real, and I'm nearing to find who murdered them, I saw the tattoo, I saw it." He said between gritted teeth.

"What?!!!! You mean the scorpion tattoo?" Daniel asked, and sir Andrew nodded his head.

"I saw it to the wrist of that masked guy."

"You mean that masked guy murdered your family?" Daniel asked. Andrew shook his head. His family was murdered. I didn't know about this. Isn't General Choi his father? I thought while listening to their conversation.

"He has the same tattoo, but I'm sure he's not the guy I'm looking for because he's young, but I'm sure they are related."

"Umm!!! Excuse me." I butt in. They quickly looked at me, halting their conversation. "Are you talking about the scorpion tattoo, I know something about it," I told them.



I cursed while running away from the area. "Inspector Choi, you're lucky today but next time you'll die in my own hands." I thought between gritted teeth. My right arm is bleeding but I can't go to the hospital, I'm sure that the police will find me there. I gritted my teeth and held a cab. When a cab stops in front of me, I quickly open the passenger door and stab the shocked driver to death then kick him out of his taxi. I'm not in the mood for anyone right now and I'm going to kill whoever is in front of me right now. Choi, I'll make sure to kill you soon.

I drove the taxi to the place where I can find someone who will take care of my wound. I arrived in front of the mansion feeling a little dizzy because of the blood that I lost. I slowly stepped inside avoiding making any noises to wake anyone and slowly climbed up the stairs holding at the railings to steady myself. I let out a sigh of relief when I made it to the second floor. I held onto the wall and knocked on the door and leaned onto the wall waiting for the door to open, and a minute later the door clicked open.

"What...but Catherine didn't finish what she wanted to say when she recognized the person at her door. I pushed myself off the wall and faced the shocked Catherine but as soon as I straightened up I staggered forward and thankfully Catherine held my shoulder preventing my fall.

"What happened?" She asked. I could hear worries in her voice but I didn't answer but leaned my weak body on her. She hugs me and leads me inside her room and lays me on her bed. She left me for a while and when she came back she was carrying a first aid kit, a basin with warm water, and a face towel. She sat it all above the small table beside her bed and sat on the edge of the bed beside me.

I watch her as she soaks the face towel and wipes the blood on my face, and arm. "Take off your shirt, it was soaked with blood." She whispered, tugging the hem of my shirt. I forced myself to sit up and let Catherine remove my shirt and then she helped me lay on the bed again.

I place my other arm over my eyes and let Catherine treat my wound. At least she is willing to help me despite how I treated her.

She cleans all the blood on my body and arm and she gasped when she saw the wound on my arm. "Why do you have a bullet wound?" She asked while cleaning my wound.

"It's better if you don't know anything," I answered coldly. She let out a deep sigh and continued to treat my wound and didn't bother to ask me anymore. I'm sure she knows that I won't answer her.

After 15 minutes she was done treating my wound, she covered it with bandages carefully. I pretended that I was sleeping after, and peered at her when she wasn't looking.

She fixed the first aid kit and the basin and brought it back inside the bathroom then came back after signing. She removed my shoes and pulled the comforter just above my chest and sat beside me.

"What are you doing, why do you have a bullet wound and why didn't you go to the hospital, instead you came to me? She asked but I continued to pretend that I was sleeping. She brushes the loose strand of my hair away from my face and I wanted to slap her hand away but held myself. She helped so I let it pass tonight.

"You look like an angel when you're sleeping, but scary and cold when you're awake." She murmured while caressing my face. I moved a little so that she'd stop caressing my face and I'm glad she quickly retrieved her hand and rushed to the couch palm on her chest. I wanted to laugh to see her scared face but stop myself. She looked at me and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw that I was still sleeping. Mentally shook my head watching this woman.

She took a deep breath and went to her closet and took an extra pillow and comforter and laid down on the couch.

"I wish you would open up with me one day, Matt." She whispered before she went to sleep.

I quickly sat up from the bed when I was sure that Catherine was already sleeping. I sighed and ruffled my hair. I stood up from bed and went to her and looked at her sleeping. Since the day I started guarding her, I felt something I never felt before but I don't care what is it, but I feel at peace when you're beside me at least there's someone that can make me feel at peace in this hell life that I have, and it was you, Catherine, so please stay where I can always see you." I thought. I then went out of her room and went to my room to rest.