The following morning, I called three of my men to guard Catherine because I had an important business to finish with Mr. Mizuki. When they arrived I told them to never let Catherine leave the mansion no matter what happened until I came back and then I left and went to the hideout.

My men bowed when I stepped out of my car, and I went straight to the living room.

"Where's Mr. Mizuki?"

"Basement, boss," Allan answered. He's one of my trusted men because I'm the one who recruited him. I went down to the basement and I saw Mr. Mizuki in the middle of the room, his arm was tied above him with only his toes touching the floor. He was already beaten, with blood dripping all over his body. I step closer to him so that he could see my face.

"Please let me go, I'll give you whatever you want, just let me get out of here." He pleaded, weakly. I wanted to punch him but my arm still hurt.

"I want your life, and you can get out of here, can you give it to me?." I asked, looking into his eyes. I chuckled when I saw fear in his eyes. He wiggled his arm but it only made the knot tighten and causing his arm to bleed more. He looked terrified when I pulled a pocket knife from my pocket. He tried to step back but his tie prevented him.

"Please have mercy on me." He pleaded, but I didn't have that.

"You should think about it before you try to double cross me, Mr. MIzuki. We were good at being business partners but you cheated on me. You are greedy, and underestimate me. You don't know what I am capable of doing, Mr. Mizuki and you choose the wrong enemy.

I inch the knife close to his face and he screamed when the tip of the knife slowly pierce his skin. I dragged it in a sickening slow movement down which added to the pain he was feeling. I made long open cuts on his right face and the same to the left. Then I moved the knife to his chest and also did the same.

Mr. Mizuki screamed every time the knife pierced every part of his body but no more voice came out. Looks like he's crying blood right now because of the cuts that I made just below his eyes and blood gushed out of them.

"Leave us alone," I ordered my men who were in the room with me. I waited until the door was closed before I face Mr. Mizuki again.

"You want to see the face of this junior in front of you?" I asked, holding his chin to make him look at me. Then I pulled down my mask not waiting for his answer, grinning at him. "So what can you say about my face, don't forget it because this is the last face you'll see," I said, smirking.

"Now that you saw my face already, maybe you can now rest in peace because a double-crosser like you needed to vanish," I said, grinning.

"Please don't." He pleaded.

"You should think twice before you double-cross me," I said. I pulled my gun and pointed it first at his right leg, then pulled the trigger. He cried in pain but no more voice left. Then I did it to his left leg, both arms, and the last bullet between his eyes. I spit on the floor and went out of the room.

"Throw his body away," I ordered and went to my private room. I changed my clothes which were covered with blood and was ready to leave when my phone rang.

"Hello!!!! I answered walking out of my room.

"Boss Miss Catherine ran away, and we can't find her."

The man on the other line said. I cursed and quickly hung up. I quickly runs out of my room and went back to the room where I left Mr. Mizuki's dead body.

"Make sure no evidence can be seen on his body, clean his body before you throw him," I ordered.

"Yes, boss." My men answered. I quickly ran out of the hideout and went to my car. I dialed Catherine's number as I drove away but no one answered. I dialed it again and after it rang like forever someone answered her phone.

"Hello!!!!! a drunk Catherine answered with loud music in the background.

"Catherine, where are you? How many times have I told you that don't leave at home without me." I screamed.

I heard her chuckling and it annoyed me. "Ahhh... Matt, I got bored so I just had some fun to kill my boredom." She answered giggling.

"Hey sexy, can I have this dance?" I heard a man's voice on the other line, and I heard a brat giggle.

"Okay."!!!! I heard her answer.

"Catherine doesn't go with him when I find you I'll kill him." l warned her, but she hung up on me and when I try to call her again, her phone was turned off.

"Brat!!! I screamed, throwing my phone at the passenger seat beside me and returning my gaze to the road, cursing. Why I'm worried about this woman. I should have let her die because his father killed my parents. I shouldn't care about this brat.

My phone rang again and I quickly answered it.

"Boss, we found her."

"Give me the address." After I got the address, I quickly drove to the club where that brat is having the fun of her life.

I arrived at the club after twenty minutes of driving, and I quickly went inside. The loud music and the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes greeted me as soon as I stepped inside. I scanned the area but I couldn't find her. Someone tapped my shoulder and I spun around and one of my men was standing there behind me.

"She's the dance floor boss. We tried to persuade her to go home, but she won't listen to us."

"Where?" He pointed to the middle of the dance floor, and there I saw Catherine grinding her body to the guy with her hand around his neck, their body was so close that even air can't pass.

I balled my fist and trudged toward them. I tapped Catherine's shoulder but she seemed not to feel it as well as her partner whose hand is now running up and down her back.

I harshly pulled Catherine away from the guy and she bump on my chest in utter shock as well as her partner but she grinned when she recognized me.

"Matt," She giggled, smiling at me sweetly but I just glared at her and dragged him out of the dance floor who was packed up with people who were grinding with each other not caring about their surroundings, without saying a word but the guy followed us and grabbed Catherine's wrist stopping us from moving.

"What's your problem dude, why did you just storm to us and drag my partner away." Catherine just giggled too drunk to comprehend what was happening. I threw the guy a warning glare, but he pulled Catherine away from me. But I gripped Catherine's arm tightly and she only stumbled back to me when the guy pulled her.

"Remove your hand if you don't want me to kill you," I warned him. The guy chuckled but removed his hand from Catherine raising it in surrender.

"Tsk! your girl is not that beautiful, so take her away." He mocked. I chuckled but my eyes showed otherwise.

Catherine quickly wrapped her arm around my waist when her arms were freed and leaned her head on my chest. I looked at her angrily but she just grinned at me. I led her out of the club with my arm around her waist to prevent her from falling and led her to my car.

"Kill the guy," I whispered to my men when we passed by them, and they nodded without uttering a word.

I helped Catherine settle down in the passenger seat, put on her seatbelt, and close her door before going to the driver's side. I slid inside the car and fastened my seatbelt. I looked at Catherine and found that she was also looking at me with droopy eyes.

"Matt, she whispered and leaned closer to me. I leaned away from her but Catherine continues to lean toward me

"What are you doing?" I asked between gritted teeth.

"Kiss you," She said and quickly pressed her lip to me. I froze on my seat, with eyes wide open while looking at Catherine's closed eyes kissing me. I blinked many times to shock at what was happening. I felt Catherine nibbling on my lower lips and her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me closer.

I had the urge to kiss her back but I stopped myself and pushed her away. 'What the hell, what's wrong with you, does the guy earlier make you horny that's why you're acting like this?!!!!!! I screamed holding her shoulder.

"No" she murmured, pouting, ``I just want to kiss you." She answered without a hint of embarrassment, too drunk to know what she was doing. She unbuckled her seatbelt, but I stopped her. She looks at me grinning and slapped my hand away. She completely unbuckled her seatbelt and she bites her lips seductively while looking at me. I remove my eyes away from her and fixed them outside the car.

"Fasten your seatbelt, we're leaving," I said without looking at her, but I was surprised when she straddled my lap and quickly kissed me again. I cursed and tried to push her but Catherine was holding onto my neck tightly and the steering wheel was supporting her back. I tried hard to control myself because I knew that she was drunk but I gasped when her hand went under my shirt and she run her hand on my tummy.

Her tongue slip inside my mouth, and all control and hesitation quickly melted down like ice being exposed to the heat when I felt her tongue inside my mouth. It wakes up the fire that was hidden in the deepest pit of my body, and I can't control it anymore because it's burning me inside and I did what my body and mind wanted. I kissed her back with an equal intensity she was giving me. Our tongue fought for dominance and she let me lead the way.

She moaned when I accidentally bit her lips which added to the heat that I was feeling right now. My hand slowly sneaks inside her shirt, caressing her soft skin on her back. She pulled away from my lips and thrills her lips down my jaw, and neck. I groaned and pulled her closer, running my hand to the lock of her bra and quickly unclasping it. My hand moved to her breast, but I stopped when I felt Catherine stop kissing me. I paused thinking that she didn't like what I was doing and looked at her face that was leaning on my shoulder and I chuckled when I heard a light snore from her.

"You set me on fire, then you sleep leaving me hanging," I whispered. I sighed. "Matthew what just happened, you're losing control of yourself now, you should not show any emotion to anyone, especially to her. She's the daughter of the person who killed your parents. I sighed again.

"Why did I let my guard down? I shouldn't cross the line that I draw between us because this will only lead to nothing."

I fixed her clothes and lifted her off my lap and settled her in the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt.

"Don't fall for me, Catherine, because It's forbidden," I whispered