As soon as Matthew loosens the rope on Catherine's arms and ankles, she quickly forced her weak body to sit and wrapped her arms around Matthew's waist. She buried her face in his chest sobbing. She was trembling in fear. Her breathing is uneven, her arms and legs felt numb, and her body is aching.

She has a lot of bruises from her face down to her arms, body, and legs. Kiss marks were scattered on her body. Matthew balled his fist tightly, he could see her bareback, which was also covered with bruises and scrapes. Her pale skin became purple, lips were swollen with dried blood at the side.

Matthew lightly distanced himself from her and put on his jacket on her, and zipped it up. He gently brushed her hair behind her ear, looking straight into her fearful eyes, and wiped her tears away using the back of his hand. His hand lingered on her face and caressed it gently. Catherine leaned on his hand and more tears streamed from her eyes. She placed her trembling hand on top of him biting her quivering lips.

"You're safe now," Matthew whispered.

Catherine broke into a heartbreaking sob, staring at him. Her eyes never left him afraid he would vanish if she blinked. Her trembling hands were clutching tightly at his arm and didn't want to let go.

Matthew let out a sigh, closing his eyes, Seeing Catherine vulnerable and pitiful like this before his eyes, awakened the hidden feeling that he hid in the deepest pit of his heart, the feeling that he chose to lock for a long time. The feeling that he doesn't want to feel because it makes him weak and falters his reason why he is still alive even though he was living in the world of hell.

But he can't stop the feeling that wanted to burst out from his chest anymore and let that feeling take over him. He pulled her into a tight hug and soothingly rubbed her back, putting down all the walls that he built around himself for a long time. He closed his eyes and let the real Matthew control him.

Catherine sobbed, and felt safe in his embrace, it felt warm and comforting, and before she knew it, tiredness and exhaustion took over her, and she became limped in Matthew's embrace.

Matthew, who was hugging her, instantly stiffened when Catherine's hand fell limply beside her. He quickly broke the hug and looked at her worriedly. His heart skipped a bit when her head fell to the side with her eyes closed.

"Catherine, what's wrong?" Matthew asked nervously, but he got nothing for an answer.

"Catherine !!!! He called again, shaking her lightly. He panicked when she didn't make any movement. He quickly carried her in his arms and ran outside the building. His men are there standing waiting for him.

Matthew runs to his car, and one of his men opens the door for him. He quickly sat Catherine on the passenger seat and quickly fastened her seatbelt, then he looked at his men.

"Throw him where you throw his father, make sure no evidence is left," Matthew said before he slid inside his car and sped off.

Matthew Arrived in front of the Park mansion in record time. He quickly got out of the car and went to Catherine's side. He opened her door and unbuckled her seatbelt and quickly carried her in his arm and raced inside the mansion. He moves quietly avoiding waking anyone and brings Catherine to her room.

He gently laid her above her bed and went inside the bathroom to get a face towel to clean her. He soaks it with warm water and squeezed it. He went back to her and gently wiped her face. He let out a sigh of relief when she whimpered and snapped her eyes open.

But Matthew was startled when she quickly got up from the bed and ran to the corner of her room and curled herself trembling. "Please don't come," she whispered with her quivering voice sobbing.

Matthew's heart sank while looking at her sadly. He let out a sigh and stood up from the bed, and took a step toward her, but Catherine pressed her body onto the wall trembling. 'Please I'm begging." she pleaded not looking at him.

"Catherine, Matthew called her, taking a step closer to her, but the more he got nearer to her, the more Catherine scooted away from him crying.

Matthew kneeled in front of her, but Catherine scooted backward, hitting her back onto the bed. She winced in pain but continued to move until she was corner between her bed and the wall. Matthew reaches out her hand, but Catherine slapped his hand away.

"NO, don't touch me," she screamed.

"Catherine, it's me, but Catherine doesn't hear anything that he said, in her mind, she was thinking about how to escape. She quickly stood up and race to the door, but Matthew quickly grabbed her wrist and spanned her around.

"Let go, let me go!!!! She screamed, slapping and kicking him.

"Catherine !!! Matthew screamed, shaking her, but she continued to struggle from his hold. Matthew took a deep breath and gathered her to his arm. Catherine struggled, screaming.

"Listen, it's me, Matt," Matthew whispered, hugging her tightly.

"Matt?... Matt... Matt... the name echoed inside her mind and she stopped struggling, she slowly lifted her teary eyes, and more tears streamed down her eyes when she recognized the man who was hugging her.

"Matt, you come." she sobbed. Matthew nodded his head and wiped her tears.

"Zumi... he ...." Catherine thrilled off, she slowly unzipped the jacket that was covering her body.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asked, stopping her hand.

"Look at me, I'm so disgusted with myself, he touches me, and he kisses me." Catherine sobbed and slumped down on the floor crying.

"Catherine, forget about it, I'm not disgusted with you," he said, trying to comfort her. Catherine looked at him, sadly.

"Then kiss me, if you're not disgusted with me, kiss me.' She whispered, staring at him, crying.

"Catherine ...' Matthew whispered and kneeled in front of her. " You're still the Catherine that I know nothing has changed, so don't feel disgusted with yourself, and Zumi is already dead, stop being sorry to yourself.

"Kiss me," Catherine whispered again, tears streaming down her face. 'Just kissed me.' she sobbed.

"Catherine stopped this nonsense," Matthew whispered, annoyed.

Catherine sobbed and stood up, she limply went inside her bathroom, removed the jacket, and stood under the shower. She opens the water, hoping it can wash all the dirty deeds that Zumi did to her. Her bruises and scrapes sting when the water touches her skin, but she ignored it. She picked up the sponge and rubbed it on her skin harshly. Her scrape started to bleed but she ignored it. She continued to rub the sponge on her body, ignoring the blood and the pain that she felt.

Matthew wrecked his hair while looking at the open door of the bathroom. He can hear the sound of the water from the inside, but he felt worried about her. He sat above the bed and waited for her to come out, but already thirty minutes had passed and she was still not done. Matthew waited for another ten minutes, and another five minutes until he felt something weird.

He quickly burst inside the bathroom, and his eyes widened when he saw her on the tiled floor, her whole body was bleeding but she was still rubbing the sponge on her body. Matthew angrily snatched the sponge from her hand and threw it away.

"Are you crazy!!!! he screamed, but she just looked at him, with her teary eyes. Matthew took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and hugged her. He pulled her up and washed her, which also soaked him in the process but ignored it, then pat her dry with a towel and carried her back to her bed.

Catherine sat there, not minding that she was naked in front of him, she doesn't care anymore, and she doesn't want to care. Matthew took the first aid kit and treated all her wounds. Catherine just let him, ignoring the stingy pain every time he dubs an antiseptic on her scrape. After he was done he went to her closet and took her pajamas and wore them to her. After that, he fixed the first aid kit and returned it to the drawer.

He sat next to her, looking at her eyes, and cupped her face. He softly caressed it while Catherine looked at him with her tears streaming down her face.

"If I kissed you, you'll forget what happened earlier?' he asked, staring into her eyes, but didn't let her utter a word, he leaned closer to her and kissed her. She closed her eyes and tears fell from her eyes again.

Matthew broke the kiss and wiped her tears. She opens her eyes and hugged him. "Matt, I love you," she whispered. Matthew smiled and blinked the tears that formed in his eyes.

"I know," he whispered back. "But we can't be together." He thought.

"You need to rest," Matthew whispered and broke the hug. Catherine looked at him, "I love you." she said again. Matthew nodded his head but didn't look at her. Catherine swallows the lump that rose inside her throat.

"I love you," she said again, crying.

"I hear you," Matthew answered. Catherine cried more and laid on her bed and pulled the cover over her head, and cried under it. Matthew looked up at the ceiling to prevent his tears from falling.

"I think I love you too Catherine, but I can't say it to you, because I shouldn't have to, I'm sorry."


After a couple of days, Andrew was released from the hospital and the first thing that greeted him is the news about Mr. Mizuki and his son dying. Mr. Mizuki's body was found floating in the Han River. His body was full of large, and long open wounds; he was brutally killed. And two weeks after, his son's body also was found floating at the same spot where they found his father.

And there's a rumor that Mr. Mizuki was murdered by his business partner because he double-crossed their deal about drugs. And his son was also killed by the same person. Mr. Mizuki is a well-known personality in Japan because of his business around Asia, and the authorities wondered if the rumors were true, because they couldn't find any evidence that he was related to the drug business.

Andrew and his team, can't find any evidence, or clue to pinpoint who killed them. They were clean, with no fingerprints, nothing at all. Andrew sighed in frustration. This is the first case he handled that give him a hard time.

Andrew and his team are inside his office both frustrated because they don't find any evidence at the scene. Andrew laid his head above his table and looked at Jasper

"Jasper, can I ask you a favor, can you help me investigate the scorpion tattoo?"

"But, sir"

"Please, I'm suspecting that they have something to do about all the killings that were happening recently, I want to know more about them."

Jasper sighed. "Okay!!

"And about that masked guy, is there anything you knew about him?" he asked.

"Umm, my friend mentioned to me, when he was still working for them, that he was the right hand of their boss, and he's only 24 years old, and he said that he was heartless. He killed people without mercy. If he found out that you backfired him, he would kill you instantly. But no one of them saw his face, only those who were very close to him."

Andrew nodded his head. "He's so young to be the right hand of the number one drug lord of Korea," Daniel commented.

"Yeah! Derek said in agreement.

"And my friend told me that there's a rumor that he was kidnapped by their boss when he was young, and he trained him to be like what he was right now.' Jasper added.

"Andrew smiled sadly, he was the same age as Matthew if he was still alive." He thought bitterly. He sighed. "Can you investigate him also?"

"Okay, sir," Jasper answered.

"Okay, that's all for today," Andrew said and stood up from his seat. Daniel, Jasper, and Derek followed.

"Andrew, you want to hang out for a while? Let's have some drinks," Daniel asked.

"Yeah, let's go, sir, I missed having fun because of our job," Derek said grinning.

"I'm tired, I want to rest." he tiredly answered.

"Aisht!!! c'mon, it's been ages since we went out for a drink." Daniel urged him.

"But!!!..... "No buts, c'mon," Daniel said and pulled him out of his office. Jasper and Derek followed behind them grinning happily.


Daniel stops the car in front of the club. The three of them excitedly get out of the car, except Andrew who was forced to come. Daniel quickly put his arm around his shoulder smiling and led him inside with two young ones following them.

They were greeted by the loud music, and the strong smell of alcohol, and cigarettes. Andrew wrinkled his nose. He's not used to this kind of atmosphere, and it makes him more exhausted.

Andrew and Daniel sat in front of the bar and ordered their drink. While Derek and Jasper went to the dance floor and danced with the random girls that came to them.

"Niel,' Andrew called him.

"Hmm? Daniel answered.

" Am I doing right?" He asked.

"Doing right about what?"

"About the revenge thing."

"Umm, You just want justice," Daniel answered. "If that thing happened to me I'll do the same, I won't stop until I see him six feet below the ground," Daniel answered.

Andrew chuckled sadly. ``We're really both the same," he said and gulped his drink. Daniel also chuckled and gulped down his drink. "I'm your friend and I'm always behind you no matter what happens, I'll always support every decision you make," Daniel said, looking at the dance floor.

Andrew smiled bitterly. "You know what, that's what I said to Matthew before I left him, "I'll always be there beside you no matter what happened, but I didn't fulfill that promise." He said sadly.

"Andrew, stop blaming yourself anymore, you almost died that day also, I'm sure your brother doesn't blame you because of what happened. I'm sure he was just up there watching." Daniel said, comforting him.

Andrew smiled, and pick up his glass and empty it. He diverts his eyes to the dance floor and he spotted someone familiar. "Niel, that girl, you remember her?" Andrew asked, pointing at the girl who was dancing alone. Daniel followed who he was pointing to.

"Umm! Isn't that the girl at the party last time?" Daniel answered.

"Umm! yeah, what's her name again... Oh, yes, Catherine, Is she alone? she looks drunk." Andrew said.

"Why? you worried about her?' Daniel asked.

'No just wondering?' Andrew answered. Daniel smiled.

"Why don't you ask her," Daniel said smiling.

"She won't recognize me."

"Just try." Daniel urged him. Looking at Catherine, "Umm, seems like someone coming to her." Daniel said, pointing at Catherine.

Andrew looked at Catherine and he saw a drunk guy coming on her way, grabbing her hand. He saw her pull her hand away from the man and just continued dancing, but the man pulled her toward him.

Andrew quickly stood up, "A minute Niel." he said and raced toward Catherine. Daniel smiled while looking at Andrew who was half running toward Catherine.

Andrew pulled the guy away from Catherine and pushed him away. The guy stumbled backward glaring at Andrew, but he showed his badge to him, and he quickly scampered away.

"Thank you," Catherine said.

Andrew smiled and nodded at her. "Are you alone?" he asked. Catherine nodded in response.

"You're drunk." Andrew points out.

"A bit tipsy," she answered.

"By the way I'm Andrew," he introduced himself. Catherine chuckled.

"What's funny?" Andrew asked.

"I knew you already, at the party remember," Catherine said chuckling. Andrew smiled. " I thought you won't remember me." He answered.

"Inspector Choi, Your face is on the newspaper every day," Catherine said, chuckling. Andrew laugh awkwardly.

"Not really. Why don't you join me and my friend?" He offered and looked at Daniel who was smiling at him.

"Is it okay?'

"It's okay, don't worry." He answered, and led Catherine beside Daniel.

"Hi! Daniel greeted her.


"Have a seat." Andrew offers the seat beside him. Catherine sat beside him and ordered her drink.

"I think you have enough," Andrew said.

"I just want to be drunk to forget some of my problems," Catherine said and gulped down the drink that the bartender gave her. She orders another drink and gulps it down again. Daniel and Andrew looked at her wondering why she was drowning herself in alcohol.

But they were startled when someone grabbed Catherine's glass and slammed it on the table. "How many times have I told you not to leave home without me knowing." Matthew angrily said and yanked her up from her seat.

Catherine hissed and pushed him away. " Leave me alone." She screamed, but Matthew grabbed her wrist and dragged her, but Andrew grabbed Catherine's other wrist stopping them.

Matthew snapped his eyes back to Andrew clenching his jaw. "We meet again Inspector Choi." Matthew mockingly said. Andrew tilted his head, when did we meet?" Andrew asked still holding Catherine's wrist.

"Forget it, Just let Catherine go, and mind your own business," Matthew exclaimed.

"But she doesn't want to go with you, so leave her alone," Andrew said. Matthew greeted his teeth. 'Catherine you're coming with me or not."Matthew asked giving him the look, I will kill him if you don't." Catherine slowly removed Andrew's hand away from her.

"I'm sorry, inspector Choi, but I have to go. Nice meeting you again. " Catherine said and stormed away leaving Matthew behind.

"Stay away from her," Matthew said and followed behind Catherine.

"What was that? Is he Catherine's boyfriend?' Daniel asked.

Andrew shrugged his shoulder. " I don't know," he answered while looking at the fading figured of Matthew. "He really looks familiar." He thought.


As soon as Catherine was out of the club Matthew grabbed her wrist and spun her around glaring at her angrily. "How many times have I warned you, What happened to you a couple of weeks ago is not enough to stop you from being a stubborn brat?" Matthew screamed.

Catherine ignored him and yanked her hand away from him, and continued walking. Matthew ran after her and pulled her arm again. Catherine stops walking and faced him angrily.

"You're my bodyguard and you have to guard me. You don't have the right to scream at me or mind my business. You're only my bodyguard, you hear me, So act like one." Catherine angrily said.

"What's wrong with you?' Matthew angrily asked.

"You!!!! Catherine screamed. So shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!!! Catherine screamed and ran away from him.

"Where are you going?" Matthew asked, running after her.

"I'm going home alone," Catherine answered. Matthew fastened his pace and grabbed her hand and dragged her toward his car.

"Let me go," She screamed, struggling from his hold. Matthew was beyond pissed. He bent down and threw her over his shoulder and carried her toward his car.

Catherine struggled to his shoulder hitting his back, crying, but Matthew ignored her, and threw her in the passenger seat and quickly fastened her seatbelt, then closed the door. Catherine tried to get out of the car but before she could do it, Matthew who just got inside the car pulled her back.

"Stop it already Catherine !!!!! Matthew screamed.

"I don't want to go with you!!!!! Catherine screamed back.

Even if you like it or not you're coming with me." Matthew said and started the car. His tires screeched when he pulled out from the parking lot, and he drove at enormous speed, which causes her to clutch onto her seatbelt for dear life.

They arrived in front of the mansion in record time, and Catherine was paled like paper. Matthew stormed out of the car and went to her side and opened her door. He quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and threw her again over his shoulder. She didn't struggle this time, she was still shocked by what had just happened. She only snapped back in her trance when Matthew threw her above her bed and slammed the door behind him when he left her room.