One week has passed but Andrew's team still doesn't find any lead about Mr. Mizuki's case. He was now frustrated and pissed about the whole thing. He, Daniel, and Derek are now inside his office again reading all the files they got about Mr. Mizuki and his son, and they found out that he was doing some illegal business, like drugs and prostitution, and his business is just a front to hide his illegal doing.

They all look up when Jasper bursts at the door, carrying some files in his hand. He sat in front of Andrew and handed him the file.

"What is this?" Andrew asked.

"That's your late father's file, I found it inside the storage, and I found something in there," Jasper said and opened the file. "Look at this," Jasper said, pointing at the second page of the file.

Andrew scanned the page and read it, then looked at Jasper. "How's this related to our case?" he asked.

Jasper scooted closer to him. "This is not about Mr. Mizuki's case, this is about your family's death. It says here, that your father killed the younger brother of the number one drug lord of Korea during their operation."

"Then, what's that mean?" Andrew asked.

"It's simple, your family was murdered because of revenge, because the owner of that scorpion tattoo that you saw that day is Teodor Park the number one drug lord of Korea his older brother," Jasper said.

Andrew stood up from his seat instantly. "How did you...

"I have my way, sir, and one more thing, You'll be surprised at what I found out. Mr. Park has a hidden daughter, and you know who she is?" Jasper asked, looking at Andrew.

"Who?" Andrew asked in anticipation.

"Remember the girl at the birthday party last time, with an emo guy with him?" Andrew's eyes widened in recognition.

Catherine Park?" Andrew asked, surprised.

Jasper nodded his head.

Andrew let out a smile, but they can tell that he was thinking something bad inside his mind.

"Andrew, don't do anything that you'll regret later," Daniel whispered.

Andrew fixes the file above his table, ignoring Daniel. "I'm going home first, thanks for the information, Jasper." He said and walked toward the door.

"Andrew!! Daniel called, grabbing his wrist.

"Don't worry, I won't do any stupid thing for now." He said and stepped out of the room.

Daniel sat back on the couch and looked at Jasper. Jasper lowers his head and felt guilty. Daniel runs his palm on his face, sighing.

"You should have told me first," Daniel said.

"Sorry, sir. I got excited when I found the information and I didn't think of it at first," Jasper said, feeling sorry.


Andrew quickly got inside his car and drove off toward the place where he can open himself freely, at the grave of his family.

He pulled in front of the cemetery and stepped out of the car, carrying three bouquets that he bought on his way. He went inside the cemetery and went to the grave of his family.

He placed the flower the front of the three graves in front of him and he sat in front of it. Mom, Dad, Matthew, I know who he is now, sooner or later I'll see him face to face, and when that time comes, I'll make sure he'll end up in this place." Andrew whispered with tears falling from his eyes.

"I'll make him pay, I'll take his precious daughter from him so that he'll know how it feels when your loved one was killed just before his eyes." He said between gritted teeth.

"Teodor Park, I'm coming for you. You'll regret leaving me that day still breathing." Andrew thought, clenching his jaw.


Since that day, when Jasper gives him the information about the scorpion tattoo, Andrew can barely be seen inside his office. He's always busy with something they don't know. Daniel, Jasper, and Derek asked him many times why he was always away, but they always got the same answer.

"I'm working on Mr. Mizuki's case," he always said, which they don't believe at all, and Daniel noticed a change in him. He saw the old Andrew back then when they were in college. Quiet, always lost in thought and reserved, and he's afraid about it because it only meant one thing, something bad going to happen.

"Andrew," Daniel called him one day when he saw him walking toward his office. Andrew stopped in his tracks and looked at him.

"Andrew... but he cut him by raising his palm.

"Don't stop me," he said coldly then walked inside his office. Daniel followed behind him and locked the door.

"I know what's running inside your mind, spare her, she has nothing to do with what his father did," Daniel said. Andrew chuckled sadly.

"You're siding with that bastard now?" Andrew said glaring at Daniel.

"I'm not...."

"Fuck, then don't stop me." Andrew cursed, pacing back and forth in front of Daniel.



"Why? Does he think that thing when he killed, My parents and Matthew? Of course not. He killed them without even blinking, for his revenge." Andrew angrily said.

"But you're not him, if you do things as he does, you're no different from him," Daniel said. Andrew chuckled.

"I'm a living corpse anyway, who cares what I'm doing, I'm just where I am now because of my revenge and nothing more," Andrew said sitting on his chair.

Daniel sighed sadly. "I get it now, I'm nothing to even me, your friends, oh..... scratch it, I see you as my brother is nothing to you, I get it now." he smiles sadly at Andrew and leaves his office slamming the door behind him.

Andrew runs his palm on his face looking at the closed door sadly. "I'm sorry Daniel but this is the only way to stop you from following me around. I don't want you to be in danger because of me." Andrew thought sadly. He took the file inside his drawer and read it.

Catherine Park, 20 years old, studying at Seoul University, taking up medicine. Andrew runs his finger on the picture clenching his jaw. Then he stood up and gathered his things. He stepped out of his office and saw Daniel on his way, but he ignored him. Andrew just heaved a sigh and walked past him. He went straight to his car and drove off.

"Seoul University," he murmured.

Andrew arrived in front of Seoul University. He parked his car not far away from the gate. He knew what time Catherine's class ended because he already got her schedule.

After one week of trailing her around, Andrew found out that Matt was her bodyguard, and there were another two around as a lookout. He also found out that Matt was her closest bodyguard and the one that he must not mess with.

A smile curved on his lips when he saw Catherine walking out of the gate. He saw her two bodyguards far away from her but he didn't see Matt. He quickly gets out of his car, wearing a cap to cover his face. He finds his way toward her, and when he is near her, bumps her and all her things dropped to the ground.

"Sorry," he apologized. He saw Catherine look up and her eyes widened in recognition.

"Oh, inspector Choi."

"Miss Park," Andrew said, faking that he was surprised to see her while helping her in picking up her things.

"I noticed that we always bump into each other," Catherine said smiling. Andrew also smiled.

"I noticed that also," he answered with a fake smile plastered on his lips.

"What brought you here?" Catherine asked after picking up her thing on the floor.

"Just visit someone." He lied. "Want some drink, "My treat, for bumping you." He said, chuckling.

"Not a bad idea." She grinned. Andrew smiled.

"To my car." He said smiling.

"Okay!" Catherine answered. Andrew leads her toward his car but one of her bodyguards blocks their way.

"Miss ... but Catherine stopped him. "Matt knew about this, and he's going to pick me up, you can go ahead," Catherine said. Andrew smiled.

"But Miss!! Catherine ignored him and dragged Andrew away.

"My car is that way," Andrew said, chuckling.

"Sorry! He's just annoying." Catherine said.

"Who is he?" Andrew asked when they were inside his car.

"Bodyguard, " she answered, rolling her eyes. Andrew chuckled and started the car.

"Why did your father give you a bodyguard?" Andrew asked, eyes fixed on the road.

"I don't know either," Catherine sighed but shuddered when she remembered Zumi.

"What's wrong?" Andrew asked when he felt she tensed up.

"Nothing," Catherine answered. Andrew smiled and didn't push it.

They stop in front of a bar, and Andrew quickly gets out and opens the door for her. "Thank you," Catherine murmured. Andrew smiled and led her inside.

They sat at the vacant table away from others and ordered their drink.

"So, you're taking up the medicine right?" Andrew asked, starting the conversation.

"Yes, I want to become a doctor someday, I want to help the less fortunate children who can't afford to go to the hospital, and I want to build my own Hospital that can help them also," Catherine said smiling.

Andrew smiled sadly. " That was kind of you." He said.

"I just want to help those children who lost their parents at a young age, because like me, even though I have my father with me, it seems like I'm an orphan because I barely saw him, and I knew how it felt to lose your parents at a young age. My mom was killed when I was just four years old."

"Andrew clenched his jaw, the memory back then rushing inside his mind. "Why was your mother killed?" he asked.

"I don't know, but dad said that it was just an accident, but I knew back then that Mom was killed but I didn't force my father to tell me the truth.."

"Sorry for your loss," Andrew murmured. Catherine smiled. "It's a long time ago, and I accept it already," she said, but Andrew can see the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Excuse me for a while." She said standing up from her seat. Andrew nodded his head.

When Catherine left, Andrew quickly put his plan into action, he dropped sleeping pills on her glass and lightly shook it so that it would melt quickly. When he can't see the tablet anymore, he returns to where it was before and pretends that he's drinking his wine.

Catherine comes back after 15 minutes, Andrew can tell that she cries inside the bathroom, because of her red eyes.

"You okay?" Andrew asked. Catherine nodded and emptied her glass. Andrew sips his drink while glancing at her once in a while. He saw that her eyes were getting drowsy.

"Why do I feel sleepy?" she asked.

"Maybe because of the wine," Andrew answered.

"Can you call Matt for me?" She said and handed her phone to Andrew. He took it from her hand and her head fell on his shoulder.