Matthew is having a meeting inside their hideout together with his trusted men when he feels his phone vibrate inside his pocket. He took it out and looked at it. He received a video message. He frowned, but stood up from his seat, then moved away from the group, then played it.

His heart quickly pounded inside his chest when he saw the video. Catherine is above the bed with both arms and legs tied to the post.

"What the fuck is this.... he screamed that startled his men. He looks at them. "Meeting is over." He said and ran out of the room leaving his men confused.

Matthew dialed the number of his men that were guarding Catherine." Where's Catherine ?" he asked, sternly.

"Boss, I thought she was with you because she said that you're the one to pick her up, and she told us to go home."

"What? what the fuck are you talking about, I told the both of you earlier that I can't guard her today because I have an important matter to do. How can I pick her up?" Matthew screamed in rage.

"Where is she!!!! he screamed.

"She was with a guy earlier, Boss,"

"Who's the guy?" Matthew asked.

"I don't know, boss." He answered. Matthew cursed. "Search for her, don't ever show your face in front of me until you don't find her" He screamed and hung up.

Matthew dialed Catherine's number, it rang many times but no one answered. He tried to call her again and he let out a sigh of relief when someone answered it.

"Catherine, where are you?" He asked as soon as he heard someone press the answer button.

"Tell Mr. Park, If he wants to see her daughter alive, he should come and save her himself." The person at the other line said and hung up. Matthew looked at his phone, clenching his jaw but chuckled. "Crazy man, asking for a drug lord," he thought.

His phone vibrated indicating he got a text. It was the address where the man wanted to meet Mr. Park. And said that he should come alone or else he'll kill Catherine instantly if he brought someone with him. "What a coward, using a girl." Matthew thought." You should pass me first before you can see Mr. Park." Matthew said between gritted teeth. He went to his car and drove off to the said address.


Andrew, on the other hand, was standing in front of their old house. Only the post and some concrete walls remained. He stood there waiting for the man he'd been looking for a long time. "Mom, Dad, Matti, he's coming any minute from now, even if I die today, It's okay, but I'll make sure he'll also die together with me." Andrew thought, looking at their old house sadly.

He purposely leaves their house like that, because he doesn't want to lose the only memory he has of his family. He stood behind the pillar hiding waiting for someone to come. He waited for fifteen minutes, and he spotted a car coming.

He held his gun in his hand waiting for the man to step out of his car. The area was dark and he couldn't see his face clearly. The man stood in front of his car and looked around.

Andrew gritted his teeth when he recognized who it was. "The masked guy and not Mr. Park." Andrew thought between gritted teeth. He saw him walking toward where he was and stopped three feet away from him.

"Where are you? Where's Catherine ?" he shouted.

Andrew stepped out from his hiding place, looking at him. "I want Mr. Park and not you." He coldly said.

Matthew's eyes widened when he recognized who was behind this thing but quickly hid it. "I don't know that you have a hidden bad side, Inspector Choi." Matthew mocked.

Andrew chuckled, "Catherine will die if Mr. Park won't show up after 30 minutes." Andrew said and turned his heel to leave. Matthew's blood boiled in anger when he heard what he said. He quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Andrew.

"Where is she, or I'll shoot you." He shouted. Andrew chuckled and looked back at him. "I don't know that the kind of you also know to care." Andrew mocked.

"Where is she," Matthew shouted again.

"Only Mr. Park, I want," Andrew said and continued to leave. Matthew gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, but Andrew only tilted his body to avoid the bullet. He also pulled his gun and shot him back, but like what he did Matthew also dodge the bullet.

Andrew walked toward him, and Matthew did the same while shooting each other, but no one hit each other until they were now facing each other. They stay like that, staring, pointing a gun at each other.

Matthew pulled the trigger again but Andrew tilted sideways, hitting his arm with his gun holder. Matthew's gun fell on the floor, and he quickly moved backward. Andrew shot him and he was hit on his side, and he fell on the floor. He shoots him again, but he's out of bullets.

Matthew quickly stood up holding his wounded side, but he was lucky that it was only a graze. He ran to Andrew, launching a spin kick but Andrew only stepped backward and caught his leg, and threw him on the wall.

Matthew groaned and stood up again, but Andrew was already in front of him, he tried to grab his mask but Matthew kicked his chin, he staggered backward, and Matthew followed it with a kick on his chest but Andrew was able to block it and punch him on his face. Matthew cursed.

"Where's Mr. Park?" Andrew asked and kicked him on his chest, Andrew was quick that he couldn't even recover from the previous blow from him, and there was another more coming. Matthew knows that he was fast but he didn't know that there's someone that will match his ability or is faster than him, but he can't accept that there's someone that can beat him.

"Where's Mr. Park?" Andrew screamed. Matthew smirked. "Kill me first before you can see Mr. Park," Matthew said, running toward Andrew, but Andrew approached him in the middle and gave him a roundhouse kick, and he fell on the floor kneeling in front of Andrew.

"Then I don't have a choice but to kill you." Andrew said coldly, but he was startled when he saw something sparkle when the light at the post hit it, " A dagger." He thought, he quickly stepped away from Matthew, but Matthew followed and stabbed him.

Andrew fell on the ground in the process, but he was lucky that the dagger only ripped his shirt half on his chest, if he wasn't able to dodge it he was sure his chest was cut in half, but before he can recover from his shock, Matthew was already in front of him, Andrew eyes widened and quickly rolled on his side avoiding the fatal hit. The dagger grazed at the side of his neck, but Matthew brought the dagger up again to stab him again, but something dangled at the tip of his dagger when he brought it up, his eyes widened and the dagger was suspended in the air. Andrew grabbed that chance to kick him and quickly stood up. Matthew fell to the ground with his eyes fixed on his dagger where that thing was dangling.

"It can't be." Matthew thought while looking at the thing that was stuck at the tip of his dagger. He looked up at Andrew but he was already coming toward him and threw a kick to his chest Matthew rolled over and kicked his leg. Andrew fell on his side, but he tried to get up quickly, but Matthew quickly straddled on top of him throwing punches at his face. His dagger fell on the ground unnoticed.

"I hate you, I hate...I hate you.....he screamed while punching Andrew. Andrew tried to block all his punches and then flipped them over. He was now above him, and as Matthew did he also threw punches in his face. They keep punching, rolling, and flipping on the ground, not minding the pain, and the blood that was coming out of their wound, no one wants to back down.

Matthew took a hold of his dagger again, he quickly picked it up and removed the thing that was on the tip of it. He quickly put it inside his pocket and stood up. Andrew also quickly stood up and faced him, wiping some blood away from his face. They both have a lot of bruises, blood, scrapes, and cuts all over their face and body, but it was ignored.

Matthew gritted his teeth. He runs to Andrew with a dagger in his right hand and stabs him. Andrew was able to dodge it, and he tried to grab the dagger away from his hand, but it only cut his arm. He bites his lips enduring the pain, he stepped back holding his bleeding hand, but Matthew continued to advance toward him again. Andrew stepped back again and tried to avoid the next hit but Matthew grabbed his hand and was able to take a hold of his neck.

Andrew quickly closed his eyes when he saw the dagger coming fast to his chest, he felt numb that he couldn't even make a move. He just stood there with Matthew holding his neck and waited for his life to end, but it didn't happen, instead, he was harshly pushed onto the ground. He opened his eyes and he saw Matthew standing not far away from him, trembling, staring at him, fist balled tightly beside him. Andrew looked at him confused, "why did he stop, why didn't he kill me."

"Think that as a gift from someone you knew before, Next time if we meet again, I won't hesitate to kill you," Matthew said with his cold voice before he stormed away leaving Andrew confused. But Andrew quickly stood up and ran after him, but Matthew quickly turned around and gave him a strong roundhouse kick that sent him flying onto the concrete wall.

"One chance is enough, don't force me to kill you right now." Matthew coldly said.

"I don't care if you kill me, I just want to kill Mr. Park, I want to find him." Andrew screamed." while coughing blood standing up using the concrete post for support. "You'll only kill him if you kill me first, but I'm afraid you can't because you can't stand anymore," Matthew said and continued to leave. But Andrew runs after him again, and Matthew gritted his teeth.

"Enough.!!!! he screamed. But his scream was left unheard because Andrew was already in front of him and tackled him down. They fell again on the ground with Andrew above him.

"Where's Mr. Park?" he screamed, but Matthew punched his chin and he fell to the ground. He tries to stand up again, but Matthew kicks him again to his side, sending him away from him.

But Andrew was stubborn enough. He crawled back to Matthew. "Where's Mr. Park?" he asked again, but this time a tear escaped from his eyes. Matthew quickly looks away from him.

"Where is he?" Andrew screamed. He grabbed Matthew's leg, hugging it, but Matthew kicked him again. Andrew lay on the ground sobbing. "Just kill me now, 'cause if our path cross again, I won't hesitate to kill you, because I won't stop until I kill Mr. Park, Just like what he did to my family, and I'll kill whoever blocked my way."!! He screamed with tears streaming from his eyes.

Matthew crouches in front of him. "You always say things, but you don't do them. You always made a promise which you couldn't fulfill. So just like you did before, forget what you said so that no one will wait, and be hurt if you can't fulfill it." Matthew said and hit him on the back of his head leaving him unconscious.

Matthew chuckled bitterly. "Next time don't promise if you can't fulfill that promise brother if you really are my brother, Andrew, because your promise brought me where I am now." Matthew thought while looking at the unconscious Andrew on the ground.

He harshly wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes and stood up. "Next time if our path crosses again, I won't hold back, I hate you, I hate you so much." He whispered before he turned his heel and left.

Matthew stops in front of his car and then looks back at where he left Andrew. He gritted his teeth, fist balled tightly beside him. "It's that you, It's that really you, brother?" He thought bitterly. A tear escaped from his eyes that he harshly wiped away. He chuckled bitterly. "You're having a good life, huh? You're so lucky but me... he paused and wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes once again. "I hate you....'' he thought between gritted teeth.

He went inside his car and took out the keychain from his pocket, then he also took the other key chain where the key of his car was attached and put it together. He chuckled bitterly when they were matched with each other. He placed it back inside his pocket and started his car wiping some of the blood from his face as well as from the wound on his side.

He arrived in front of the mansion and was greeted by his two men at the gate, but they felt scared when they saw his face full of bruises and there was some blood on his body. He was clenching his jaw and his eyes were coldly staring at them.

"I must say that you found Catherine already because if not I'll kill both of you," he said coldly, which made his men shiver.

"Bo....boss... Miss Catherine is already home." One of his men stuttered.

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"She just arrived 30 minutes ago." He answered.

Matthew quickly runs inside the mansion toward Catherine's room. He burst inside without knocking. Catherine, who was now laying above her bed, was startled and quickly sat up, and was shocked to see Matthew standing in the middle of her room, full of bruises with some blood on his face and shirt.

She quickly stood up and went to him with worried eyes. "What happened to you?" She asked him.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Umm!! Inspector Choi invited me to have a drink, then, I felt a bit dizzy, and eventually, I fell asleep. But Inspector Choi brought me to the hotel maybe because he didn't know my address and left me there. That's where I found myself when I woke up, and a letter beside me." She answered.

"He tricks me, huh!" Matthew thought, clenching his jaw.

"What happened to you, why do you look like that?" She asked again.

"Nothing," Matthew said and stormed out of her room.