Matthew stared at the tombstone in front of him for a long time. He blinked and rubbed his eyes many times hoping that what he just saw was only his imagination, but when he looked at the tombstone again, nothing changed, it was still the same.

"What the hell is this? Me dead? How? this is hilarious right? Mom, Dad you see me right? I'm alive, but why do I have a tombstone here? Is this some joke? He chuckled and a tear fell from his eyes.

"That means, for twenty years everyone thought that I'm already dead? Brother thought that I'm dead." He murmured, wiping the tears that were falling from his eyes.

"Matthew Lee is dead for everyone huh? This is funny right? He chuckled again."But I don't care if you think that I'm dead, Brother. You are still the reason why I become like this. It is better if I'm dead than living like a dead person. I wish that I was killed that day than live in hell."

He harshly wiped his tears. "Sorry, Mom, and Dad, but I can't forgive my brother until he can give me a valid reason why he didn't come back for me that day, I won't forgive him." He cried.

He stood up and left the cemetery. He has a business to deal with later and he needs to clear his mind. He got inside his car and took a deep breath to calm himself before he drove away from the cemetery.


The shipment that night was a success with no cop showing up, and Mr. Park was happy. Matthew is now lying above his bed thinking about what he found out earlier.

"How can they say that the corpse was me? When I'm here completely alive. Wow, Andrew can't even recognize his brother, I give you a hundred percent score for being a good brother to me." He chuckled bitterly.

"It's good that you thought that I'm dead so that your conscience will haunt you every day if you have one." Matthew snapped out of his thoughts when his phone rang. He looked at the time on his alarm clock and he gritted his teeth when he saw that it was already three in the morning. "Who the fuck was calling at this time." He angrily murmured. He picked up his phone and quickly pressed the answer button.

"What the fuck!! calling me at this time, you wanna die." He screamed.



"Yes, you need to get Catherine because she beat all her bodyguards and won't listen to them. Yuhan told me that she was drunk and causing trouble at the club. I know she only listens to you. Bring her home safely."

"Yes boss," Matthew answered and hung up. Matthew quickly wears his pants, his jacket, puts his gun on his waist, and also the dagger that is always with him wherever he goes and goes out of his house toward his car and drives to the club where Catherine usually goes.

He arrived in front of the club after 30 minutes of driving and quickly made his way to the entrance. He chuckled when he saw one of her bodyguards was already at the entrance waiting for him.

"What is his name again.....ah..... Max." Matthew thought. He wanted to laugh when he saw his face. He has a hand mark on his face, and obviously from Catherine.

"Matt, right?" He asked when Matthew came near him. He nodded his head holding the laughter.

"Where is she?"

"Inside, the others are trying to stop some of the customers from hurting her because she threw a bottle of wine and glasses on the floor and some of the customers were hurt, and they wanted to hurt her back.

"What? Then why you're here, you should help them." Matthew angrily said and ran inside. He was shocked to see the riot inside. Her four bodyguards were surrounding her, stopping six men that were trying to reach her, While Catherine was comfortably sitting on the chair grinning oblivious of what was happening around her.

Matthew quickly pulled his gun and fired a warning shot. All the men instantly stopped fighting her bodyguards and stepped back. Matthew quickly made his way to Catherine throwing a death glare at her bodyguards.

He quickly scooped her from her seat and carried her in his arm. "Yah! let go of me." She screamed and wiggled from his hold.

"Stop it already Catherine, you're not a kid anymore," Matthew screamed. She quickly stops straggling and puts her arms around his neck.

"Jeremy, can you get my wallet in my pocket?" Matthew asked. Jeremy quickly gets it and hands it to him. "Get my card and pay all the damage. Jeremy quickly gets his credit card and puts his wallet back inside his pocket.

"Come to the mansion after you're done here," Matthew said and made his way to the exit, but one guy grabbed Catherine's hand behind Matthew. She yelped, and Matthew stumbled backward, but quickly gained his balance."Ouch!! It hurts." Catherine murmured, then leaned her head back to Matthew's chest and slept.

Matthew cursed. " She can't leave, you know what she did to me, look at my leg, I got a big wound because of her." The club staff stiffened, they know Matthew very well, because he is always there together with Catherine. They know that he won't hurt you if you don't touch him, but he'll kill you if you cross his way, that's why no one of the club staff tried to report him because they are afraid of him.

Matthew faced the man with a cold stare and quickly kicked him until he was unconscious. If only Catherine's bodyguard is still under his command, he already ordered them to kill him.

After he knocked down the man he quickly got out of the club and brought Catherine to his car. He had a hard time pulling his key inside his pocket, but after a minute he finally succeeded. He unlocks his car, quickly opens the door, and puts the sleeping Catherine in the passenger seat. He put on her seatbelt before he went to the driver's side, then drove off.


They arrived in front of the mansion around five in the morning. Matthew quickly carried her to the front door. He keys in the code at pushed it open. He climbed up the stairs toward Catherine's room and laid her on her bed. He sighs in annoyance while removing her shoes, then pulls the comforter on her chest.

"This girl really is a brat." He thought.


Catherine woke up with a throbbing pain in her head. She groaned, massaging her temple then she sat up but shrieked when she saw a man lying beside her. His back was facing her, and she couldn't see his face. Catherine slowly scooted away from him, and with all her strength kicked him on his back. The man fell on the floor cursing.

Catherine grabbed that chance and ran toward her drawer where she was hiding a gun. She quickly took it out and pointed the gun at whoever was inside her room, then pulled the trigger her eyes widened when she recognized who it was, but it was too late because she already pulled the trigger.

"Oh no, Matthew !!!!! She screamed fears enveloping her, Matthew's eyes widened when he saw Catherine pointing a gun toward him, he cursed and quickly docked down to avoid the bullet.

"Oh god, Matthew," Catherine screamed with a trembling voice. She quickly runs to him, throwing her gun on the floor. "Oh my god, did I hit you?" she asked, checking on him, trembling. Her tears fell from her eyes because of fear.

"I'm okay," Matthew answered. "You scared me," Catherine said and hugged him crying. The door burst open, revealing her five bodyguards. "Miss Catherine what happened, we heard a gunshot," Yuhan asked.

"She's fine, she just thought someone was inside her room," Matthew said. Catherine pulled out from the hug, wiping her tears.

"Leave us." She said and sat at the edge of her bed. The five guys bowed their heads and left. "Don't just sleep in someone's bed without their knowing," Catherine said angrily at him., "I almost killed you." she angrily said, wiping the remaining tears from the side of her eyes. Matthew chuckled.

"As if you're a sharpshooter, tsk! you were trembling while holding that gun, how can you hit your target." He said and sat on the couch. "But you kick like a horse. I'm sure I have a broken rib right now." He said, rubbing his side.

"It's your fault, by the way, why are you inside my room and sleeping beside me?" Catherine said, raising her eyebrow.

"Someone caused havoc inside the club and her father called me around three in the hear that, fucking three in the morning, and asked me to pick up his daughter at the club because she beat her five bodyguards and she won't listen to them." Matthew mocked. Catherine lowered her gaze embarrassed.

"But why are you sleeping beside me?" "A drunk woman just pulled me onto her bed and clung to my neck like a koala, and won't let go no matter what I did." Matthew lied. The truth is he also doesn't know why he was sleeping beside her, maybe he fell asleep while he was sitting on her bed.

"I did that?" Catherine asked, blushing.

"No, I did," Matthew said and rolled his eyes. "And a kick and a gun woke me up, what a good morning." Catherine bites her lower lips and then goes beside him. Matthew raises his brow at her. Catherine grinned.

"You like it don't you, you can remove my hand if you want to, but you didn't because you like my hug." She teased.

"Stop assuming women," Matthew said then stood up from the couch. Catherine also stood up and back-hugged him.

"Yah! what are you doing," Matthew said and pry her hand away from him. "Oh see, you can easily remove my hand if you want to." she teased. "Whatever," Matthew said, rolling his eyes. "I'm leaving," he said, then picked up his jacket from the couch.

"Matt!, You still didn't answer me," Catherine said seriously.

"What answer?" He asked, confused. Catherine stood up in front of him and then looked straight into his eyes. "You forgot, I told you that I love you, do you feel the same as me?" she asked. Matthew moves his eyes away from her.

"Catherine stops that nonsense,"

"Just a yes or a no," Catherine said. "That night when I was drunk in your car you kissed me back, I can feel that you want me too, I remembered everything that happened that night, so don't deny it."

Matthew chuckled. "You're assuming again woman, It was just lust and nothing more." He said. His word stabbed her heart like a knife but she bears it.

She stepped closer to him, "Let me kiss you, if I can't make you kiss me back after a minute I won't bother you anymore, I'll forget what I feel toward you." She whispered, holding her tears back. Matthew stiffened but didn't utter a word of protest. Catherine put her hand around his neck looking straight into his eyes.

"I love you." She whispered then leaned slowly toward him, closing her eyes and then claiming his lips. "Matthew closed his eyes tightly with his fist balled beside him. He firmly closed his lips, using all his strength to hold himself. He can feel her soft lips moving above his lips, gently biting and tracing her tongue on it asking for an entrance but Matthew doesn't give in.

"Kiss me back please," Catherine whispered, and her tears fell on Matthew's face. He opens his eyes and his heart hurts to see her like this begging for his love. The time is moving and the one minute she asked for is coming to an end. Catherine quickly pulled out from the kiss. She turned her back to him, sobbing.

"Now I know you don't feel the same way I feel toward you." She whispered. "You can leave now." She whispered and walked back to her bed but she yelped when Matthew harshly pulled her wrist causing her to bump into his chest, then crashed his lips onto her. The kiss was so harsh that Catherine's lips bleed when he bites it, but Catherine ignored it. She put her arm around his neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, and Matthew did the same. He tightly held her waist pulling her closer to him. Their tongues crashed with each other dancing to the rhythm that their heart created.

Their heart-pounding hard inside their chest, their breath becomes rugged, they slowly get lost in what they feel, their hand moves on its own, their body moves accordingly, and their lips were moving to synchronize with each other, but they were pulled out from their world when a loud knocked on the door come.

Matthew quickly pulled away as if he had just woken up from his dream. He looked at Catherine who was also staring at him with a smile on her lips.

"Miss Catherine, your Dad is her. He wanted to talk to you. "One of the maids said outside the door.

"Coming," Catherine answered and quickly fixed herself. She doesn't know when Matthew unbuttoned her pajama top, but it was now open showing her bra. She blushed and quickly turned her back to him and quickly buttoned it. She looked at him at the side of her eyes and he saw him still looking at her blinking his eyes.

Catherine smiled. "He loves me too." She squealed inside her mind. She nervously walked toward him and then buttoned his polo which was also open like hers. "I love you." She whispered while doing it. Matthew sighed in defeat and just hugged her. Catherine smiled and then broke the hug. "You go downstairs first, I 'll just take a bath." She said and pecked his lips and ran inside the bathroom. Matthew messed up his hair and facepalm himself.

"You have gone crazy Matthew, you let her pass the wall that you covered around yourself, and you become weak now." His mind said.

"Yes you're right, she makes me weak, but I'm happy." Matthew thought with a small smile on his lips. He fixed himself and made his way out of her room.