Andrew stood at his spot blinking his eyes, he couldn't believe what was just happened. Six men killed almost thirty people in about ten minutes only. He looked at all the dead bodies around him, and all of them were hit on their heads.

He looked at Xander who went to the grinning Warren. "Who are you, and your friends? And who are those men that help us?" Andrew asked himself while looking at them. He saw Daniel also looking at Xander and he knew that he was thinking the same thing as him.

"Sir, who are those men?" Jasper asked while running toward him, with Dean behind him.

"I don't know.

"Wow, they're fast, they're like ninjas," Derek said who just arrived beside Andrew with Darren who quickly went to Warren and smacked his head.

"You idiot, you scared me." Darren scolded him.

Warren just grinned and hug his brother, "Aishht!! Darren hissed, and pry his brother's arms away from him.

Andrew smiled while looking at them. He turned his attention to their men. "Men clear the area, and Xander brings the goods and the money to the headquarters, let's all meet up at my office," Andrew said and went to his car, still thinking who were those six guys who helped them. Without them, they might have failed in their mission.


It was five in the morning when all of them gathered at Andrew's office. "We succeed but we all know it was all because of those mysterious guys' help." Andrew started.

"Xander, can you tell us who they are? I know you know them, not only you but I think the four of you know them. Can you tell us who they are?" Andrew asked.

"Sir, one of them is the spy, but I can't tell you who they are, that's the only thing they asked me in return for helping us," Xander said.

"Are they also police like us because I can tell that they're all skillful in fighting." Andrew continued.

Xander shook his head. "I'll introduce them to you sir when the right time comes, but not now."

Andrew sighed in defeat. "Okay, say my thanks to them, without their help maybe our mission will turn into a big failure." Xander nodded his head.

"Okay, all of you can rest for today," Andrew said standing up from his seat. Everyone cheered for having free time to rest.


When Mr. Park found out about what happened to their business dealings. He quickly went to Matthew who was now killing his men who were involved with that deal. He shot five of his men screaming in rage. When Mr. Park stepped inside.

"Viper, what are you doing, if you keep killing our men every time our deal is intercepted by a cop you might kill all of them and we left with nothing." Mr. Park angrily said.

Matthew chuckled. "We don't need traitors." He exclaimed. "And besides we can hire a new one."

Mr. Park heaved a sigh of defeat, he trusted Matthew and he didn't question every decision he made, because he never failed even once. "What happened how did the cop know about the deal?"

"I don't know either," Matthew answered.

"Why you're not there, I told you that you're the one to handle that deal because it was a big money, why did you let your men handle it?"

"I got a last-minute meeting with some of our big customers," Matthew answered.

Mr. Park sighed. "Maybe I'm giving you too much work, that's why you can't handle it properly. Starting tomorrow, you won't be guarding Catherine, pull out your men who were guarding her, I'll assign someone to guard her so that you can concentrate on our business."

Matthew frowned. "Does Catherine know about this?"

"No! I'll tell her later, go to the mansion later, so that you can say a proper goodbye to her, and you'll know who's going to be her new bodyguard."

Matthew nodded. He wanted to protest but shrugged it off. "Maybe this can help to stop what I felt toward her." He thought.


It was ten in the morning when Matthew arrived at the mansion, and he quickly get inside. He saw Catherine having her breakfast in the dining room.

"Good morning." Catherine greeted him when she saw him walking toward her. Matthew just nodded and sat at the seat across from her. The maid placed a plate in front of him and a glass of juice. He placed some bacon, egg, and toasted bread on his plate and started eating.

Catherine looked at him confused, this is the first time he ate breakfast with her. "There something wrong?" she asked while munching her food.

Matthew looked at her and then shook his head.

"Then why are you eating breakfast with me, this is not you," Catherine said.

"You don't like your bodyguard eating breakfast together with you?" Matthew asked and put down the bread that he was eating.

"No, I'm just wondering, because this is the first time you eat with me," Catherine explained.

"Just want to do this for the last time," Matthew said and resumed eating again.

"What do you mean the last time," Catherine asked.

Matthew just shrugged his shoulder, and they both looked at the door when Mr. Park stepped in.

"Dad." Catherine was surprised by his father's sudden visit. She quickly stood up from her seat and kissed his father.

"How's my princess?" Mr. Park smiled and hugged her daughter.

"I'm fine, Dad. Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"I'm done, are you done eating?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, finish your breakfast, I'll wait for you and Matt in the living room. There's someone I want to introduce to you."

"Who, Dad?"

"Finish your breakfast first, and follow me to the living." Mr. Park said and left the dining table.

Catherine sat back in her seat wondering, "Matt, do you know who was my father talking about?" Catherine asked, finishing her glass of juice.

"Your new bodyguard," Matthew answered.

Catherine choked while drinking her juice, coughing. "What?" she asked surprised.

"Yes, I'm leaving." Matthew simply said. Catherine quickly stood up from her seat, wiping her lips, then stormed toward the living room, furious. Matthew also stood up from his seat, put both his hands inside his pocket, and followed her.

"Dad, what is Matt talking about?" she asked as soon as she arrived in the living room, and she saw five guys with him.

"Seat down, princess." Her father said and led her to sit beside him. Matthew also sat at the vacant couch beside Catherine. He looked at the five guys that were sitting across them, and he saw one of the guys smirking at him.

Matthew chuckled inside, "Let's see if that smirked will still be there later." Matthew thought, and diverted his eyes to the furious Catherine.

"Dad, who are they? And Matt talking about my new bodyguard. I don't want a new bodyguard, Dad." She whined.

Catherine, Matt has a lot of work to handle, and it will be hard for him if he continues to guard you." Mr. Park explained.

"Then give it to others, why don't you let them handle that work and not Matt," Catherine said, pointing at the five men in front of them who were staring at her.

"Matt is the only one that can do it and no other."

"I don't like a new bodyguard, if not Matt, then I don't want to have a bodyguard," Catherine exclaimed.

"Whether you like it or not, they will be your new bodyguard." Her father sternly said.

Catherine gritted her teeth, while Matthew was waiting for what was going to happen next.

"Introduce yourself." Mr. Park said to the five guys in front of them.

One of the guys stood up smiling, " Hello Miss Catherine, I'm Max." Catherine just glared at him, causing his smile to vanish instantly and he quickly returned to his seat.

"I'm Jeremy, nice to meet you Miss Catherine which also earned a glare from her

"I'm Yuhan." the next guy said with a serious face, Catherine just ignored him.

"I'm Yale ." the next guy said and bowed his head. "At least someone has manners." Catherine scoffed.

"I'm Joseph, Miss Catherine. Wow, you're beautiful." He said, smiling, and reached out his hand for a handshake.

"Who do you think you are to shake my hand? You're just a bodyguard jerk." Catherine said, glaring at him.

Matthew bites his inner cheek to stop himself from bursting into laughter. Joseph's face turned crimson red because of embarrassment and quickly retrieved his hand, and returned to his seat fist balled beside him.

"Catherine, don't be too harsh to your bodyguard." Mr. Park said, chuckling while looking at Joseph.

"Dad, I don't like them, please Dad."

"No, they're going to be your bodyguard." her father said. Catherine bit her lips and then looked at Matthew who was on her left side. Matthew just raised her eyebrow at her and then pointed his lips to the five guys across from them.

"Yah! I don't like them," she screamed. "Can you please stay?" she whispered looking down at her lap Matthew shook his head.

"You're a pain in the ass to guard, you know," Matthew said.

"Yah! Catherine screamed and tried to smack him, but Matthew quickly caught her hand and put it down on her lap, and fake a cold face, but deep inside he was laughing.

Catherine gritted her teeth, "Dad, please, I don't like them, make Matt stay promise I won't do any stupid thing, I won't run away, I follow everything you said, just don't replace him." she pleaded.

"No! her father sternly said.

"Catherine shot a death glared at the five guys in front of her, then kicked Matthew's legs before she ran up to her room."

Matthew just chuckled inside still wearing his serious face, and after about ten minutes Catherine came back already dressed up ignoring them, and went straight out of the mansion.

Matthew smirked at Joseph. "Let's see how long you'll last," he thought.

"Follow her." Mr. Park ordered them. They quickly stood up, and followed her, while Joseph shot a death glare at Matthew before he left, and Matthew returned with a smirk.

Mr. Park sighed. "Matt we have a shipment this evening, make sure you secure it and try to catch who's the mole in our organization. I want him alive, I want to kill him with my own hand."

"Yes, boss." After their conversation, Mr. Park left while Matthew also left to continue following Andrew. The past few days he followed him every time he had free time, he wanted to know more about him. Yes, he hates him, but there's a part of him curious to know how he lives his life every day.


Every time Andrew gets free time from his work he will always go to the grave of his family and today is no different. After he left the headquarters, he just slept for four hours, then went there.

He was holding three bouquets of flowers in his hand that he bought on his way. He made his way to the grave of his family and placed the flowers one by one on the three tombstones in front of him.

He took a deep breath before he sat on the ground. Every time he saw the grave of his family his tears instantly fell as if they had a mind of their own. And every time he went there, what happened 18 years ago always replayed inside his mind. Matthew was crying, his father, and mother's lifeless body on the floor, and the scorpion tattoo that was engraved inside his mind. And every time he remembered it, it also fuelled his anger.

He pulled out the grass that was growing around the three tombstones with his tears falling from his eyes. "Mom, Dad, Matthew. How are you guys? I hope that day, Daddy Carlos doesn't save me. He should just let me die that day so that I won't feel the pain and hatred that I'm feeling right now, and I won't be left alone here. " Andrew sobbed.

Without Andrew knowing someone was looking at him from a distance with a fist balled beside him.


Matthew went straight to the Choi residence after he left the mansion. He saw Andrew's car drive out from the gate, and he quickly followed him, but he put a good distance between them so that he wouldn't notice him. He saw him stop by the flower shop. Matthew also stopped his car and waited for him. After five minutes Andrew came out from the flower shop holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He went back to his car and drove off again.

Matthew also starts his car and continues following him. After thirty minutes of driving, Andrew stopped again and got out of his car. Matthew also parks his car and quickly gets out of his car. He looked around and that's the time he found out that Andrew went to the cemetery.

He sighed and pulled his hoodie over his head to cover his face. He slowly walked inside the cemetery, with his hand inside his pocket. He already knows why Andrew was here, he will go to visit their parents. He felt nervous to be here, this is the first time he'll see his parents grave after so many years.

He looked around for him, and he saw him sitting on the ground not far away from where he was. Matthew also sat on the ground and pretended that he was also visiting some relatives. He sat near a random tombstone, and also pulled out some weeds on it while glancing at Andrew once in a while.

He saw him, cried, and said something, but he couldn't hear it. Matthew balled her fist beside him, holding his tears also. His parents are here, he's been longing for them for a long time, and he wanted to know where they'd been buried but he doesn't know the place. He was happy that he followed Andrew, finally knowing where his parents' graves are.

After an hour, he saw Andrew stand up and slowly walked away from the grave. Matthew didn't follow him this time. He waited for him to leave, and after ten minutes, he stood up, and slowly made his way to his parents grave.

He felt nervous, while he was nearing the tombstone. He closed his eyes and plopped himself on the ground. "Mom, Dad, do you still remember me? It's me, Matthew. He whispered with his eyes closed.

"I miss you so much, Mom and Dad. I know you're disappointed in me, but this is the only way that I know to survive. All this happened to me, because of Andrew, he shouldn't have left me there. He should have brought me with him." he whispered and his tears fell. He said he'll come back for me, but he didn't and Mr. Park took me and made me like this." He opened his eyes, wiping his tears. He traced his finger to the tombstone in front of him. But he wondered when he opened his eyes, he saw three tombstones in front of him, and all of them had the bouquet of flowers that Andrew's brought.

Matthew leaned a little to the first tombstone and read what was written on it. It is his father, next to his mother, and the last one, his body freeze when he sees the name that was written on it.

Matthew Lee

Born: Dec. 17, 1998- Died: Dec. 16, 2002