Andrew and Xander's team are having a closed-door meeting about Mr. Mizuki's case when Xander receives a call. He quickly checked the caller ID and his eyes widened when he saw who it was.

"My Spy." He mouthed them. They all quickly gathered around him, curious about what the spy got on his sleeves for Xander.

"Shhhh!!! Xander hushed them and pressed the answer button.

"We have a big drug deal at the port tonight, this is a million-dollar deal, so make sure to intercept it." The spy said as soon as Xander pressed the answer button.

They all exchanged looks with each other and then grinned, excitedly Xander placed his forefinger to his lips telling them to be quiet.

"What is the exact time and address?" he asked.

"I'll send it to you, just wait for it," he answered and hung up.

"This is big," Xander said while looking at Andrew after he hung up.

Andrew smiled and nodded his head. "C'mon settle down, we need to make a plan as soon as possible," he said and sat back in his seat. They all settled down quickly around the table and waited for Andrew's instructions.

"Here's the address," Xander said and handed his phone to Andrew after reading the message that the spy sent him. Andrew took it and read it louder in front of them.

"Okay, Jasper and Dean checked the area and found out about any possible entrance and exit of the building, make sure you don't miss every little thing. Find out the floor plan of the building so that we can go in and out easily." Andrew told them.

"Yes sir." the two answered and face the computer.

The rest of the boys stood behind them and wait for the two to finish. After about twenty minutes the two grinned, "We got it sir." they said.

Andrew quickly went behind them and looked at the computer monitor. "Sir there's only one exit and one entrance to that building. And that building is where all the cargo was stored." Jasper said.

"Is there another building beside it?" Andrew asked.

Dean quickly runs his finger on the Keyboard, then at the screen shows the port where the said building was. Andrew looked around the area and he saw three other buildings near it. "What building is that?" he pointed at the building on the right side.

" Hotel sir." Dean answered, "and this building on the left side is a condominium, and this one is a club."

"Okay, Derek and Darren after we make a plan, go and check these three buildings where you two can have the best spot to see what happens inside the building easily.

" Okay, here's the plan, Darren and Derek will serve as our snipers, and Dean and Jasper will stay inside the car to give us instructions on the way in and out, and every corner of the building."Xander," he called.

"Yes, sir."

"You, Warren, and some of our men were going through the exit. Daniel and I will be going to the entrance." Andrew told them. "Any suggestions? If nothing, then it's final. "Okay, Derek and Darren check those buildings, Warren, and Daniel check the area and familiarise all the corners of it, and Dean and Jasper study the floor plan carefully. I don't want us to fail, we need to intercept this deal, and we need to hurry because we only have limited time. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!!! they all answered.

"Okay that's all, go now, Xander comes with me, we need to gather our men and give some instruction to them, and we need to prepare the thing we need.

They all stood up from their seats to do the thing that was assigned to them. "Let's meet at my office around six this evening," Andrew said. They all nodded and headed out of the conference room.


Around six in the evening, they were all back at Andrew's office with from assigned work that was given to them. Andrew looks at them one by one.

"Ready?" Andrew asked. They all nodded in response. I want to come back here, with no one missing. I want to see all of you back here alive. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!!

"Be careful," They nodded their heads again."Okay, we need to leave now, we need to make sure that we won't fail with this one. We need to secure the area before the deal happens. Andrew continued.

Andrew picked up two handguns that were on the floor of his office and put them in the holster that was wrapped in his waist, two daggers hiding them inside his combat shoes, and One rifle.

The others followed him. Derek and Warren pick up the high-powered telescopic gun and slung it over their shoulder and two handguns that they both put on their waist. Warren picks up two daggers hiding inside his combat shoes, two handguns, and one rifle. Daniel picks up two handguns and a rifle. Xander picks up two handguns, a rifle, and a dagger. They wear their bulletproof and fix themselves.

"Ready now?" Andrew asked.

"Yes sir." they all answered.

"Okay let's go," Andrew said and headed out from his office, and they were greeted by Gen. Choi.

"Sir." Andrew bowed showing respect, the other did the same.

"Be careful son." Gen. Choi said and patted his shoulder.

"Yes, Dad." He answered. Gen. Choi smiled and faced the others, "Be careful everyone, come back safe." he said.

"Thank you, sir, we will," they answered.

"We're leaving Sir," Andrew said. Gen. Choi nodded his head. They headed out and went to their car, where their men were already waiting. Andrew, Derek, Daniel, and Jasper rode in one car.

Xander and his team also with another car and there are another two cars behind them, where their twenty men were riding.

They arrived at the area around 8:00 in the evening, four hours before the deal, and enough time for them to secure the area. They park their car and quickly get out. Andrew stood in front of them.

"Be careful everyone," he said, eyeing them one by one. They all nodded. " Okay dispersed," he ordered.

"Xander, sir" Darren called. Xander, and the other looks at him.

"Yes," Xander asked.

"Please look after Warren."

"Aisshhttt, Brother I can take care of myself." Warren hissed.

"I'm just worried." Darren whispered."Don't worry, I look after him as well." Andrew said with a sad smile on his lips, remembering Matthew.

"Thank you, sir," Darren said smiling.

"Brother stops treating me like a kid, I'm twenty-three years old already," Warren whined. Darren just shrugged his shoulders smiling and walked off toward the Hotel, where he found the best spot for him to see the right side of the building, and the left side is for Derek to take care of.

Warren just hissed in frustration because of his overprotective brother. Since that day when that unforgettable incident happened to their life, Darren becomes overprotective toward Warren. He doesn't feel at ease every time Warren is out of his sight.



"Mom, where are we going?" the ten years old Warren asked his mother. He and his parents were on their way, he doesn't know where. His father who was in the driver's seat looked at him and shook his head in disappointment.

"Today is your brother's birthday, if your brother knows about this he'll get mad at you." his father said with his eyes fixed on the road.

Warren gasped with wide eyes. "Oh no, I forgot, I don't have a gift for him, Dad can we stop by at the mall? I want to buy him a gift," he asked. His father shook his head. "We're going to be late to pick him up if we stop by at the mall."

"Please Dad, just 15 minutes, brother will get mad if I don't have a gift for him." he pouted. His parents chuckled. "Here." his mother said and put a box on his lap. Warren looks at his mother confused.

"I bought a gift for your brother already, bad brother forgot his brother's birthday." his mother said with a teasing smile on her lips. Warren just pouted and murmured thank you. His mother chuckled and messed up his hair.

"Mom," he whined pouting.

"Aww my son is so cute." his mother teased. Warren smiled this time, and his parents burst into laughter.

After one hour of driving, they arrived in front of Darren's school. Warren quickly gets out of the car when he saw his brother already standing outside the gate

" brother!!!! '' he screamed, waving the gift in his hand while running toward him.

"Warren...No!!!!! He abruptly stopped running when he saw the fear on his brother's face while looking at his right side. He looked where his brother was looking and his eyes widened when he saw a man pointing a gun at him.

"No!!!!! he heard his brother again who was now running toward him, he also saw his parents run out from their car, but Warren felt numbed, and he stayed rooted on his spot. He saw the man pull the trigger and he closed his eyes, but he was abruptly tackled on the ground. He heard gunshot many gunshots but he keeps his eyes closed, scared.

"Warren." He heard his brother's voice. He quickly opened his eyes and saw his brother beside him, bleeding. He quickly got up but Darren pulled him down again.

"Get down," he whispered. Warren quickly docked beside him. "Brother you're bleeding," Warren whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Darren run, bring your brother away from here." they heard their father shout.

Darren was hit on his arm when he tried to save Warren, but it was not that serious it was only a scrape. He looks at his father who was hiding behind their car with a gun in his hand, but he can't find their mother. The people and students are running everywhere to save their own life, but no one helps them.

"Brother where's Mom, why I didn't see her," Warren asked beside him, clutching his arm.

"I don't know," Darren whispered. He held Warren's hand tightly. "When I said run, Run okay?"

"But brother Mom and Dad."

Just listen to me." he said, tears rolling down from his eyes. Warren nodded his head, with tears streaming down his face.

"At the count of three." Warren nodded his head.




Darren counted then pulled Warren and stood up and quickly ran as fast as he could. He looked back at his father and he saw him trying to stop the man who wanted to follow them. "Be safe Mom, Dad." Darren prayed.

"Warren ran faster." He said to his brother who was struggling to catch up on his pace, but Darren abruptly stopped when he saw a man in front of them with a gun. He quickly hid Warren behind him. "Stay behind me." He whispered. Warren was trembling in fear behind him while clutching his uniform, but Darren stayed calm.

"The man advances toward them grinning, with a gun in his hand. They took a step backward, but the guy advances again. This time Darren stayed still; he let go of Warren's hand, with his eyes fixed on the man.

The guy chuckled amazed at Darren, for not showing any fear. He was now standing five feet away from them. "Sorry kids, blame your father." the man said and pointed the gun at Darren's head. Darren quickly steps back and pushes Warren causing him to fall to the ground. Darren quickly kicked the man's hand who was holding a gun and it fell on the ground.

"Warren," Darren called. Warren quickly runs to the gun and picks it up and without thinking, he shoots the shocked guy in his chest three times and he falls to the ground lifeless. Warren stood there trembling with wide eyes.

" I killed him." He stuttered trembling. "I killed him. I killed him, brother. He chanted with tears streaming from his eyes. Even Darren was shocked as well. He called him to run and it never came to his mind that he'd pick up the gun and shoot the man.

"I'm a murderer, brother." Warren cried trembling. Darren went to him and hugged him. " You're not, you only did it for self-defense," Darren whispered, hugging him tightly. Warren sobbed trembling in his brother's embrace.

Let's go." He whispered and dragged him away. Warren never stops chanting the word murderer while they were running, and Darren can't do anything but cried as well. His wound stung but he ignored it, inside his mind is to escape, together with his brother.

After how many hours of running, they don't know, they find themselves in front of the police station. Darren and Warren quickly run inside. "Please help our parents, " Darren asked the officer who was sitting in front of his desk.

"Why what happened?" the officer asked when he saw them, with blood on their body.

"Someone wants to kill them, they are at the front of my school," he answered crying.

"You two are the sons of agent Henry Kim?" the officer asked. Darren nodded his head. "Wait, is our father an agent?" Darren asked.

"Your father will tell you, c'mon I'll bring you two to the hospital." The officer said. "Hospital?" Warren asked?"

"Your parents were brought to the hospital." the officer said, and lead them out from the police station to his car.


After an hour of driving, they arrived at the hospital and were brought to their father's room. Darren and Warren burst into tears when they saw their father. Many apparatus were attached to him and his head was covered with bandages.

The doctor stepped inside their father's room. Darren quickly went to him. "How's Dad, why is there a tube and a lot of apparatus attached to him," he asked.

"Your father was shot in his head, and he was in a coma right now, and we don't know when he's going to wake up." the doctor said. More tears fell from Warren and Darren's eyes.

"How about Mom?" Warren asked while holding his brother's hand. The doctor looks at the officer beside him, then looks at the two boys in front of him sadly. He shook his head," She's gone." he whispered.

"What do you mean by that?" Darren asked nervously hoping what was in his mind was wrong.

"She was declared dead on arrival." the doctor answered.

Darren was frozen on his spot, and as well as Warren more tears streamed from their eyes. "It can't be," Darren whispered. "Mom is not dead," he murmured. Warren cried beside him, also can't believe what happened. Just earlier his parents were teasing him, now their mother is dead and their father is in a coma, and he becomes a murderer. Everything happened so fast.

"Who are they, why do they want to kill us, I don't know anyone that hates Dad," Darren asked the police officer who was with them.

"Your father is a secret agent." the officer answered.


"Secret agent?" the two asked surprised.

"Your father is working as a spy, and those men are after him because they found out who he really is."

"Who are they?" Darren asked between gritted teeth.

"I can't tell you." the officer answered.

"I want to know," Darren screamed. "They killed Mom and Dad, he…he's in a coma, look at him, now, tell me who they are." He sobbed.

"Just tell me!!!! Darren screamed again. The officer sighed, "Scorpion." he answered. "It's an underground organization, that's all I can tell you."

Both Warren and Darren gritted their teeth and made sure to not forget the scorpion with one goal in their mind: revenge.

End of flashback.

Xander patted Warren's shoulder. He knows what happened to their family, as well as Dean, they don't have a secret from each other and they treat each other as brothers.

Xander snapped out of his thoughts when his phone rang, He quickly pressed the answer button.

"They're now going there, ready yourself." The spy said then hang up.

"They're coming," Xander said. Andrew quickly turned on his earpiece so that all his men could hear him. "Okay men in your position. Derek and Darren look around the area, to find out if they have a sniper around." Andrew ordered. "Dean, and Jasper, we're depending on the both of you, if things got worse, you both already knew what to do." They both nodded their heads.

Okay let's move." he ordered and all of them run in a different directions to find their hiding place. They need to catch them doing a deal before they move, to have proof first.

Xander, Warren, and the rest of their men are now near the exit hiding, waiting for their target to arrive. Andrew, Daniel, and the rest of their men are also already near the entrance.

Derek is now positioned on the rooftop of the condominium on the left side of the building, while Darren is at the rooftop of the Hotel on the right side of the building. They're looking around using their telescopes to see if there's any possible sniper around.

"Oh shit."Derek cursed when he spotted someone on the third floor of the club climbing up the fire exit with a gun like theirs on his arm. "Sir!!! There's a sniper at the club, maybe he's not the only one, maybe there are more." Derek said on his mouthpiece.

"Got it, don't make any move, for now, we need to see them make a deal before we can move, try to find the other sniper," Andrew answered.

"Yes sir," Derek answered.


Everyone, they're here." Jasper's voice echoed in their earpiece. Everyone becomes alert and hides properly at their hiding place. "Sir there are lots of them, about a hundred men," Dean said.

"Just keep informing us what happens when they get inside," Andrew said.

Dean and Jasper were working on their computer fast, looking at every corner of the building. They saw the group of men get inside the building and about five minutes later another group come.

The other group stood on the right side and the other stood on the left side with big luggage on both sides. They saw one of the men on the right side step forward pulling the luggage with him. In the opposite group also one man stepped forward with the luggage with him.

"Sir ready, they're now ready to do the deal," Jasper said.

"Ready men," Andrew ordered. Dean and Jasper saw that they laid the luggage on the floor and slowly opened it. On the first bag is a drug and on the other bag is money.

"They're doing the deal now," Jasper said.

"Men now.!!! Andrew ordered and all of them came out from their hiding place. Andrew and some of his men sneakily made their way to the entrance, while Xander and the others went to the exit. Andrew saw two men guarding the entrance.

"Daniel, take care of the one on the left and I'll take care of the other." He whispered. Daniel nodded and they made their way toward them. Andrew quickly grabbed the guy on his neck and hit him with the handle of his gun, and Daniel did the same. The men that were behind them handicapped the two passed-out men.

They continued to step inside but bullets showered them. Andrew, Daniel, and their men quickly hide, and the people inside the building instantly scattered.

Andrew cursed, "Daniel covers me."

"Okay, sir," Daniel answered. Andrew quickly stood up and ran inside while Daniel with their other men tried to stop all the men that tried to shoot Andrew. He made it inside but there was no one in there.

He cursed again. "Sir they're heading to the exit." He heard Dean's voice.

"Xander you heard it, don't let them slip away."

"Got it, sir," Xander answered. Daniel, let's follow them to the exit." Daniel, and Andrew together with their men run toward the exit, but they only move one meter away when bullets showered them again. They quickly hid, then fired back. They exchange fire for a while, and after about five minutes they stop.

Andrew pecked toward them but a bomb was thrown at them, "Oh shit bomb hide." Andrew screamed and quickly pulled Daniel running away then hid in one of the cargo containers. Then they heard a loud explosion. Some bricks and scrap nails reached their hiding place, but luckily they are safe.

"Oh shit, that was close." Daniel cursed. Andrew pecked from their hiding place and cursed again when he saw some of their men lying on the ground dead. Andrew gritted his teeth.

"Sir they're here." Andrew heard Xander's voice.

"Make sure they don't escape."

"Yes, sir."

Gunshot started again, but it comes from the outside.

"Sir They have backed up, two cars just arrived," Dean said.

"Oh, Shit....shit...shit... Andrew cursed. "Darren, Derek tried to stop those who just arrived." He ordered.

We tried sir, because there are four snippers watching, and they are targeting us." Darren answered.

"What the hell is this trap?" Andrew hissed. "Just be careful, okay."

"Yes, sir.


While Xander, Warren, and some of their men are having a hard time blocking them, men are shooting them in the front and behind them.

"Sir we need back up here." He called.

"We're heading there," Andrew answered. He was relieved when he saw that some of the gangs were falling on the ground, which means Andrew is already there.

Warren was on the right side of the exit door, while Xander was on the left. They saw their target nearing with the two pieces of luggage in their hand, but they were startled when something was thrown in front of them. They all quickly docked but it didn't explode, gas clouded the area.

Warren and Xander quickly cover their mouth, and noses, while some of their men retreat outside to avoid the gas. They cough because of the strong smoke. Andrew, Daniel, and their remaining men also cover their noses and mouth, coughing, but because they are inside the building the effect of tear gas is stronger and it was hard for them to breathe.

"Sir, be careful behind you." Jasper's voice echoed in Andrew's earpiece. He quickly spun around and quickly kicked the man that was pointing a gun at him. He hit his arm and his gun fell. He can't clearly see anything because of the thick smoke that was surrounding the building.

"Sir all of you should stand at the wall so that they can only attack at the front, and we will be your eyes," Dean said.

"Men stand near the wall," Andrew ordered, he quickly ripped his shirt and covered it to his nose and mouth. Daniel who was near him also did the same. Andrew pulled out his handgun, using his ear to find his enemy. He heard a soft-step approach.

"Sir three men, are approaching where you are and Daniel is standing," Derek said.

The smoke slowly faded and Andrew saw three figures moving toward them. He quickly shoots them, not waiting for them to get near where they are but as the smoke faded another tear gas was thrown again.

"Oh shit." Andrew cursed. His eyes sting and having a hard time breathing, and his men are now coughing nonstop. "Men retreat to the entrance," Andrew ordered his remaining men.

"Daniel, you go with them." Daniel shook his head. "I'm going with you." He answered.

"Okay just stay beside me," Andrew said. He pulled his dagger, using his senses for any possible movement around them, and they made their way to the exit.

"In your right sir," Dean said. Andrew quickly shot to his right. "How can they stay long in this gas?" He asked.

"They're wearing a masked sir," Derek answered.

"Oh shit sir behind you," Dean screamed. Daniel, who was not far away from Andrew heard it and quickly shot the man that was holding a knife ready to stab Andrew.

"OMG! you scared us, sir," Dean whispered. Andrew chuckled as well as Daniel, by his choice of words, despite their situation, but their breathing is uneven now and their eyes are tearing because of the stingy feeling because of the tear gas.

"Xander, how's your team there," Andrew asked coughing.

"Bad sir, there's some men behind shooting us, You need to get out of there soon sir," Xander said.

"We're trying," Andrew answered, walking toward the exit. "Sir, only four men left inside the building they're holding that luggage. They're nearing the exit." Derek said.

"Okay," Andrew answered, and made their way to the exit, but bullets showered them. They quickly plopped on the ground and crawled. They can already see the exit when they were startled when they heard a shriek.

Andrew looked up at the exit door and there standing, one of the guys pointing a gun at Warren's head. He gasped as well as Daniel. They quickly stood up, fear in their eyes. Xander is now standing not far away from them also pointing the gun at the guy who was holding Warren.

"Don't make any move or I will blow his head." The guy said. The three other men stood behind him holding the two luggage. They start moving away dragging Warren with them. Some of their men are still exchanging fire with those men who just arrived and we're outnumbered.

"Xander what the hell! The voice that Xander quickly recognized echoed to his other earpiece.

"Why are you so careless? If Warren died you're the one to answer me." The voice said. Xander bites his lips. "Make sure to get the goods and the money, we'll take over." the voice said. Andrew frowned while looking at Xander with a questioning look, but Xander just diverted his eyes to Warren who was now being dragged toward the car.

"Daniel, Andrew stepped back and hid," Xander said.

"Why?" Andrew asked.

"Just order all our men to hide now." Andrew was confused but followed what Xander said.

"Hide men, now," Andrew ordered. And he and Daniel quickly hide. They heard gunshots. Andrew pecked from his hiding place, and he saw men, six men wearing all black with their faces covered also by a black cloth. They are moving like a ninja and in about ten minutes all of their enemies are down. Andrew quickly got out of his hiding place to approach them but in a blink of an eye, they were gone.

Warren was left beside the car Holding the two of luggage in his hand grinning