I Want To Go On A Date With You

it's all falls out of plays thirty minutes later when I see Sophie Cheng kiss Caleb at the entrance of school. they are hoot and hollers and she's smiling and he's smiling and I'm pissed because I was kind of excited to see him today. I walked passed them and he sees me and he looks at me and I know he knows I saw them. he smiles and I look away, right as someone wraps their arm around my waist and pulls me into them. I turn to look at who it was and as I turn to do so, I melt Because it's Shawn.

"hey, Vee" he says and smiles. he slides his hand from my waist and takes my hand in his, he spins me around in a circle, smiling as the spin ends and pulls me close to him. "you look fantastic" he says and I know for a fact that I blush.

"thanks" I say and look away from him. my eyes meet with Maddie's and she smiles and gives me the thumbs up.

"go get em tiger" she mouths.

"you're an idiot" I mouth back.

"hi, Shawn" someone says to Shawn and he smiles at them taking his hand from mine. not in a I'm-ashamed-of-you-and-I-don't-want-people-to-know-about-us way but in a I-want-to-talk-to-this-rando kind of way. he turns away from me and talks to the girl for a minute. "bye" the girl says and leaves.

"so, Vee. I was wondering if you want to like go somewhere after sch-"

"yes" I cut him short before he could finish his sentence. "oh, my god, I'm so sorry" I say and look away. "continue"

"I want to go on a date with you" he say and his smile drops. "I just wanted to make it clear because I'm not sure if you're gay or something" he nervously scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm gay. I'm definitely gay" I told him and he smiles. "and I'd absolutely love to go on a date with you" I say.

"God, that's great. I'll pick you up on Saturday at five, just text me your address" he says. he reached in to hug me then steps back. I roll my eyes and hug him, he wraps his hand around my waist and smiles. "this is nice" he says and I release him before shit gets awkward.

"yeah, it is" I bit my lips nervously. "I'll see you Saturday" and I don't know why I couldn't stop myself but I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. "bye!" I say and run away because I don't want to see the look on his face. halfway to class, I'm grabbed by another person. "what they heck?!" I look over and see Mila Spade, the second girl.

"hi, Vee" she says sweetly. Mila is tall and what you might call thicc. she was tanned and had long blond hair. she had the cutest baby face and a smile that could light up the room. she was wearing a black crop top with a green jacket over it with a mini skirt and black doc martens. she was beautiful and she always looked good but she was a fucking cobra. a sly bitch that took down whoever crossed her path, she was a rich spoilt brat that always wanted everything her way and when it didn't go her way, she threw a tantrum and does everything in her power to destroy whoever and whatever that made shit not go her way. I hated her.

"no" I say simply and turn to walk away. she grabs my arm and I stop

"Vee, I'm talking to you" I turn to look at her. "drop out of the game"

"hell. to. the. no" I tell her and drag my hand from hers.

"Vee, I said drop out of the game" she repeats again, venom slowly streaming into her voice.

"and I said hell no" I say again, I step into her personal space. "you don't get to dictate what I do and you don't get to tell me who I date"

"oh my god, why are you being such a drama queen about this, you aren't even into guys, so quit bitching and drop out of the fucking game!!" she says raising her voice and octave higher.

and it's then I decided, if I come out there's no going back in and I know that even though Mila is a bitch, she's no homophobe. I want to be out. I've been stuck for so long trying to force myself to like girls and now that I know for sure that I don't, I want people to know. I'm coming out and I'm not taking it back.

"I am into guys, I'm not even into girls. I'm gay, Mila. and I'll date who the fuck I want to and I won't get told not to by some over pampered kid" I told and her eyes darken from it's bright green to a dark moss green

"no. no. no. no" she says each "no" with her tone changing and sounding angrier and angrier. "Cal will absolutely not date you and I won't let him and I won't let you"

"just watch me, bitch" I say because I've always wanted to say it,

she opens her mouth to say something and then she closes it again, she opens her mouth again and the she closes it, screams with her mouth closed and them she walks away.

"what was that about?" I hear Maddie say into my ear and I scream.

"what the fuck is with you and talking to in my ear today?!!" I scream at her and step away from her. "she wants me to drop out of the game, so I told her I was gay and she said she wouldn't let me have Caleb" I say softly. "I came out to someone outside my family"

"I'm out your family" she say and I turned to look at her. "what?"

"you're an absolute idiot" I told her and she looks and me bewildered. "what the fuck will make you think you're not apart of our family?. I've known you for more than a decade, you knew who I was before I did, you understand me more than anyone else. I love you, my brother loves you, my mom loves you, that idiot - that the universe made the mistake of making my sister - loves you and I can bet everything that I am, that my dad loved you and that wherever he is, he'd think you're an absolute idiot for think you're anything less than family"

she sniffs. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I thought that" she grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"Jesus woman, I'm comfortable with my sexuality and all that but I'd rather die than cry at school, that's one of my worse nightmares, right next to the naked at school one" she burst out laughing and that's when we notice that the hall way is empty. "Maddie?"


"we're late to Mr. Robitousin's class" I tell her and she jumps away from me and grabs my hand.

"run like your life depends on it because it literally does" and we do, we run because we don't want to get killed by a teacher and turn him into "the student serial killer". I suddenly feel estatic because I can't wait for Saturday. I suddenly feel estatic because I'm out and proud. I suddenly feel estatic because we're family. we stop in front of the class room door. "I love you" Maddie says.

"oh my God, can we stop with sappiness" I say a little to loudly and the door suddenly opens

"and of course it's you, Xavier" he says and sigh

"hi" I say.