Xavier White

it's Saturday morning and I'm happy. three things have got me happy today.

number one, my date with the lovely Shawn White, just imagine, me, Xavier White, it sounds so lovely. he dmed me on thursday on Instagram because he didn't have my number. he got my number and then he called me and then we talked for a whole hour before he said "see you soon, babes" and I squealed because he called me "babes". the next day he waited for me at the entrance of the school with a latte in his hand.

number two, today is the last day of Caleb's relationship with Mila and tommorow he'll start dating Casey Bailey and I'm happier knowing he's not going to be dating that psycho bitch anymore.

and the last reason is, I have a plate of six thick pieces of pancakes topped with smoked maple syrup, cool whip, ice cream, strawberries, blueberries and a thin slice of butter. the whole meal sounds extra but with Wendell, everything he cooks us extra.

"oh my God, Wendy, this is so good" I moan as I stuff my face full of pancakes. "I'd marry you if you weren't my brother"

"they're always in it for the food" he says sighing softly. "none of them ever really love me"

"I love you and your food" Maddie says cause breakfast at each other's place on Saturday morning is tradition.

"alas, none of you can ever have me" he said this and picked up his phone and leans over the kitchen island, looking at his phone before asking, "have you guys ever been to a college party before?"

"nope" both Maddie and I say at once.

"why'd you ask though?" Maddie asks.

"I have this friend upstate who's having a party next weekend. you guys wanna come?" he asks and then he literally sips syrup from the jug. "nice" he mutters.

"you are disgusting" I say and I'm honestly disgusted. what normal person drinks syrup. "and yes, we do want to go"

"that's great, you permission from mom" he says pointing at me. "you get permission from your dad" he say pointing at Maddie. "and then we're all set to party"

"no, we're not. what are we going to wear?" I said to Maddie.

"worry about that next week. right now, we need to decide what you're wearing for your date with Shawn White" Maddie says excitedly.

"who?" as Wendell says this he leans closer to me. "why haven't I been notified that you have a date with someone? who is this Shawn White? and why does Xavier White sound so damn good?!!"

"I know, right?!!!" I squeal. "I have a date with this really nice guy from my school"

"is it the one that kissed you?" he asked.

"nope, it's someone else. he's so sweet and he gives me coffee and hugs and warm fuzzy feels" I say and eat a strawberry. "he's just perfect"

"are you still playing the game though?"

"yeah, tommorow is the third girls turn"

"so, you didn't forfeit?"

"I wanted to but Mila Spade will win and I'm not going to let her" I say, determined.

"wow, you're petty"

"that I am" I say.

"alright, eat quickly so we can go pick out clothes for your date. I'll even get Amy and Josh to help" he unlocks his phone and start typing.

"who now?" I ask.

"Amy and Josh?" he gives me a look. "Amaya and Joshua, my partners?" he rolls his eyes.

"sorry, I forgot, you know I'm bad with names" I told him. "and faces, did you should me their picture because I don't remember their face"

"I didn't because I know you'd forget" he sighs. "their free today so they can help you, Josh is a fashion Major or whatever you call it and Amy just really has a good fashion sense, so, they can help with... " she waves his hand over my entire being. "all this"

"what are you implying?"

"that you have no fashion sense" Maddie and Wendell say at the same time. sometimes I think they share a brain and it's usually when they want to make fun of me.

"honestly, I think you got that from mom" Wendell says.

"Quinn too, she dresses like a homeless lesbian" Maddie say and they both laugh.

"I hate the both of you"

"stop pouting"

"I am not!!!" I say. I'm not pouting, I never pout.

"yeah you are" they both say and I know they've won because I'm know I'm pouting now.

"stop that" I whine. "Mom!!! Wendell and Maddie are bothering me again!!!" I scream

"Wendell, you better act your fucking age before I make you, he's just a child!!!!!" she screams right back. "leave my baby Alone or else" I can hear her footsteps as she walks down. "Maddie, you do you" she says and Pat's her on the head when she gets to us. "food" she says to Wendell.

since Mom is sitting beside me, I rest my head on her shoulder. "I missed you alot this week"

"I did too but you know I have to work" she runs her hand through my hair. "how are you, baby?"

"I'm good. I have a date today" her hand in my hair stills for a second and the goes back to rhythm and this time, I can feel all her emotions flow from her to me.

"With an actual human" she says mockingly. "and here I thought, someone would have to be blind to date you"

"Hardy ha ha, very funny" I tell her and she laughs. "I am absolutely adorable and if I'm ever to be ugly, all anyone needs to know is that I got it from you" she pulls her hand out of my hair and knocks me upside the head. "ouch"

"you're ugly" mum says and continues playing with my hair. "hey, you. where's my food?!!" she yells at Wendy.

"I will spit in your food" Wendy threatened.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just kidding dear" she says and he passes her a plate of pancakes and bacon. "oh, I love you beyond comprehension" she takes a bite and moans. "that was orgasmic"

"ewww" everyone else in the room including me says.

"what?, it's so good" she says and keeps stuffing her face. "so, when are my future, in laws calling?"

"in ten minutes. no interrogation, mom. Amy and Josh are already nervous, don't be mean" he tells her. "you can talk to them for a while then me, Maddie and Vee, they need to help us fix... all this" he did it again!!!

"there is nothing to fix!!" i scream

"there is alot to fix" mom says.

I kept complaining and they kept ignoring me. eventually mom left to talk to Amy and Josh, she did interrogate them which made Wendell take them away. I met them, they were so so nice, especially Josh.

They helped me with my outfit, I ended up wear a pair of doc martens, some baggie pants and one of Wendell's hoodies, mainly because it was baggie and was cropped at the belly.

"why do you own a crop top?" I asked Wendell.

"he has a six pack and he really wants to show it off" Amy says. Wendell smiles at the camera. "it's pretty hot actually" they say again and I scream.

"eww gross, that's my brother" I whine.

"it is actually hot, babes" Josh says to Wendell.

"at least someone see me and not my cooking skills" Wendell says.

"oh my god, I miss your quiches" Amy screams excitedly.

"and I spoke too soon" Wendell says sadly. "no one loves me"

"awwn, baby, I love you" Josh says.

"me too and I love your dick" Amy says and both me and Maddie scream.

"get out! get out!! get out!!!" I scream and throw a pillow at him. "take your tablet and get out of my room, you horny whores!!!!"

I could hear them laughing and I smile.

"what?" Maddie asks.

"I'm just happy cause he is" I tell her.

"me too" she says and hugs me. "I gotta go, mom need me at home. are you going to be okay till Shawn gets here?"


"then I'll get going" she pulls away and smiles. "bye, Binky" she says.


she leaves and I wait. it was one pm when she left, three pm when Wendell said he had somewhere to be, four pm when mom said she had some errands to run and four fourty six pm when the door bell rang.

"coming!!!" I yell and pull open the door. I see Shawn standing there, smiling. "you're early" I say and I smile.

"sorry, I couldn't really wait anymore" he says and steps close. I step away from the door so he can come in.

"come on, I'll show you my room" I take his and and walk up the stairs to my room. I open the door. "it's a little bit of a mess but.." my words are cut short when he grabs my hand and turns me around. "wha...."

he kisses me.