Break Up With A Cheater And Fuck A Hot Jock

Xavier's point of view

I sit quietly in the car as Caleb drives me home. I pull out my phone annd checked my inbox. I had twenty missed called and twenty nine new messages.

I enter the messages first. three were from Amber

Amber: Where are you?

Amber: Heard you were with Cal, are you okay?.

Amber: Shawn's here, did you see him?

I found three from Wendell

Wendy: Where's my Ice, you dweeb?

Wendy: you better not be sucking Caleb's cock somewhere

Wendy: Maddie's looking for you, where the hell are you?

and then I saw I was added to a group chat, but I only recognize two numbers on there, Maddie and Wendy's.

me: what have you people dragged me into now?. I send.

unknown number: it's Stevy, where are you, kid?, your idiot brother is worried. Steven first texts.

he drops two numbers with vicktor's and Tari's names attached to them.

Stevy: save the other idiots contacts so you'll know who's texting, Babe.

Me: kk. I save their numbers and watch as the typing bubble appears by my brothers name.

Tari: oh, you're in for a earful.

Vick: oh, he's gonna get it.

Maddie: Fhkskfbdkaodhdjzkyrhn

Me: wtf did she just write?.

Tari: I actually thought she was sleeping, she drunk af.

wendells message final comes in and I am shocked by the amount of profanities he'd typed.

Wendy: what the fuck is wrong with you?. mom put me in charge of your fucking ass and the you run off with some guy for cock. I asked you to get ice with him so you could talk and you disappear to go suck fucking cock. just wait till I catch you, I'm going to fucking ground you until your fucking eight.

Me: it wasn't technical my fault, it was also you fault because I texted and called both you and Maddie but neither of you answered you damn phones. I texted furiously.

Wendy: then you could have come upstairs and told us at least hurt his Royal fucking highness couldn't.

Me: well, his Royal fucking highness was trying not to cry because he caught his Royal fucking asshole of a boyfriend cheating with a high school drop out looking piece of shit.

Wendell call me and I pick up on the first ring.

"are you okay?" he asks and them he stop. "that's a stupid question, you're not"

"I actually, I'm all right" I whisper into the phone, glancing at Caleb who had his eyes on the road. "it's been a long night. I'm gonna go home and go to bed, you do you... but please if you get home, could you not come check on me. please?" I beg because he loves me too much not to check on me.

"okay, but you'll tell me what happened when in the morning, okay Binky?" he says and I hum in response. "I love you, Binky"

"I love you too, Wendy" I whisper to him and hang up. I look at Caleb and he's smiling while he's driving. "What?"

"we're pretty lucky, we ended up having the most beautiful families" he stops driving and puts the car in park. "I really wish it was always like this"

"yeah, me too" I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn to look at him. "I'm sorry if I weirded you out with your dads"

"no, it's fine, it's just that I've never seen any of my friends become so friendly with my dads that fast" he tells me.

"your dad, Cameo I mean... he's reminded me of my dad, his smile, his mannerisms, his kind eyes... " I trail off as I tear up.

"when did it happen?"

"almost two years ago, car accident" I tell him. I smile because I Know he doesn't like it when I cry.

"you were in the car"

"yeah, how'd you know?"

"there's a scar on you side and tiny scars on chest and around your arms" he blushes. "I was paying alot of attention to your body, I guess"

"glass from the accident" I tell him what the tiny scars were. "it could have been far worse but papa had his arm over my face"

"your dad sounds amazing" he tells me and I smile at him. "hey, if you want dads, you can have mine, they like you More than me anyway"

I laugh. "no one can resist my charms"

"yeah, no one can" he reaches over and places his hand on my cheek. "good night, kiss?" I nod and he kisses me.

it's long and slow, it's not sexual, it's just easy.

"night" I tell him as I pull away.

"night" I get out of the car. he doesn't drive away until I'm in the house waving him good bye from the window.

I enter my room and change out of my clothes. the house was empty. mom was at work, Quinn was at a sleep over and Wendell was still out. I lay on my bed with intent to sleep when my phone ran. I look and it's Amber, last I saw her she was with a pretty girl.

"hey, Maddie"

"a girl gave me head and her number!!" she says into the phone with the most excited voice. "it felt so good"

"that great but let's leave it at that, I don't want to know much about girl parts" I tell her and she laughs loudly.

"i want to tell Mom I'm gay" she says and I go quiet. Maddie had three moms. her current parents and her birth mother. Maddie's mom went to prison when she was eight and that was how Maddie got into the foster system and got adopted by her mothers.

her birth mother never stayed out of her life, she put in the time and effort to be a parent when she got out of prison and even when she was in. the only problem was, Amber had new parents who loved and cared for her and she loved and cared for them too, the same way she did her birth mother.

we weren't sure if it was the fact that her moms "stole" Maddie from her or if it was because they were lesbians but Andrea, Maddie's birth mom, hated them with a burning passion. she called them the lesbians. And if Maddie came out, were 90 percent sure she'd believe that the lesbians turned her into one of them.

Maddie never wanted to come out to her but she'd been thinking about it alot, she told me once that she just wanted to get it over with, her moms were fine with it but, what about Andrea? would she hate her daughter for it?.

"I know she'll be upset but I don't care, I want to know if I can have her in my life or not, she knows I don't like way she talks about my moms and she keeps it to a minimum but if she said those things about me, I think I might hate her" she says and she groans. "the life of a teen gay"

"the life of a teen gay" I repeat. "Caleb, ate me out"

"eww gross but also OMG, tell me every detail" I tell her. I tell her how it felt when he went down on me, I tell her how his kisses just melt me and then I stop. "I caught Shawn tonguing another guy at the party"

"oh Binky bear.." she mutters. "I saw it on the chat, I know you wouldn't want to talk about it"

"I don't but I have to... I don't want to get back together with him"

"I know... you like Cal and that's not gonna change"

"he was drunk" I tell her even though I know I'm making excuses for him. "he tried to apologise but I didn't let him and I went ahead and did exactly what he did to me with Caleb, I cheated."

"yeah, you did but you know what, you cheated because you were upset"

"that doesn't make it right" I turn over on the bed and face my dad's picture on the nightstand. "does it make it worse that I'd do it and more again in a heartbeat" I tell her and she groans.

"are you in love with Cal?"

"no" the fact that I hesitated must have been the reason she said nothing. "I think I'm getting there" if call kept treating me the way he does, I'll fall in love with him, I knew that and I wanted to stop it from happening before It got out of hand.

"you're breaking up with Shawn tommorow and then we're going to go get ice cream and then we'll go hang out at my house... " she trails off and then she giggles.

"no!" I say, my frown turning into a smile. "no!"

"yes!" she says laughingly. "Trish, say hi to my best friend"

"hi, binky" I deep voice came through the phone.

"you let her sleep in your bed" I whisper into the phone when I knew it was at her ear.

"she was drunk and she was asleep, Vick and Stevy didn't know where she lived so they left her here with me because they thought she was a friend" she tells me. "she's nice though and no, she's not sleeping in my bed, she's sleeping in the guest room, she just came downstairs to get some water"

"what did she do that has you giggling?"

"she kissed my neck" she says gigglingly and laughs. "she's nice"

"you're still a little drunk aren't you?"

"yup, I'm trying to eat something other than alcoholic"

"okay, love bird, eat up and go to bed, I'll see you tommorow at school"

"good night, let my love give you courage to break up with a cheater and fuck a hot jock"

"oh my god, shut the fuck up" I scream and hang up.

I look through the last of my text and didn't even bother to look through Shawn's messages because I know if I read them I'd want to forgive him.

I see a message from Cal.

"Night, Xavier❤️" it read and I smile..

I smiled until I went to sleep