I'd Love To See What You'd Do In Bed

I purposely went late to school the next morning because I didn't want to see Shawn, Caleb or even Amber, mainly because Amber would pressure me to dump Shawn before he kisses me. but no matter how late I went he was waiting for me a few feet to the door of my class room. it couldn't be avoided.

"hey" he says and I just stare because I honestly had nothing to say to him. "I'm sorry, I was so drunk I had no idea what I was doing..."

"but you did, or you wouldn't have felt bad when I saw you" I saw Mister Robitussin coming through the corner of my way and grabbed Shawn's ha.d, pulling him into the empty class across where we were standing.

"I did know what I was doing, it's just I wasn't... " he trails off, trying to find a nice way to explain his assholery.

"I meant it... what I told Amber, I wa... am going to break up with you today" I tell him. "it's not because you kisses someone while you were drunk"

"isn't it, Vee?"

"no, it's just, I don't think I can love you that way... if we keep going, I'll have sex with you and then I'll keep finding excuses to stay with you because in the long run, you're next to perfect but my stupid heart doesn't want perfect- "

"it wants, Caleb Keller"

"yeah, it wants that" I mutter softly. I sigh and walk closer to him, resting my head on his chest. "I'm sorry"

he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me in. "it's okay, I kind of knew you liked him but I at least wanted to try" he started rocking us. "can I at least get a break up kiss?" he mutters.

"of course you do, this wouldn't be much of a break up without one" I say and pull away from him, joining our lips. it wasn't a chaste kiss, Shawn slid his tongue into my mouth, running it against mine. I moan because it felt good. we kiss for what I think is an eternity before he pulls away for air. "that was... interesting"

"yeah, it really was interesting" he says back. "we can be friends?"


"Friends, dummy" he tells me. "at least that way, I can still be close to you... but I won't do anything inappropriate, I promise"

"I know. I already have a gay best friend though but you can be my gbfwhtbb"


"gay best friend who happens to be a boy" he shakes his head. "thanks for being so understanding"

"I don't accept that title" he says.

"yes, you do"

"no, I don't" he pauses. "I want whatever makes you happy and if Caleb Keller does, I wouldn't stop you from being with him... plus, I can't really stop, you're kinda, absolutely crazy" he tells me his hands still wrapped around me.

"hey!!'" I smack him lightly "I'm not crazy" I tell him. we stay in that position for a few minutes before I slowly start to pull away. "I was hiding from you earlier"

"oh, I know. Amber told me where you were going to be, right after she kicked me in the balls... still hurts..." he says and grabs his area.

"awwwn, she's so sweet... and kinda mean" I say thoughtfully.

we leave as quickly as possible so we can avoid getting caught when class was on. I didn't even bother going to class because I had Mr Robitussin now and he'd kill me if I came late. I hid in the bathroom during first period and texted Calley Dennis to cover for me because she was the only person I know who was in that class with me.

I went to my remaining class and didn't even see Caleb all day, I looked for Amber's car all over the parking lot but I didn't find it or her, so I texted her and told her I would walk or Uber home and that she was a dick for abandoning me, I added a smiley face to let her know I was kidding and an i love you to let her know that I love her. "hey" I hear Calley's voice from beside me and I turn to look, Calley's in her car with Amber beside her in the driver's seat.

"what the fuck were you today?... and where's your car?" I ask Amber, very rudely ignoring Calley. "Sorry, Calley, I didn't mean to ignore you"

"no offense taken" she says smilingly.

"sorry, Trish ended up staying in my room, mom came home earlier than I thought and I got caught" Amber say and gestures for me to get in. "my car has been repossessed until further notice"

Calley put the car in drive and I tell her to wait. "are we still getting ice cream?"

"Definitely" Calley says. "I call dibs on the mint chocolate chip"

"Dibs on Oreo crumble" I say as I pull out my phone and text Shawn.

"wanna go get ice cream with us?" I text.

"you can't call dibs on an ice cream flavor when they sell them at the store, anyone can get any flavor" Amber say, striking up a conversation with Calley

"yes you can" both me and Calley says.

"who is us?" he texted back five seconds later

"Me, Calley and balls kicker"

"will she kick me in the balls again?"

"will you kick Shawn in the balls again?" I look up and ask Amber.

"probably not" she stops her conversation with Calley midsentence and answers me.

"probably not" I text him.

"okay, sure, where are you?"

"just wait outside the parking lot, we'll come get you" I text.

"Calley, dearest" I call out, sticking my head between the driver's seat and passenger seat, smiling brightly at her.

"What?" she says looking at me.

"look away from the smile or you'll be tempted to do whatever he says" Amber warns.

"shut your whore mouth!" I say to Maddie and turn to look at Calley. "Can we drive back to the school parking lot and pick up Shawn"

"no" Amber says. "he cheated on you"

Calley gasps. "really?!!!"

"I cheated too"

Calley gasps again. "Really?!!!!!!!!!!"

"he cheated before you... and Calley aren't you on your brothers group chat?"

"I am but they're usually saying stupid shit... wait, is all this on the chat, I need to see this" she quiets as she scrolls through the chat

me and Amber are just glaring at each other.

"no" she says

"yes" I say


"Maddie" I say warningly. "yes" I stand my ground.

"okay, fine!!!" she rages and takes a calming breath. "if he hurts you again I'll kill him"

"we broke up and I think we're friends now, I guess"

"finally!!!" Amber says exasperatedly

"you cheated on your boyfriend with Caleb?!!" she gasps again. "and you broke up with Shawn"

"uhh, Yes"

"wow, I should be offended because Caleb was my date last night but I'm really not" she turns the car around and heads for the parking lot. we see Shawn standing there, waving at us. "it's good that you're going for what you want, I've been around Caleb for the past two days thanks to the game and he's a good person, he's kind and he treats every one right" she's quiets as Shawn walks towards us. "but he's not for me" she says and unlocks the car for Shawn.

"hi" shawn says as he gets in, staring at all of us. "so... ice cream on me?"

"You're a smart one" Amber says with a smile.

"Hey, white, can you call dibs on an ice cream flavor?" Calley asks.

"you can but you can still get the same flavor at the counter" He say and Amber screams shocking the life out of him and Calley

"told you!! you can't do that" she say pointing at Calley. "Finally, someone sane is in this car"

"you've failed me" I say to Shawn, shaking my head sadly

"I have?" he asks obviously confused.

"yes, you've failed us both" Calley adds.

"forget them both, child. you've made me very proud" Maddie says with a smile directed at Caleb.

"uhm... okay?" he says.

"why'd you scream?"

"because I was right"

"you scream when you're right?"

"yes, I scream when I'm right"

"well I'd love to see what you'd do in bed" she say casually and faces the road.

Amber was about to say something when her words hit her and she does silent.

"I thought you were ace and aro" I say.

"Who told you that?"


"oh no, I'm not... I'm gay... I guess he didn't hear me, I was talking about my brother, Vicktor, he's the one that's ace and aro and I'm the one thats gay" she says to me.

"wait... so everyone in this car is gay?" I ask.

"I guess so" Shawn says.

"We're you like flirting with Amber just now?" I ask her and she smiles.

"I guess so" she says taking her eyes off the road and smiling at her

I'd never seen Maddie turn red until this very day.

"Amber, are you... blushing?"

"shut the fuck up!" she screams at me and everyone except Maddie laughs.

"stop it you guy" Amber whines and we laugh harder. "I hate you guys"

"and we love you too"