Yes Daddy!

Xavier's point of view

I'm shaking as I stand in front of school. some of the seniors are in front of school holding signs that say:

'bring back alex'

'the boy that cried wolf'

'alex ain't gay'

'Sugar mama effect'

I didn't understand what the hell the last one meant but I sure as hell understood what the others meant. suck it up Xavier, be the bad bitch you were made to be.

I'm about to walk into school when someone grabs my arm.

"your Entourage as arrived my good, sir" Micheal Palmer is by my side and he interlocks his arm with mine.

"dude, you pronounced the word wrong, it's huntorage it's Entourage" Shawn corrected him as he came to my other side and interlocked our arms.

"potato potahto, tomato tomahto, who's to say how it's actually pronounced?" he waves him off as we start walking towards the protestors.

"i am, it potato and tomato and definitely Entourage" Shawn says defiantly. "stop speaking English like a cave man"

"stop speaking English like.. like... like"

"like what?, someone who actually knows how to speak English?!" Shawn retorts. he looks at Micheal over my shoulder. "you're just jealous that you can speak good English"

"well you're just jealous that you can't speak my English" and that was how it went for the next few minutes and when I stop to laugh at their banter, I realize I'm already passed the crowd of protestors and I'm inside school.

I see Amber standing by my locker and she smiles. "so, how'd we do boss?" Micheal asks Amber and she salutes him.

"perfectly" she reaches in her pocket and pulls out a candy bar. "here, a Scooby snack for you"

"Hardy ha ha" Micheal say in a monotone voice while Shawn laughs his ass off.

"who's a good boy?!, who's a good boy?, you are, yes you are" Shawn says repeatedly and attempts to follow Micheal out when I grab his arm. "what?"

"you're beautiful" I tell him

"seriously, you're gonna keep this up?" Shawn asks with an eyeroll.

"yeah, untill you realize how wonderfully wonderful you are" I tell him and intertwine our fingers as we walk.

"are you okay, today?"

"Yeah, peachy" he laughs when I say this. "no seriously, I'm good... I'm happy" he looked unsure so I tell him why I'm so happy. "Cal is taking me to a beach house!" I announce

"really now?" he leans into me. "are you two gonna have sex?"

my hear skips a beat. "are we supposed to?" I didn't think this trip would mean us having sex.

"no, honey, not if you don't want to" he hold tight unto my hand.

"have you had sex before, like sex sex..." I lower my voice. "like butt sex?"


"you don't have to answer that if you don't want to, it was a dumb question to ask, anyway"

"honey, it's not a dumb question. I've had sex, I've bottomed and I've topped... I'm versatile" he whispers in my ear.

"i don't think I want to be on top... could you teach me how to bottom?" I ask.

"look where I am now, teaching my ex how to take cock... this isn't healthy, you know" he tells me but he's smiling and by now I can tell when he's sad or when he's joking and he is.

"nothing about our relationship is but you know you love me" I tell him and his smile brightens.

"I love you, I really do, you dummy" it's full of affection and it makes my eyes water. "oh my god, are you crying?"

"no, I'm not!!" I deny immediately.

"Castor!!!" someone screams my last name across the hallway.

"ugh, here comes but daddy" Shawn says and I hold in a laugh.

"how dare you?!" Mila Spade screams at me "it's one thing to try and steal Caleb from me but it's even worse to accuse his friend of sexual assult" she starts and I roll my eyes. "you should have considered Caleb's feeling before you pulled this crap!!"

"could you shut the fuck up, Mila?!!" Shawn snaps at her.

"yeah, don't start White, because we all know the only reason you're supporting him is because he rejected you and you're taking all the scraps of affection you can get" she raised her voice so the entire hall can hear her.

"says you who's only supporting Alex because you think this is what Caleb wants, talk about an actual dog begging for scraps... or should I call you a bitch instead?" the words come out of mouth and I didn't realize it was me until everyone else is looking at me.

"youre the bitch, going around going after straight guys and then Making them out to be bad people... First, Alex, what next... Caleb?"

before any of my friends step in, I speak. "i never made anyone do anything they didn't want to... Alex did what he wanted to and he's paying for it" her smile falters. " Caleb does what he wants to! I don't control other people's actions" I step in front of her. "you're a bitch because you want to be a bitch. Alex Assulted me because he wanted to... if you don't believe me, go fuck yourself and don't step into my space and talk to my friends like they're beneath you because you're beneath us and you are not worth the time of my day" I step back. "get out of my sight" this wasn't anger, it was frustration. not only did I have this happen to me, I also have to face people like Mila... it was frustrating.

she looks around at the crowd that gathered around us. she started stomping away but she stops and leans into me and whispers "Caleb does whatever he wants... he did me too" I didn't miss the meaning behind her words. I turn around and look at her as she walks away.

fuck her.

fuck Cal.

fuck Alex

fuck Jess

fuck every fucking asshole supporting Alex.

I'm breathing heavily and I can tell I'm about to scream those words out loud and I don't stop myself. "fuck you, Mila... no one cares about your bullshit"

everyone starts laughing and that makes me feel a bit better. "the fuck are you all standing in my way for... leave, dismissed, scatter, disappear!!" I snap and march passed them.

"Ve-" it's Amber and I cut her off.

"space!! I need space!!!" I yell across the hall and she gets it.

I want to scream. he slept with her, with Mila fucking Spade... he... he... he fucked her. did he have sex with any of the other girls?

I slap my hand over my mouth as a sob works it's way across my body. I hate this!!. "fuck! fuck!! fuck!!!" I shove myself into the closet Caleb dragged me into before the incident. I press my back against the wall and slide down

I hear the door open after what felt like an eternity and I curl myself into a ball. "Xavier" his voice rolls over me and my throat becomes thick. "I heard what happened with Mila and I wanted to check on you... I Know what

she said about Alex but-"

"I am not upset about the nasty things she said" I say.

"then why are you-"

"you fucked her! you had sex with Mila!!"


"i.. I ... I ... I don't even know why I'm upset!!" I scream, I was sobbing and I didn't even know why. "I don't want you to be with her and I don't want you to be with anyone else. hug me, kiss me, hell, you can even fuck me but don't do that with anyone else!!!"

"I.. I don't have any excuses... I missed you and she told me she liked me and it just happened.. I was in bed with her before I realized and all that was on my mind was you" I'm sobbing as he explains himself. "I hate that I hurt you... please, Xavier... you know I'd Never hurt you on purpose" I say nothing. "tell me you know Vee, please"

"that's not any excuse"

"I know it isn't that's exactly why I said I don't have one. I fucked up, Vee... I fucked up, please let me make it up to you, Vee" he walks to where I am on the floor and looks down at me, I meet his eyes and they are pleading "tell me you know, Vee" he begs.

"dont Call me, Vee. it makes me uncomfortable" I stand up off the ground and move into him, he instinctively opens his arms for me and I hug him. "I know you'll never hurt me on purpose" we're like that for a few minutes before i pull away and cup his face. "but I swear to God if you fuck Mila ever again or anyone else for that matter, I'll make sure you never touch me or even kiss me ever again"

"you don't have to worry about that" he leans in and kisses me. "I'll only kiss you and touch you from now on... just you... only you, I promise" the weight of his promise rests on my shoulder and calmz me. "okay?"


"now bend over, let me apologise to you properly" he pulls away from the hug and his hand is on my ass and he's bending me over against the table pressed against the wall. "Bend over, Xavier"

the second he says my name, I know I'm done for so i bend over for him. "what are you doing?"

"unbutton your pants" I hear him say and I do as I'm told. with Caleb, I always do as he tells me because I knew he'd never hurt me.

he grabbed my pants and briefs and pull them down untill my ass is out in the air.

"Caleb.." my heart skipped a beat when I realized we were at school and that the door was open

"don't worry, it's locked" he spreads my ass.

"why did you lock the... oh my fucking God!!!!" I scream as he runs his tongue across my hole.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you, baby" he pushes his tongue into my hole and pulls out. "I'm so sorry, Baby"

"I know" the fact that we were at school didn't matter anymore because I wanted something inside of me.

"do you want me to finger you, baby?" he whispers behind me.

"yes daddy!" I held my breath as I hear myself. shit, did I just call him daddy?!!