Can You Fuck Me?

he didn't say a word about the "yes daddy" comment, he just slides two finger into me.

I whimper and start moaning as he fucks in and out of me with his fingers. "ah.. uh... shit..." I throw my hand over my mouth and he aim for my prostate. " fuck!... fuck me..."

"I will, baby" he pulls out and I nearly beg.

he comes back in with his tongue "oh...fuck me, daddy" oops I did it again. whenever he called me baby, the urge to call him daddy kicks in, and I'm pretty sure it would win. it just did

"you said it again" he says with a chuckle and rises from his kneeling position, standing on his feet. "I heard you the first time and i thought I heard wrong but fuck" I feel his breath against my ear. "I'm not even eighteen yet but I love it when you call me daddy" he comes in again with two fingers.

"oh God!!" his finger stabs into my prostate and I stand on my tippy toes. I wanted to be filled up to the brim and his fingers weren't doing it. "Cal..."

"yeah, baby?" he asks twists his fingers around inside of me and my knees shake.

"Can you fuck me?" I practically beg

"no" my heart shatters. he doesn't want to have sex with me.

"no?" I ask and moan when he brushes against my prostate again.

"we're at school and if I remember correctly, you want to lose your Virginity in the most Disney way possible... this isn't Disney" he increases the speed of his fingers pumping in and out of me and he curves sharply

"oh... oh" i moan softly as I cum. I'm quiet for the next few minutes for two reasons.

1. my world was still spinning and I wanted it to stand still before I spoke

2. the words I love you were right at the tip of my tongue and I was scared that if I open my mouth to speak, I'd say them.

"you okay?" he whispers into my ear.

"uh huh" I pull my pants up and turn around and face him. he's standing right in front of me. "want me to blow you?"

"nah, just kiss me" he presses his lips against mine and gives me soft kisses. "you can keep calling me daddy if that turns you on, I like it" he kisses my nose, then my chin and finally my cheek. "I want you to be yourself with me, with all your quirks and all your cuteness"

he's rubbing against me as he kisses me and the words I love you are there, lingering and waiting to come out, so I put my mind to pleasuring him and I grind back into him. "you're gonna cum in your pants if you don't take out your cock"

I do it myself and slide my hand into his pants and take it out, stroking him quickly until he's coming into my closed fist. "Fuck" he deadpans.

"how many times are you gonna make me late for class?" I look around until I find of roll of paper towels and start to wipe my hands and the table where I came.

"many, many, many more times" he tells me and kisses me again.

"I..." I was going to say I love you... I knew those were the words about to come out of my mouth. "I.. I have to head to class or I'm gonna be late" I grab my bag from the floor and look at him, waiting for me goodbye kiss.

"yeah, no... I'm going with you. the rule is one person has to be with you at all times... I'm here right now" he tells me "plus we have biology together"

"wait... we do?"

"yeah, we do... I've sat behind you in biology for a year, Vee... I just never spoke to you, I guess" he scratches the back of his head and then goes to the door and leans out. "coast is clear"

"I can't believe we started talking to each other because of a game" I laughed. "I am pretty lucky you know"

"I wouldn't say you got picked by luck"

"what do you mean?"

"well, after the party me and... "

"you can say his name, I will not give him power over my life"

"okay... me and Alex.."

"Alex and I" I correct smugly

he sighs "Alex and I... went through the ballot boxes and some of the names were in there more than once... like Sophie was like twenty and Mila was a eighty something..." he laughs. "your name was nearly fifty in there"

"wait... what?!"

"yeah" he turns and smiles. "that's why I came on to you, because I figured you liked me... alot"

"I didn't... " he smiles drops just a bit. "I do now but I didn't" his smile returns and my heart goes haywire. "oh wipe that smug look off your face"

"I can't... cause you like me" I didn't think it was possible but his smile because wider. "so, why did you put your name in then?"

"I never did... I never put my name in the box. Amber did but I doubt she'd put in my name fifty times" we were at the door of biology. "I'll ask her when I see her next... so, we go in"

"yeah... were we supposed to stay outside?" I laugh and he laughs and he kisses me square of the lips leaving me stunned before he opens the door.

"sorry we're late ma'am... I wa-" he start but she cuts him off.

"I understand dear" she gives me a sympathetic look and smiles. "I'm here for you if you need me, Xavier"

God knows if I ever needed anyone she would be the last person I would go to but it touched me that she actually tried. Mrs Campbell was official my new favourite teacher... she was always my favourite but now she was even more my favorite. I nod at her and make my way to my seat.

Amber was with me at physics, Micheal was there at chemistry and four guys from the basketball team were with me at history... I guess they felt bad for what their dick captain did.

it was lunch now and everyone was with me. I found out the four guys from the basketball teams names were Edward, Edmond, Eddie and Edwin. which was so fucking weird, right? because the rest of the table didn't even get weirded out by their similar names

Eddie and Edwin were together... like together together. They both knew Alex was at fault because apparently he was hostile towards the both of them and always made sure to say some nasty stuff about them and gay men in general whenever they were there.

Caleb was seated beside me at the table, left hand in mind and right hand picking at the food he was supposed to be eating. Makayla Applebottom was sitting with Mila, Jess and the protestors and I'm guessing she believed Alex. well, more Caleb for me I guess.

I turn to Amber. "how did I end up being in the game?" i ask her and she puts down her fork and looks up at me, so does the entire table.

she sighs. "I have apologised for it multiple times, I even bought you food"

"it's not that it's just caleb said something-"

"fine, I got drunk and put in his dumb name, that's how he got in the game" her face was red and she was embarrassed and it wasn't helping that everyone at the table was laughing.

"hush your face holes" Caleb snaps at the entire table and they hush up and I smile at him. "one time, Maddie?"

"yeah, once, why are you asking this?"

"because after the game we were playing Around with the ballot, we opened it and we were counting how many times each person's name got dropped in and Xavier's name was dropped in like fifty times" Caleb explains and you know what my stupid brain does, it fixates on the way Caleb says my fucking name. the way he loves it when I call him daddy is the same way I love it when he calls me Xavier. or baby

his hand breaks away from mine and land on my inner thigh and I bite my lip to keep from sighing out loud

"I only voted once.. I was drunk not obsessed..." she trails off and makes the face. the 'I think I know what happened' face

"what happened?"

"uhm... when we split up at the party... I met up with some girls from drama club. Jess, Stevie, Mika and like four other girls and some of them were talking about how cute you were... it was a whole thing, Vee... like they were talking about how sexy you-"

"back on track, Madeline!" I snap playfully, enjoying the praise nevertheless

"sorry" she smiles because she knew I enjoyed the praise. "Jess made this snide comment about how you'd never go for them and when we asked why, she called you gay... I didn't take it the wrong way because I already knew you were gay even before you do, so I rounded it up to her just being really preceptive" she turns to look at Jess at her table, I looked too and she was glaring at me. "she brought up the whole idea and I'm guessing the other girls followed through"

"she put my name in there?"

"yeah, she did, along with half the girls at that table"

"and me" Edward says suddenly and everyone turns to look at him. "Jess asked me to and I took it as a joke and I thought they were joking until She and Alex..." he trailed off and looked down and I could tell he was embarrass

"until she and Alex what?" Caleb asks.

"I swear to God, I didn't know it was your car until this morning that Caleb asked us to keep an eye on you" he starts. "you never drive it and-"

"they were the ones who wrote faggot on my car in orange paint, weren't they?" I asked and he nods..

"I'm sorry" he mutters softly.

"I know you're sorry... I never drive that car because Amber drops me off every morning. you didn't know it was mine and you didn't know who to tell about it" I sigh and gather my courage. I take Caleb's hand off my thigh and stand up.

"where are you going?" Caleb, Michael, Shawn and Amber asks at once.

"to talk to Jess, it is clear that she had a problem with me way before 'the incident' and she's going to tell me why" I tell them and get out of the table.

"don't you think It would be better if you did it in private?" Micheal asks.

"honey, that's how people get killed" I pat his head and he pushes my hand away.

"I am not a dog"

"who's a good boy?!" Shawn starts and everyone at the table laughs. "but seriously, if anything gets out of hand, we'll go all Quinn on her"

"yeah, I know you will" I give him a back hug and take a deep breath.

I turn around and head for Jess's table.