He's Not My Boyfriend

chapter 32

Xavier's point of view

I make my way to her table and I know the entire cafeteria is staring at us because everyone had gone silent. from the second I stood from my seat her eyes have been on me and they have never left me up until I was standing in front of her.

"what do you want, Castor?" Jess asks an angry look on her face. "to accuse me of sexual assult?"

"no... I'm hear to ask why you and you rapist of a boyfriend painted the word faggot on my car in Orange paint" her look of anger drops and in a beat, returns, angrier.

"how dare you call him a rapist?!" he stand to her feet and her voice echos across the room.

"because that's what he is" my tone is calm because I have learned that keeping your tone calm during an argument pisses people off and the plan was to piss her off.

"he is not!" she screams and just to cement the anger I say the most annoying thing I could think.

"is too" and she explodes.

"you are a childish little piece of shit, do you know that?!. you accuse my boyfriend of trying to rape you and then you walk around smugly and joke about it!!" she gets into my personal space. "you are nothing but a little brat playing the victim"

"oh" I say simply. "did he like the cut I have him? I put in a lot of effort when I gave him that gift"

she makes an attempted to hit me put Sophie Cheng grabs her hand "that's enough, Jessica!" she yells.

"he would never do that to you... he would never do that to people like you!!" she screams anger lacing her voice.

I click my tongue. "People like me?"

"yeah... faggots like you!!" I had never had that word thrown directly at me and it burned. And Maddie felt it.

they were at my side in seconds. Micheal, Shawn, Amber, All the Eds and Caleb.

"really?" I could see the phones coming up to video, they were some up before but now at least ninety percent of students had their cameras up and maybe a few lunch ladies too.

"yes... he fucking hated you, he hated the fact that you get to strut around this school and act like you're better that everyone else but Castor, you aren't. you are nothing but a sad little fag looking for whatever to fuck, that's why you went after Alex and that's why you're going after Caleb Keller" her words stung and mine would burn.

"I am hot!!" I proclaim and half the cafeteria laugh. "I am happy being who I am. I'm happy, I love myself and I love the fag that I am" I say this more to myself than her. " just because your boyfriend is battling with his internalized homophobia doesn't mean he gets to take it out on me, I have fought my battle and won and he could have fought his without coming after me but he didn't, he chose to hurt me and I did not deserve that"

"you-" Jess was not allowed to speak.

"I am not done talking so shut the fuck up, Jess" I snap anger clouding my thoughts. "all of this was you. you dragged me into this game when you made your friends vote for me, the only reason I got to even talk to Keller was because of you, so stop blaming me for a mistake you made" tears fill in her eyes and my heart fill with utter joy " this is the last time I will ever say this, I never went after your sad excuse for a boyfriend, he came after me and I fucking drew his goddamn blood"

"Al..." she starts but I soften my voice and speak.

"Alex is a homophobic monster and you need to let go of him before he makes you into another version of himself, you were never like this Jess before Alex" I step away from her. "please, don't come after me again Jess, because you see these people behind me, they will eat you alive if you fuck with me ever again" her eyes water but she doesn't cry, she looks around at everyone then stomps out of the cafeteria, leaving us all behind.

"Woah... that was Kinda sad" Micheal. say abruptly.

"shut up, Micheal" Shawn and Amber mutter

"bitches, both of you" Micheal say and I punch him slightly. "ouch, why?!"

"because... you're stupid" Shawn tells him and he cracks a smile.

the bell rings for the end of lunch and I leave before everyone else, forgetting that I hadn't had anything to eat but a few of the french fries that were on my plate. I make my way to the bathroom and push the door open, bending over emptying my stomach into the toilet.


the word screamed in my head and I want to cry, so I do. I sit on the floor and I cry my eyes out until they hurt.

no one comes to talk to me or comfort me because they know.

I scream and the person outside shouts in fear

"oh god, I'm so sorry" I mutter to him and I hear a laugh. "god, I'm so pathetic right now"

"Nah, Vee, I think you're awesome and good on you for telling that bitch off..." the voice is familiar and I know who it is in an instant.

"you disappeared on me, I haven't seen you in days"

"I'm sorry, I had some stuff I needed to sort out back at school... transfer stuff.." he says the last part softly and I perk up.


"yeah, transfer"

"Wendell, you don't have to do that" I tell him softly. "you don't have to transfer back here"

"honestly, I've been thinking about this since second year of Med school, I wanted to transfer back after dad died and I really didn't want to have to be there alone but then I met Amy and Josh and they were just... them. they gave me time and love and really great sex" he laughs at himself. "and I kinda guess I forgot how good it was to get that from you guys.... well most of that" he sighs loudly. "Amy and Josh are graduating this year and being alone again would be hell, I don't want to be alone Vee. I never want to be alone"

"Wendell" I unlock the door and I go to him. "of courses, I want you to stay... hell, I'd be happier if you were here but is that really what you want?"

"yeah..." he looks at me "Amy got an internship at a law firm a few miles and Josh wants to design for a place In the city and that's a thirty minutes train ride from here and we want to move in together and this just makes sense" he wraps me tightly in a hug. "I miss you, I miss Mom, I miss Quinn, I miss Amber and I miss this town... I'm transferring to a med school in the city and being with you guys will make me feel safe"

"you don't need to ask me for permissions... it's mom you should be worried about. do you think she's going to let a bunch of ruffians-"

"it's only two people"

"sssshhh..." I shush him loudly. "as I was saying, do you thinking she's going to let a bunch of ruffians swoop her son away.

"no but... if you help me convince her, I'm going to help you get her let you go on you little excursion with Caleb to the beach house" he negotiates

I gasp dramatically. "how'd you know about that?!!"

"Caleb... he was asking me to help, then he told me what happened and then I went to get you panda express because the food at this school is grotesque" he says

"panda Express... seriously? you're not joking?"

"nope, it's with Caleb... you can go get it for him and I will convince mom to let you go on the trip, then you're going to help me convince mom to let me move in with my partners" he holds out a hand. "plus, I'll get you orange chicken everyday for the next month, deal?"

"that sounds extremely unhealthybut deal" I take his hand and shake it. "yay!!, free food!!"

"go get your lunch from your boyfriend" he says in a sing song and I give him the middle finger.

"he's not my boyfriend"

"sure he isn't"

"oh shut up... leave before people think you're a pedofile" I tell him and start walking away from him.

"yeah yeah, I'm leaving.." we start heading outside the bathroom and walking towards the Parking lot. "oh that reminds me... Amy and Josh will be here next week, so be nice when they come"

"dude, I am always nice, I am the human embodiment of nice" we arrive at his car and he unlocks it with the remote. "I am offended"

"be offended later... looks like someone is waiting for you" I look up and see Caleb standing by his car in the parking lot, two panda express bags in his hands.

"hi" he mouths.

"hi" I mouth back and turn to look at my brother. "get out of here before I lay a curse on you"

"you wouldn't"

"I would if it involves me getting tongue in my mouth" I shove him into the car. "leave... vete!!"

"fine, I'm good" he gets into the car and closes it, winding down the window an inch. "I hope it also involves getting cock in your mouth too"

"oh my God, leave!!!!" I scream and he drives off laughing.

"hey" I hear Caleb's voice and I turn to look at him. "no need to rush but lunch will be over in like five minutes and we should probably be choking this down"

"yeah, we should"


we sit on the curb and eat panda express.