As Serious As A Shark Attack

Xavier's point of view

my palms were flat on Caleb's chest as I tried to adjust to his girth. "I actually forgot how huge you were" we were in the backseat of my car, under maple bridge, it was a little cramped but not so cramped that we couldn't have sex. plus, his parents were home and today was my mom's day off and I was way too horny after the make out session to go home without having him inside me.

"yeah... I'm hung but can you please move" he all but begs and grips my thighs tight.

"you were the one who wanted me to be on top, so you'll shut up and let me be on top" I warned and because I thought I was going to die if I didn't move, I did. "oh God" I muttered as I started lifting off his cock and lowered myself to meet him. "oh my god" I muttered again.

he groans and grabs my hips, holding me in place and starts fucking up into me. I bend over and wrap my arms around him and take it. "Xavier?" he groans out. he stops fucking me.

"hmm" I moan frustratedly. "come on, Caleb... fuck me"

"fuck, I will... I just need you under me, Xavier" he says. somehow we manage to flip over but he had to pull out from me. he lays me on my back and pushes into me.

"ugh... oh" I gasp as he slides back into me. I look up at him and love the look on his face because I put it there. I gasp again as he starts to pump in and out of me.

at first the pace was slow but it picks up as soon as it started and within seconds, I gasped and moaned his name as he held me down and fucked my brains out.

"Caleb... " my orgasm sent wave after wave of pleasure tingling under my skin. it felt like I couldn't breath. I run my hand along his back as he chases his own orgasm, enjoying his cock still moving inside of me and enjoying the small moans that slipped out of him mouth each time he pushed back in. I was giving him this, I was the one undoing him.

not Sophie, not Mila, not any of those girls, it was me he felt this way about, just me.

he grunts into my ear as he spills inside of me, bucking his hips and shivering. "God" I was all he said as he began pulling me up.

"what are you doing?" I ask breathlessly.

"I don't want to crush you with my weight so I'm moving you so you can lie on top of me" oh. I helped him by moving too and in a few seconds, I'm laying on him with my head on his chest.

"so, Saturday night ends the entire game" he says and with Herculean strength, I raise my head to look up at him.

"uh huh" I mutter, snuggling deeper into him. I did not want to here about the party, I did not want to here about anyone else but me, him and us.

"I'm still not going to pick anyone but like, can you come?" he asks and I smile.

"of course I will, as long as you want me there, I will be" I say and he holds me tighter.

"afterwards, we could hang out... not for this though, I was thinking maybe we could go on some kind of... date?" he asks me softly.

"a date?" I say dumbfounded. I manage to lift off him, placing my palms on his chest again so I can see his face.

"yeah... a date" his face is a light red. he could meet my eyes and I knew he was nervous. "you don't mind, do you?"

"of course I don't, I'd love to go on a date with you, I'd love it... I really really would" I drop back unto him and hold him tighter. "you just made me the happiest boy alive"

"I did?" I could here the confusion in his voice

"do you know how long I've wanted to date you?" I asked him.


"I think from the day I met a devastatingly handsome boy in a blindingly pink room... when he smiled at me I couldn't help but say wow because he was wow" it wasn't something I ever thought I'd say to him but I'm doing just that.

"so, you did say wow" he mutters and starts running his fingers through my hair. "I new I wanted to date you, the day I saw an adorabke boy fighting with geeses at the park for bread" I shot up immediately

"oh my god, you saw that!!!" I screamed at him. I went to the park one day and before I got there, I bought a sub from Subway with meatballs and cheese and mayo and it was supposed to be amazing until the evil geese attacked.

"yeah, I did" he laughed and I frowned.

"this isn't funny, ducks are fine and dandy but geese are evil, they have unnecessary teeth on their goddamn tongue and they stole my sandwich, I had a right to fight for it" he didn't stop laughing until I smacked him on the chest.

"I'm sorry.. I... I.." he couldn't even stop laughing long enough to apologise.

it hit me then. "Caleb... wait a second, that was nearly two years ago" I say and he immediately stopped laughing. "you've liked me for two years"

"uhm, yeah... I saw you then and I was kind of trying to get your attention for a while but you were straight and I really didn't want to bother you, plus I wasn't out yet. so, I stayed away at least until you met this green eyed prince right here in a blindingly pink room... God, Matthews sister has way too much pink in her room" he trails of and I glare at him so he would continue. "sorry, sorry" he mutters.

"when your name got pulled out and I realized you were one of my planets, I thought I had a chance with you. then I kind of... probably, may or may not have asked Amber for your address and may or may not have driven all the way so I could pretend to be passing by and I may or may not have invited you over for 'video games' so I could seduce you" my face burns and tears bloom in my eyes.

"you've liked me for that long?"

"yeah, I have"

"you're happy that I'm one of your planets?" I ask again.

"no" he grabs my thighs and lifts me up so he can sit up. "I'm happy that you're my only planet"

"okay, that is so cheesy and also super cute" I say laughingly but he doesn't laugh, he has a serious look on his face.

"I'm serious, Xavier... you're my only planet, you're the only one my world revolves around and you're the only one I wouldn't mind revolving around me" he said and I blush to my toes. "I know I can't make you any promises but I want you to know that it's only you that's mine, no one else"

"you mean, like a... like a-"

"like a boyfriend, Xavier, like I want you to be my boyfriend" he says and my throat embarrassingly grows thick. "and I want to be yours"

"i.. I.. "

"I'm going to try, I'm going to try my hardest to come out, so I can hold your hand in public and kiss you before class without having to drag you into a closet but I want to be with you, I want to do this with you... and I'll respect your decision if you don't want to be with a closet case but-"

"yes!! yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!" I scream each word at him, sure of myself, sure of him and sure of us. I watched him as he watched me with shocked on his face. "of course I want to be with you, as long as you'll want to be with me"

"wait, you're serious?" his eyes water. "you mean it, you want to be with me, even though I'm too scared to come out?"

"Caleb, as long as it's only me, I don't mind and as long as you're working through your own coming out, I don't mind either" he let's out a sigh of relief.

"you're serious? he asked unsurely.

"as serious a shark attack" i slide my hand on to his cheek "how many god damn times am I going to say yes before you flip me over and fuck your boyfriend?" I say, lifting my eyebrows suggestively.

"not even once" he smashes his lips against mine and pulls me down.

he's my boyfriend and I'm his, no one, not even Sophie fucking Cheng can take him away from me.

tonight, during our date I'm going to tell him I love him because it definitely would not be so bad if I told him I loved him.