Be The Person Who Was Bold Enough

Chapter 44

Xavier's point of view

I drop Caleb off at his place after making out with him got nearly ten minutes and when I got home, my mom was already back, she was sitting in the living room, sipping on a cup of tea.

"hey, mama" I greeted and attempted to walk passed her but she grabs my arm and pulls me back. "wow, you've got some strength, woman"

"I do, now, why do you have a spring in your step, it's ominous" she says looking me from head to toe.

"no reason" I try to stop it but I grin instead.

"no reason?" she asks sarcastically.

"yes" I honestly tried to keep it in but I had to tell her, I had to tell someone or I'd explode. "Caleb asked me to be his boyfriend!!!" I shriek

she shriek too because she's just as excited as I am. "he did?!" she pulls me in for a hug. "when and why are you still me now?"

"it just happened and you're the first person I told!!" the shrieking continued until Wendell descends the stairs with two very familiar faces trailing behind him.

"oh my God!!" Josh shrieks first pushes Wendell away.

"huh, and you'd think he came all this way to see me" Wendell says, a slight frown on his face.

"oh shut up, I didn't come here for you Wendy" Josh reaches me and pulls me into a hug. "I came here to see my little love bug"

"Love bug?" Wendell snorts loudly.

"mind your own damn business!" Josh snapped. then he turns to look at me. "how are we doing with out Shawn and Caleb situation, I have not received any updates"

"well, i dated Shawn then shawn ans I had a mutual agreement that lead to out Break" I explain to him.

"and Caleb?" Amy asks expectantly. they looked tired and a bit nervous because of the way they were clinging to Wendell. Josh on the other hand was doing fine and being his perfect self.

"well... as on 4:53 today, I was official proclaimed the boyfriend of Caleb Keller" the screams were loud and ear piercing.

"whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, freaking rewind" Wendell asked, a tad bit shocked. "boyfriend?, since when, why wasn't I roped into this?"

"are you deaf? he said since 4 today, meaning it happened today, babe" Amy whispers to him but it was still loud enough for us to hear.

"how was your flight here, bye the way?" I asked through them off topic, I didn't want to share the details about me and Caleb too much. I tend to overshare sometimes.

i laugh and sat with them and listened as they told me about their flight here.

the rest of the week was great. on Wednesday, I got to watch another of Caleb practices and he couldn't keep his eyes off me and I couldn't keep my eyes of him... and Sophie, I loved the look of utter anger that lingered on her face each time Caleb looked my direction. she wasn't happy about it but guess what? she can go eat ass because I've already won. Caleb is mine and mine Alone.

I didn't tell my friends Caleb and I were dating, why? I don't know... I actually do but it was something that was sort of hard to understand. I had a different reason for not telling each of them I was dating caleb.

for Amber, it was the simple reason that she didn't fully accept Caleb and was only going with the flow because I loved him. she tries her hardest to hide the way she feels about him but she couldn't really do it because I knew her. she didn't trust him with my heart. and I sort of understood that. she loves me but she'd also be the first person to say I told you so if Caleb broke my heart.

for Shawn, It was the fact that I felt guilty for falling in love with Caleb when he couldn't simply be himself in his own home. I felt selfish for being happy when he isn't really happy. it was irrational and I'm sure that Shawn would agree with it being irrational but they were my feelings and even though they were just feelings, they were very much real and they were scared to hurt Shawn.

and for Calley and Michael, it was just that I didn't know them enough to trust them completely. I knew they would never out anyone but I also knew that I hadn't gotten to a point where I could share my secrets with them.

the week passed in a blur and it was Saturday and I was getting ready for all of this to end. the game, the stupid girls who wouldn't leave my boyfriend alone

and everything else that came with the solar system game.

I looked at myself in the mirror then turned around to watch Amber, Calley and Shawn get read in my room. Micheal was supposed to be here ten minutes ago but he was running late.

they all looked nice.

Amber was wearing ripped jeans with a bandana tied around her chest like a top. she clearly wasn't herself, she had been acting this way all week and I really wanted to know what was wrong but I'd learned that letting Amber think it through and then telling you herself was far better and prying it out of her. it's why we worked, we were close but knew the boundaries we weren't allowed to cross.

Shawn was dressed in his usual black on black outfit, his head pulled back into a bun. he was laying on my bed with his hands behind his head. I watched him for a few seconds before my eyes drifted to Calley.

Calley was wearing a yellow dress, like a greenish yellow vomit coloured dress that simply offended my eyes. she didn't really care about the dress. she was smiling at Calley, no doubt trying to push the troubled look away.

"ugh, why can't I go to this party!!" Quinn whines as she comes into my room. the door wasn't shut for some Reason.

"because you're a child?" I asked

"I am not a child!" she says and stomps her foot like a child. she realizes what she did and blushes. "ignore that" she mutter.

"hey, Quinny" Calley says to her and Quinn melts into a puddle of goop. she looked love struck. like I allegedly do when I look at Caleb.

"hi, Quinn" Shawn says from where he laid with is eyes shut.

"hi Shawn, hi Calley" she didn't say hi to Amber which was weird because she always says hi to Amber.

Amber doesn't seem to notice as she's lost in thought. I don't bother her even though I'm itching to. I let her thoughts stew and say, "I think we should go, We'll text Michael on the way and pick him up from his house"

"that sounds way better that laying here for the next hour, at least if we're honking at him form his drive way, he'll stop catwalking and fucking Sprint" Shawn looked tired, not like he hadn't slept, he looked emotional drained.

a knot twists in my stomach as I realize something. I'm a terrible friend. I've been so wrapped up in getting Caleb that I never noticed that my friends hand their own problems. it took me so long to realize that they were going through their own shit but never said anything because they wanted to help me through mine.

"you okay?" Quinn asks silently and I nod even though I wasn't. she didn't know about me and Caleb either because she'd surely say something to Amber. "you sure?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired, is all" I assure her. "come on, let's go, YOLO, remember"

"YOLO?" Shawn says sitting up from the bed

"YOLO?" Maddie says, looking up at me

"YOLO?" Calley says, looking way from my sister to look at me

"YOLO?" Quinn says, looking away from Maddie and giving me a long suffering look. "god, you're old*

I roll my eyes and pick up a pillow that they'd tossed to the floor. "oh, so it took me saying YOLO to get all you're attentions. alright, stand up, get your flat asses off my bed!!" I snap playfully at them, wacking Shawn on side of his head

"jeez, we're going" Shawn says and shimmies down the bed. "and I'll have you know that I have a bubble butt"

"you do actually" Calley say looking at his as.

"yeah, I'd have to agree with that" I concur. they start walking out the door, leaving me behind to stare back into my room

this was it, I walk out that door, go to that party and when I'm done I tell the boy I love that I love him.

"this is it" I whisper to myself. "when I come back here, I'd be a different person, I'd be the person who was bold enough to tell his boyfriend he loves him" I breathe in and let out a shaky breath before shutting my room door and running after my friends.