I Need To Fix This

Xavier's point of view.

the next day, Shawn came over to hang out with me after his rendezvous with Daniel and he actually dragged Daniel along. I texted Calley and she came and hences, Quinn decided that she belonged in my room. Shawn and Daniel were sitting in my bed, drinking lemonade my mom made. while Quinn amd and Calley... did stuff under the covers disgusting.

"we are such chill teenagers" Shawn says, laughter in his voice. "we should be having alchohol...."

"or sex" Daniel said and I frown at both of them from where I sat at the mirror.

"don't you fucking dare do anything gross on my bed" I warned and Calley laughs. I turn to face them. "Oh my god, get your hand out of my little sister's skirt!" I squeal loudly as I notice Calley's hand under Quinn's skirt and the face Quinn was making.

"Calm down, I'm not doing anything" Calley said and leaned back against the bed, she kept her hand exactly where it was from the beginning.

"you disgust me" I say to Calley and Quinn.

"ugh, shut your face" Quinn says and shifts closer to Calley. "can we leave them alone and go to my room... it looks like Danny wants to have a threesome"

"I said it once and I say it again... you disgust me" I stab a finger in the air at her. "disgusting" Quinn stands up and pulls Calley along.

"so, you don't want to have a three-way?" Danny asks, a toothy grin on his face.

"uhm... Maybe... I'll never know until I try it but it will absolutely not be with the both of you... it'll too freaking weird" I say to them and Danny smiles.

"come here, Vee" he says laughingly.

"no" I say warningly.

"Vee" Shawn says, leaning into Danny. "we aren't doing anything bad, we just wanna talk"

I groan as my feet carry me to them. "sit"

I sit in between them. "we're kidding, you're my Vee, I'll never do anything you don't want" Shawn whispers, running his fingers through my hair. "but if you need to get off, I'll be glad to loan you my boy toy"

"hey! I'm not your boy toy!" he exclaims but then he smiles at me. "but if it means getting to fuck your pretty little ass, I'll be your boy toy"

"Hardy har har" I'm about to tell him off when my phone rings. to be honest, it was a really tempting offer. I get to get off and have fun with no strings attached, it was the offer of the year. the dildo was good but it was too much work, I just wanted to sit back and take it. I'd say yes sooner or later anyway. "hello" I say as I put the phone to my ear. I didn't check the caller ID, so I couldn't prepare myself for his voice.

"hey... don't hang up, I need a favour" he says and I immediately hear the fear in his voice.

"I'm not going to... are you alright? you sound off" I'd been around Caleb long enough to know when something was wrong and something was wrong here.

"no... not really but I need you to call my dads, tell them that I'm at brightfalls and that Marge went crazy" I could hear little voices talking in the background.

"who's Marge?" I ask but he hangs up before I even get an answer. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath before I dial cameo's number. the thing was, me and Caleb's breakup was like a divorce and he got his parents even though I absolutely loved them, talking to them again should have been fun but now I had to scare them the same way Caleb had just scared me. "Hey, Cameo"

"oh, hi, Xavier. I didn't expect to get a call from you today... or any day considering how my son can't be bothered to get me a suitable in law" I crack a smile because I'd missed him. "so, to what do I owe this pleasant call"

"uhm.. Caleb called me earlier and he kind of sounded scared, he said I should call you and tell you he was in brightfalls and the Marge is going crazy or something like that" I explain to him.

"yeah, we know, Amber called before they left and Andrew went after them"

"no, he just told me to call you... I don't think he knows Andrew's there though" why did Amber call them

"okay, I'll call you when he gets back" Cameo says and there was a pause on the line. "Xavier... can I tell you something?"

"uhm... yeah, sure"

"Xavier, your relationship with our son wasn't a marriage and your break up wasn't a divorce either... you Don't have to stop seeing us. we aren't on Caleb's side... we don't have sides" he clears his throat a little. "you can come by the house any time you need, okay? we still love you and letting you go isn't so easy" he hangs up and I feel the lump in my throat

"is everything alright?" Shawn asks me coming to stand at my side.

"I don't know... I don't really thi–" I'm cut off by my door opening.

"hey, I just got off the phone with Maddie and something happened" Calley starts. "she drove Caleb down to his hometown in Brightfalls yesterday afternoon to see his birth mom and they got there earlier today and apparently, the chick is crazy, she tried to force Cal to stay there" she started pull the sheets away in search of her keys.

"force him to stay? what does that mean?"

"the psycho got out a knife and blocked the door, Her husband got in the way and he got stabbed, I don't really know what's going on but they're on their way back and they're pretty shaken up" she finds her car keys and jiggles them at me. "Quinn and I are going to meet them halfway and take Amber home" she kisses me on the cheek and walks out, dragging Quinn along.

"see you later, Vee!!" Quinn yells as she's being dragged away.

"uhm.. Vee, are you okay?" Daniel asks, touching me on the arm. I really wasn't.

Caleb could have died today and I wouldn't have even said goodbye because of the stupid grudge I'm holding against him. I've been torturing myself everyday for the past few weeks because I couldn't let go of the fact that he made a mistake. he could have died thinking I hated him.

"Vee?" Shawn shocks me out of my train of thought. I couldn't keep things like this, I need to fix this.

Caleb's point of view

"who was that?" Caleen asks as I hung up the phone.

"Xavier" I tell her. I didn't know why I called him. I could have easily called my dads myself and asked them to come but I knew they'd be disappointed and I didn't want to hear it just yet. but that wasn't the only thing, he was the first person I thought off when I saw her with the knife... I would have died without talking to him.... without telling him I was sorry for hurting him

"who's Xavier?" Calum asks.

I thought about it for a second. "someone I really care about"

"so, he's like your boyfriend" Calum is a persistent human being.

"no... he used to be but not anymore"


"because I'm dumb and I was scared people would stop liking me because I like boys" I admit. And Calum giggles.

"you're silly, if they don't like you after they find out you like boys then they aren't your real friend. real friends love you no matter what" Calum Pat's my head like I was the child here. "and you're a little dumb but not too much" I laugh silently.

We didn't go downstairs until the police came and arrested Marge. I picked the kids up and went outside to see the chaos that awaited us. Anthony wasn't there but I could see blood by the door and I hope to God it was Marge's and not Anthony. I take the kids outside and I see my dad talking to a police man with his arm wrapped around Amber.


"sweetheart!!" I don't know who reaches first but me and kids are wrapped in his arms in seconds. "I... woah, these kids look way to much like you, its creepy"

"you should see the whole house, it's creepier" he looked worried. "I'm sorry I came here without telling you first"

"and I'm glad you have a friend who told me where you were going?" he said.

"sorry" Amber said from where she stood. "I'm gonna go call Calley and tell her where we are... are you okay?"

"yeah, I'm good" I smile at her a little. she walks away as she calls Calley

"so what are your names?" Dad asks the kids.

"I'm Caleen and this is Calum" Caleen says and points at her brother.

dad chuckles. "what?"

"Caleb, Caleen and Calum, that was always the plan when me and Marge were together, two boys and a girl, three Cals... she didn't really change her plans all that much" he takes Caleen from me and she goes willingly. "okay, I'm Andrew and you're gonna be staying with me for while your daddy gets better"

"Daddy's sick?"

"yeah, just a little, he'll be fine so..." their voice trail off as the start walking away.

I run my fingers through my hair, I needed to see Xavier, I couldn't keep things like this, I need to fix this.