Boys Are Stupid

Caleb's point of view

I pulled into the parking lot and i take a deep breath, preparing myself for Papi's yelling, Amber had it good, she got picked up halfway by Quinn and Calley and they drove her home, leaving me alone in the car to ponder my impending demise. I look at the dad's car that parked behind me and see the twins getting out of the car.

dad talked to Anthony and he asked if the kids could stay with us until he was okay enough to have them back in the house with him. Anthony was Australian and moved here almost six years ago, of course he had friends but he wouldn't trust them with the kids because they were all friends he met through his wife. he didn't fully trust dad either but dad was a foster parent, at least the kids would be placed in a home with someone he could trust to protect the kids (me) rather than a complete stranger he knew nothing about.

I got out of the car and locked it as slowly as possible because truth be told, I was scared of Papi, like really really scared of him. he was sweet and loving but he could be scary, like Nicole Watterson scary. I turn around to start my extremely slow walk to the house but stop in my tracks when I see Xavier standing in front of my door.

he moved quickly and before a knew it, I had an armful of Xavier. "Calley told me what happened, are you okay?"

"ye.. yeah, I'm..." I couldn't get the words out. I had Xavier in my arms again.

"I'm just so glad yo... oh my god!!!" Xavier suddenly exclaims and pulls away from me. "twin babies!!!" Xavier wasted no time in pulling away from me and scooping up both the twins into his arms.

"hi!!!" Calum say with the most animated voice I'd ever heard. "I like your hair"

"I like yours too" Xavier squeals. "hi, Andrew" Vee says as he sees my dad grabbing some of the twins stuff from the car.

"Xavier, I see you final came over" he says, his hand filled with clothes.

"yeah, Cameo said I could come over whenever, so I took him up on the offer" he turn on around and starts carrying the twins into the house. "come, my children, we're gonna have so much lunch"

"so much lunch!" Caleen whisper screams. I watch Xavier carry them both inside and my heart blooms. he doesn't hate me. he came here to check on me, to make sure I was alright.

"you okay kid?" Papi asked and I nodded. "good. you're grounded until you're fucking eighty" he steps into my personal space and switches to Spanish. "!¿Estás loco o simplemente eres estúpido?¡" he grabs my right ear like I was a child and starts pulling me into the house.

"uhm... stupid?" I answer.

he gives me the stink eye and pulls my ear harder. "!es una pregunta retorica, se supone que no debes responderla!" he says with an eyeroll and let's go of my ear. "I'm just glad you're okay"

I lean against him and let the weight of the last twenty four hours pour right out of me. I wrap my arms around Papi and sob into his shoulder.

"it's all going to be okay, you're back where you belong... sshh" he assures me and Pat's my head as I cry.

Over the next few weeks, Xavier is always at our place. he was obviously never there for my sake. he came for my dads and the twins and I'm really not complaining because even though he wasn't here for me, he was still here and that was what was important to me.

Right now, he was cooking in the kitchen with my papi and he looked relaxed. he had a pair of blue socks as he stood on his tippy toes to grab something from the top cabinet, his shirt rode up a couple inches, exposing his stomach. I swallowed hard as an image of him naked with his cum splashed all over his stomach flashed in my head.

I look away quickly and focus of my phone.

When ever Xavier came over nearly everyday after school, he liked to stay in the kitchen with my papi and help cook and then he'd have dinner with us before he leaves. During those few hours he's at our house, I make it my mission to always find an excuse to be in the kitchen, even if it meant helping papi or dad out.

Dad walk into the kitchen and gave me a question looking. I gestured at Xavier and he smile, the bastard.

"Hey, kid" dad says to him and ruffles his hair.

"oh, hi, Andrew" he passes whatever he grabbed from the cabinet to papi and turns to look at me before quickly averting his eyes to the pot.

"blue socks, nice" Dad says and walks passed him, throwing another sly smile in my direction as he says, "so, Vee, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" he asks.

Vee seemed to be taken aback by the question and then catches himself and says, " no, I don't, I'm trying to avoid being in the dating game for a while"

"oh, why's that?" Dad asks.

"because boys are stupid" he says nonchalant and my dads bursts out laughing.

"I'm... I'm... sorry" Dad grabs onto the kitchen counter and let's out a full belly laugh. "not, all boys are stupid, some of them are nice" he says after he gains some control again.

"yeah, some are... like you and Cameo and Shawn and maybe Daniel... and Luka too but the rest remain stupid until proven other wise" he Concurs and gets back to mixing whatever the fuck papi is cooking.

"here that Caleb, boys are stupid" dad says. I groan loudly and jump off the counter. "where are you going?" Dad asks me as I leave the kitchen

"as far away from all of you as possible" I say and turn around and faced him. "I'm going to Amber's, I'll be back in like an hour"

"you'll call if you wanna stay a while longer?"

"yes, I will"

he gives me his keys. I drive to Amber's house and during the fifteen minute car drive, I'd made up my mind and I was sure what I was going to do.

I ring the doorbell to Amber's house and her momma gets it. "hi, June" Amber has two moms, June and Hailey or Momma and Mom. June was blond with brown eyes and this vibe to her that glowed with Grace but Hailey was way different. she had red hair and full lips with ocean blue eyes and a black belt in karate. they were opposite in all but they were also hopelessly in love. i hated looking at them together because it reminded me of what I had with Vee

"hi, Caleb... how are you?" she asks and rubs my arm gently. I could tell that she'd been told what happened with my mom and she was just worried for me but I didn't like the attention at all and I was getting it alot from her. Amber's been here for me since I started therapy and her moms have both been there for me too.

"I've been doing really good... is Amber home?" I ask, I really don't want her to ask me how I'm doing because I'm scared I'll break down and I've been doing it alot lately.

"yeah, she's upstairs with Quinn and Calley... they've been coming here alot lately... do you have any idea why?" she asks

"you're not gonna get anything out of me, June" I tell her laughingly and head for Amber's door. I knock because I didn't want to see boobs.

I hear rustling, whispering and hurried steps and I nearly laugh as Amber opens the door looking all... eww. "hi" she answers breathlessly. "oh, it's you.." she said and glared at me, opening the door wider. "it's just this douchebag"

Quinn and Calley both relax where they were stand. "Quinn your shirt's on backwards" I point out to her and walk In.

"don't get mad cause you aren't getting any" Calley says and plops herself on the bed, dragging Quinn along with her "now, what do you want?"

"why would you assume I want something?" I ask dramatically. all she does is give me a look until I cave. "okay, I do want something"


"I need your help... actually, I need all of your help, Shawn and the eds and Micheal" I tell them.

"are.. are we like Killing someone or burying a body, cause if we are, the answer is a resounding no, you and I aren't that type of friend... give a few more months" Amber says and then smile. "okay, I totally would... who are we Killing?!"

"Amber... the fact that you immediately assume we were killing people is very alarming" I say with a shake of my head. "but no, we aren't killing people"

"awwn, why?" Calley whine.

"okay, everyone, stop talking about killing!!" I tell all of them.

"ooh, killing who?" we all turn to the door and see Shawn leaning against it. "I brought snacks"

"how did you get here?"

"I sensed your aura from across town and I decided to show my face" he shuts the door.

"really?" Amber asks.

"nah, I came here to copy off your math homework" he confesses and puts down his bag. "but this look more interesting"

"yeah, it does... now, Caleb, tell us what you need help with" Quinny says, her voice gently.

"okay..." they all lean lean in excitedly.

"okay???" Shawn says expectantly.

"yeah, tell us!!" Calley says.

"uhm... I.. uh" I couldn't get it out because they were all excited for my great announcement.

"Caleb, just tell us what it is, it can't be that bad" Quinn gave me courage, her voice soothing my fears.

"okay... so, I want to try to get back together with Vee and I can't really do it alone, I need help" the silence was deafening.

"Finally!!!" they all say at once.


"we've been planning this for ages!!" Amber squeals. "just leave it to us, we have the perfect plan and when it's been executed, you'll have your boyfriend back"

"really?" I ask hopefully.

"yeah... but there's a bit of a catch" it's Shawn this time. it was obvious they've been plotting for a while.

"what is it?"

"you'll have to come out"