We've Got Him, People

Xavier's point of view.

i didn't know what was wrong with me... actually, I did, I was in love. not just with Caleb but with his whole family. I couldn't stop myself from going there. every chance I got, I was there and the more I was there, the closer I wanted to be with Caleb. like now.

Meo asked me to go upstairs and get Caleb from dinner. I'd been knocking for a couple minutes and he hadn't answered. I open the door and let myself in.

I sink my teeth into my lip at the sight of him. he was asleep on his bed in a tangle of sheets. his hair was a mess, he hadn't cut it in a while. the only things he had on wear a pair of boxers and his head phones.

"nope" I mutter and walk right out the door, closing silently behind me. "I shall resist temptations"

"what temptations?" I nearly scream as I turn to face the eavesdropper.

"Luka!!" I scream. "are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"not necessarily" he had a bag of Doritos in his hand and his fingers were orange. "didn't my dads tell you to get Caleb for dinner?"

"didn't anyone tell you to mind your own damn business?" I retorted.

"now, you're acting all suspicious... that makes me suspicious" he narrows his eyes at me and I instinctively back away until I hit the door. "suspicious..."

"leave me alone. Luka, I-" the door opens and im caught before my ass kisses the floor.

"be careful, Xavier" his voice is right in my ear and I can't help it, my fucking body can't help it. I shiver.


"shut up, Luka" I say as i try to get back on my feet (translation, let Caleb set me back on my feet). "this is your fault!" I said pointing a finger at Luka

"Me!! you were the on coming out of caleb's room, talking about temptations and acting all... omff!!" I jump on him. he was exposing all my secrets. I had both his arms behind his back "help!! help!! Xavier's trying to ki... hmm hmm" I manage to get one of his socks off and shove it in his mouth. that doesn't deter Luka's screaming. "hmm!!!!!!"

"Vee, Don't you think that's enough?" Caleb asks me and I ignore him. "Xavier?"

"ugh! fine" I let go of him and step back again, completely forgetting Caleb was behind me until my back is against his chest.

"Dad!!! Papi!!!! Xavier tried to kill me!!!!" Luka ran passed us screaming at the top of his lungs about me trying to kill him with a sock.

but I wasn't so focused on that, all I could heart was Caleb's heart beating so fast. "Vee?" he says right into my ear again and I had to turn because if he spoke in my ear one more time I'd be a shiver mess.

"yeah?" I answered. I hadn't spoken to him in ages... at least not directly.

"come in" before I could think I was inside his room and he'd shut the door but he didn't lock it. "what were you doing in here earlier?... Luka said you were in here"

"I was here for just a second... I knocked but you didn't answer, I wanted to check if you were okay, I came in and you were asleep, so I left" I explained hurriedly. "I didn't do anything weird"

"uhm... okay, Vee, i didn't think you did anyway" I watched him carefully as he made his way to his bed and plopped down on top. he looked different... happier, more at peace. he was happy before, yes but this was different. he seemed less afraid.

"w... why did you say I should come in?" I asked. I was a little nervous because he looked happier, my issue wasn't that he was happier... it was that he was happier without me.

"I don't know, Vee... to talk, you've ignored me for nearly three months now, I miss talking to you..."

"I haven't been ignoring you" I lied. of course, I've been ignoring him.

"name one time we've had a full conversation in the past three months" he says smoothly.

"uhm... I... ugh!!" I scream and leave the corner I was standing and sit myself beside him. "I've asked you to come down to dinner"

"that's not a conversation, Vee" he's sitting far away from me, his head leaning against the head board.

"it is too" I smile softly. it felt like before the break up.

"Vee, do you still hate me?"

"what?" I looked at him. I'd have never expected the question, why would he think that?!

"I mean... do you still hate me... when we broke up, you told me you hated me"

"I didn't mean that, I was angry" I said immediately

"Vee, you meant it, you said and I quote 'I hate you, I hate you so much', I was so scared that I asked you if you meant it and you said you did, Vee"

"in the moment.. I did mean it but now, that I think about it, I don't... Caleb, no matter how mad you make me, I'm never gonna hate you" I fall back on the bed. "when Calley told me what happened, I was scared out of my mind, I was scared that you could have died and that I didn't get to tell you that I forgive you and that you mean alot to me. hating you isn't really an option for me, I can never hate you"

Caleb's point of view

"hating you really isn't an option for me"

I watch him where he lays on my bed. he's making a bed angel, stretching out his arms and legs a little.

I'd carried those words for the longest time. I thought he hated them, that he didn't want anything to do with me. turns out I was wrong and that he still cared about me.

"thanks" I said. "and... I'm sorry"

"you should be" he's sitting back up and he's moves a bit closer to me. "what exactly are you sorry for again?"

I knew he wanted to forgive me and let bygones be bygones but I wasn't going to let him. I couldn't let him forgive me so easily, he didn't deserve that and unsure 'i'm sorry' , he deserves a better apology and I was going to give him better. I was going to be better.

"dads are going to get mad if we aren't down for dinner soon" I tell and stand up off the bed.

he looks at me dumbfoundedly and blinks a couple of time. "umh, actually, I'm gonna go home. I came up to get you down for dinner... uhm, good night Caleb"

"good night" I follow him to the door and shut it behind him as he leaves.

Xavier's point of view.

did that little piece of shit just wormed his way out of getting back with me?!

maybe he was happier because he was with someone new, someone better than me. i rejoin Meo in the kitchen so I can say goodbye before I leave.

"you took long getting Caleb down for dinner" he said smilingly.

"we got a little side tracked"

"and the whole trying to kill Luka thing?"

"I did not such thing" I say immediately

"okay, come help with the dishes while Luka sets the table so we can have dinner" he told me and made to leave

"actually, I kind of have something to do at home, so I can't stay for dinner" I tell him. I watch his eyes fall and I felt so bad for disappointing him. I wanted to stay and watch his smile come back but I also needed to leave, I could feel the tear brew.

Caleb rejected me, he was happier without me. I didn't need to be here, I didn't ever need to be here.

"I'll come over another day and then I'll definitely stay for dinner" I could feel the tears coming but they come to a halt as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight.

"it doesn't matter, you're always welcome here and I'll probably trap you here with cookie anyway" he says and holds me tighter.


"bye, Xavier!!!" Diana screams from the couch where she's playing.

I'm about to get into my car when Amber calls. I pick up and she starts screaming immediately I pick up.

"I found the most utterly gorgeous, perfect, smart, generous, kind and sensitive guy in the whole world!! he's perfect for you!!"

"slow the fuck down!!" I start the car of switch her over to the Bluetooth speake.

"but he's so perfect for you" she says slower now.

"who is HE?"

"he is perfect for you and he is going to be at a party this weekend and I am going to introduce him to you" she says super excitedly.

there was a party this weekend but I couldn't quite remember what it was for but the chance to get back into the dating scene was tempting and since Caleb obviously doesn't want me back, I think I'm going to go for it. And Amber would never introduce me to someone who wasn't good for me. "you know what, fuck, yes. I am so ready for this party"

"whoooo!!!!!!!" she screamed on the other side of the line. "Friday night is going to be the best night of your life!!!!"

I fucking hope so.

Amber's point of view.

I hung up the phone and turn to everyone in the room. the Ed's, Micheal, Shawn, Quinn and Calley

"we've got him, peopler"

"whoooo!!!!!!!!!" everyone cheers