Extremely Embarrassing Grand Gesture

Xavier's point of view

this was it, tonight, I was going to meet my new soulmate and we'll dance all night and fall in love. but right now I needed to get over the feeling of wanting to throw up. what was I doing?. I didn't even know this guys and I was going to meet up with him at a party.

"I can't do this. no, I really can't do this" Micheal Palmer was the only one in the room with me because for some reason everyone else was in Quinn's room, helping her with her home work. why were they helping her with her homework?!!

"do what?" he puts down his phone and sits up to look at me.

"tonight, I can't do tonight. I'm not ready to date again, I'm not ready to have my heart broken again" I didn't understand why I was making such a big deal about this.

"dude, you really need to chill out" he gestures for me to come over. I do and I sit beside him, leaning against him. "you don't need to date him. you don't need to date anyone. who knows he might not be mister perfect, he– "

"but Maddie thinks he's perfect"

"and Maddie isn't you. if he isn't mister perfect for you, then he isn't, you don't have to do anything but be you and if you says he's not mister perfect then you is right" somewhere during our conversation his hand had slipped into my hair and was running through the strands.

"you is right isn't correct"

"shut up" he says with a chuckle. we're quiet for a little while and I'm grateful for Micheal being here. "trust me, you're going to love what you see Tonight"

"how'd you know?"


"what do you mean what, you just said– "

"okay, we're done helping Quinny with her homework and now, it's time to leave!!!" Shawn bursts into the room and announces loudly. "what are you two doing?"

"nothing" Micheal shoves me off him and goes over to through his arm over Shawn's should. "just being a great friend"

"ugh, get off me!!" Shawn says and tries to shrug his shoulder off him. "Micheal!!" he screams.

"Shawn!" Micheal screams back.

"ugh!!!!" Shawn screams as Micheal starts talking into his ear about something.

I smile and watch them, hoping to whatever God there is that tonight goes as planned.

Caleb's point of view

I ran the doorbell to Sophie's house. I texted her earlier and told her I was coming over. I needed to break up with her properly and get some sort of closure. this was what I need to finally be on the path of healing.

the door opened and Sophie Cheng is staring right at. "hi" she says, a bright smile on her face. "come on in, my mom's– "

"I'm not coming in" I say, interrupting her.

"oh, come on, silly, we just finished making cookies and I know you love them and I want my mom to meet you official as my boyfrie–"

"I'm not your boyfriend" I tell her softly. "I will never be your boyfriend"

"Caleb, what are you talking about?" she narrows her eyes at me and her smile was turning into a sneer.

"Sophie, you're a bad person and I don't want to be with you, I am not in love with you and I'll never be in love with you. I know you love me but I love Vee and I'm going to try and get him back tonight at Matthew's game party" I finally look up at her because I knew I would lose my resilience if I saw her tears but she wasn't crying she looked angry.

"so, what? you want to be a full fledged fag now and you want to dump me, just like that" she reached over and tried to grab my arm but I snatched it away. "so, you really hate me that much"

"Sophie, I don't hate you, I just think we're bad for each other" I try to tell her.

"no, you hate me and it's all Xavier's fault" my anger flare at her words. "he's just a–"

"don't you even dare" this had to stop, I couldn't have this conversation with her anymore. "I don't hate you Sophie, I really don't but if I ever did, it wouldn't be because of Vee, it would be because you're a manipulative, psychopath who's obsessed with making me love you!" she let's out a little gasp. "shit, I'm sorry, I just... can you leave us alone? if you love me and want me to be happy, just leave us alone"

"I... " she let's out a soft sigh. "okay, I'll leave you alone but just so you know, I really love you"

I didn't know how to reply to her so I nodded.

"thanks for nothing, Caleb" she smiled at me, a tear running down her cheek before she shut the door in my face.

I blink back the tears in my ears as my heart mourns the loss of my oldest friendship. this was it, I was going to get Xavier back, I was going to tell him that... I love him.

Xavier's point of view

this party was shit.

firstly, I'd finally realized what this party was for, it was a party to announce the players of the next game and since it was a rule that the last sun get to be the one to announce the new players, Caleb was going to be here and I was going to get to see him being all happy and living his best life. I hated it.

I wasn't one of those people who wished the worse for their ex after they broke up but still, seeing him happier without me made me sad.

secondly, everyone was gone. the Eds, Maddie, Quinn, Calley, everyone was god knows where and they'd left me in the back of the room to get drunk and it made me even sadder

thirdly, I hadn't even met mister perfect, this 'date' was even shitter than this party and that made me the saddest.

bottom line is I was fucking sad.

I was on my way to get another drink when Amber suddenly grabs my arm and starts pulling me into the crowd.

"where have you been??!" I yell over the music.

"helping mister perfect get ready to meet you" she says and the stops suddenly. "here, the perfect view"

"view for wh–" the music suddenly stops and their Caleb Keller was

Caleb was up on the table with a small bowl of paper he was wearing a pair of black jeans and his letterman jacket over a white shirt. "as per the rules of God knows what, the out going sun gets to call the named of the new planets for his magesty, the sun" Caleb says and the cheering begins "okay, for our new sun, Eddy, his planets are, Camila Verdes, Joel Avery, Mia Davids, Alexia Diaz, Joan Bennett, Oxnard Mattias... wow, there's alot of guys this time around" he let's out a small laugh that sounded nervous but it's drowned by People cheering for their friends who had their name called.

"come on, Amber, let's go. I don't feel like meeting mister perfect anymore" I tell her and take her hand, she doesn't budge and she doesn't let go either. what was going on?

"just wait a second" she gestures towards Caleb with a small nod.

"wait for-"

"uhm... before I finish the list, I wanted to say something now that I've got everyone's ears" Caleb starts and everyone keeps chattering, obviously not hearing him because of how low he was talking. "uhm, I..."

"shut your pie holes!!!!!!!" A loud voice that came from a megaphone shut everyone up. I turn over and see Micheal Palmer weilding a mega phone. "the guy's trying to say something and y'all are making wayyyyyy to much noise, so shut the fuck up!!!" he passed the megaphone to Caleb and give him two thumbs up.

"Amber, what's going on?" I turn and finally ask Maddie. she shakes her head and points to Caleb.

"just listen, Vee"

"okay, jeez" I turn and face Caleb, frowning at him.

"uhm... i'm Caleb, you guys all know me as the last sun" he sounded nervous, what on Earth was going on?!. "but you're also going to know me as the guy who embarrasses himself trying to apologise to someone special"

the mutters were going around and people were talking and whispering about who he was talking about

"who is it?"

"what did he do to Sophie?"

"can you hurry up and say the remaining names already??"

"can everyone just shut their fucking mouths and let the man speak?!!!!!" Matthew bellows. "my party, my rules and I say you quit ya yapping and let my buddy speak... unless you wanna leave" the room goes silent. "carry on, Keller"

"thanks, man" he says with a smile and then he looks directly at me. "i... uhm, i made a mistake a while ago... at the end of my game I chose the wrong person, because I thought it was going to be easier for me to be with them. I ended up fucking up everything with the person I actually liked and I thought I'd made them hate me.

"but they didn't, during the entire game, I only had eyes for them.

they are the most funny person on the face of the planet, they made me smile, they made me laugh, the entire fucking planet came to a halt when they walked into a room, they're smart even though they don't really believe they are, they're the most beautiful person I know and they don't hear it enough.

"they mean the world to me even though I never got the chance to tell then. And they're also a guy" he says all this into the megaphone and at least a quarter of the school heard it.

"he's gay??" someone whispered beside me. "holy shit, he's talking about Xav–"

"hush!" Amber snaps at him because he was not going to interrupt my confession

"I was scared to be with him and I fucked everything up. he dumped me because he was smart enough not to want someone who acted like he was ashamed of him.

Here I am today, doing this extremely embarrassing grand gesture with the hopes that he'll want me back even though I treated him the way I did.

And by now, anyone with a brain has already guessed who he is because he was literally the only guy in the game" he looks at me with the most vunerable look I've ever seen from him and says "Xavier Castor, I love you. I've loved you since our trip to the beach and I've never stopped loving you and I know I've fucked up collosally but I really really love you, please let me keep loving you"

"holy shit" I mutter to myself. "holy fucking shit" I was tearing up. "move" I say as I push through the crowd.

"yeah, go get your man!!!" Makayla Applebottom screams as I pass by her.

"move, let the guy through!"

for a minute my life becomes a Disney movie and a path was cleared for me. Caleb hops down from the table and smiles at me. "please take me back, I'll be better for you"

"you are single handedly the most embarrassing boy on the face of the planet" I couldn't help myself, I attack him with a hug and wrap my arms around him. his arms come around my waist and wrap tightly around me.

"you take me back?" Caleb ask he voice choked up with tears

"wasn't it obvious?"