Chapter 12

After hearing that she couldn't go home due to busy business at her family bakery, Marinette sat smiling at the nurse. It wasn't anyone's fault that her parents ran the best bakery in Paris. Well maybe except for her dad's, as he was the one making it the best bakery in Paris.

Marinette giggled. She thought that it was funny that she was blaming her dad for such a small and unhelped thing. She giggled again. "What's funny Marinette?" Luka asked, sitting beside her. Marinette edged away a little, subtly, not to hurt her friend's feelings. Luka blushed at the fact she edged away, slightly embarrassed for sitting with his feminine friend.

Alix sniggered and Miss Monet jabbed in the chest with her elbow to get Alix to stop. Alix rolled her eyes and shot a smirk over at the two of them. That only made Luka blush ten times worse. Alix smirked harder which made Marinette uncomfortable.

Marinette picked up her belongings and started to leave the room. Miss Monet shot a look over at Mari. "Where do you think you're going?" Miss Monet asked as she folded her arms. She turned her glare into a smirk as she looked over at Marinette. Alix walked over to the door. "The bell went. I'm going to take Marinette to the bathroom to make sure she is ok after all she has been through." Alix lied as she pushed Marinette out of the door.

Adrien was sitting in class when he noticed Alix pushing Marinette over towards the girl's bathroom. His cheeks flushed up at the mere sight of Marinette. "You ok dude?" Nino asked his friend who was burning up at the thought of his pigtailed friend. Adrien had gone into daydream mode. He was thinking about Marinette in dirty ways. That meant he was picturing Marinette without any clothes on. Adrien wasn't being very innocent. "Dude!" Nino said, waving a hand in front of Adrien's face.

Adrien blushed harder as he realised he was zoning out his friend. "Sorry Nino," Adrien said, rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed. Nino understood everything once Adrien explained he just zoned out for a moment as he was tired from all the modelling he had to do lately.

Nino turned around to speak to his girlfriend, Alya. "Yo Alya" Nino beamed, tapping the desk behind him. Alya was slumped against the table, also head in the clouds. "Earth to Alya!" Nino said, waving his hand in front of her face. "Are you out of it too?" Nino asked, placing his hand on hers. Alya nodded tears in her eyes.

"I'm tired, Nino," Alya admitted. Nino already knew why. "Stay up all night making posts for the Ladyblog again, sweetheart?" Nino asked, which provoked a head nod from Alya.

Lila, the snake she is, slithered her way into the conversation. "Alya," Lila said, smiling an evil smile. Alya lifted her head and looked at Lila. Lila accepted that as a response. "I know how you can boost your viewers," Lila said, sitting next to her. Alya raised an eyebrow at the brunette. "Oh sorry." Lila apologised. "Isn't this where Marinette sits?" Lila asked, knowing the truth herself. Alya nodded and didn't care what anyone did. "Did you mean to hurt your friend?" Lila asked.

Alya raised an eyebrow, again, as she looked Lila in the eyes. "How did you know about that?" Alya snapped, questioning Lila's intentions. Lila looked at her like it wasn't in front of the whole class. "You do know you did it in front of the entire class?" Lila asked, shooting a question back at the blogger.

Alya thought about what Lila had said.


She had pushed Marinette right off her seat and onto the floor.

Alya thought about what Lila had said but this time harder.

Alya started to think back to the incident. She thought about who she remembered being there. She saw Alix and Mylené. Chloe and Sabrina were there as well as Nino and Adrien.

She remembered Juleka being there and Rose was speaking to Ivan about band-related stuff. Nathaniel was at the back doodling; Max and Kim were chatting by the window. Luka was over by Juleka handing her something but Lila wasn't in her memory.

*end of flashback*

"You weren't there," Alya said. She shot a glare at Lila. Lila rolled her eyes. "I heard about it from Nathaniel," Lila said, pouting. For once she was telling the truth. Alya glared harder at the Italian girl. Lila looked worried, knowing she was telling the honest truth.

"Now Alya, I think that we should work together on your ladyblog," Lila said, whipping out her cell. Miss Bustier shot a glare over at the girls. Lila quickly hid her phone and they continued business.

"The ladyblog is a solo website" Alya stated. Lila looked over at the foxy-haired girl and shook her head, slowly in a disappointed way. This was her opportunity to be as sneaky as a fox. She had to make sure her lying skills worked so Alya teamed up with her in her battle to take down Marinette.

"Eyes on the class Alya," Miss Bustier said as she talked about the dangers of having a public Instagram account. Miss Bustier explained to the class how a public account can lead to being hacked or even worse.