A lady's duty

The cloudy weather persisted for the next few days while Iris was taking her time looking on the ledgers the butler brought her. She made some calculations a few times to be sure the result was correct and was pleased to see that there was enough gold, silver and bronze for buying winter supplies to accommodate a few castles, not only one. But nevertheless, she tries to be as prudent with the spendings as much as possible. The butler was waiting for her, as well as Mary, to escort her to the kitchens where she planned to visit first to see what is needed.

When arriving there, the cook was glad to list the things he needed. But after some time, Iris' mind was distracted by something else. She scarcely ate that morning, and the smell of freshly baked bread made her mouth watery. The cook probably noticed because he stopped in the middle of his words.

"Would your ladyship like some bread? There is also butter made only a day before which will melt in the mouth," the cook already took one loaf and portioned it, steam rising from its insides.

"I'll gladly eat a little, thank you," she sat down at the kitchen table.

All the personnel stopped, probably shocked at her behaviour. No gentle breed lady would eat at the kitchen table and with so many of the staff present. But she wanted to break protocol and she wanted the people to become more comfortable around her, like around a trusted person, not a cold master. Her mother would often eat in the kitchen, only tasting the food, not the main meals, of course. Those meals were always taken with the whole family if possible.

The cook served his bread and Iris was delighted to feed its warmth. The butter melted on the warm breath and the salt added on top of it accentuated the taste. She enjoyed two bites only, before standing up and continuing with her business. She was sure that Mary would bring some good news from the kitchen the following day.

As she returned to her study, she asked for the head maid who came at once, almost as if she was waiting for her lady to call. The older lady who was responsible for all the maids had a stern look, but during her littler time at Alutus castle, Iris saw that she was both just and caring for the girls working there.

"I have called you to look over the winter uniforms of the maids. Cotton and wool is best of course to have under the uniforms, but what of the robes used outside?"

"Last year we had cotton with a thicker thread for the uniforms and used wool only for the coats, Your Grace. Most robes are still in good shape and can be used this winter as well," the head maids presented.

"Make a list of what is lacking and give it to William."

"Yes, Your Grace."

"The new girls then? Did they begin their training?"

Iris heard that five new girls, age 7 to 9, were taken in to prepare them for their work as maids. Some were from the town outside the castle, but two of them came from a small village in the mountains.

"They seem eager, Your Grace."

"Good. I was thinking of making one of them my personal maid and want her to start learning under Mary and Daisy as soon as possible, after she has learned the basics. Which one of the girls will be is up to you. I trust you to overlook their training and send me the most promising one."

"I am honoured, Your Ladyship," she answered, keen to serve her master. Iris smiled.

"You are dismissed."

After the head maid's leave, Iris started working on the papers again. There weren't many parts she needed to improve or change. The butler did a good job with managing the estate until now and it left her little to do now. There were only a few tasks left to look over. One was the stable and she wanted to go there on a sunny day to also take the opportunity to ride a little. It would probably be the last chance she got before the cold season to arrive. Alutus was situated a bit higher on the mountain than Tomis which was located near the sea. That meant winter was bound to come earlier, and Iris wanted to be prepared. She hoped her husband would notice her hard work and be pleased with it.

Another task she wanted to do was about the security of the castle which she also delayed as much as she could because she didn't want to bother Benjamin who was still very busy. But she felt she must be finished with this soon so she decided it was time to seek him and hoped that maybe he would even set aside his job to spend some time together. It was lunchtime as well.

Iris went to his study on the first floor, just a set of stairs below her own. She knocked at the door and the hoarse voice of his husband answered her to enter. The room was lit by many candles to make enough light to cover the large table in the centre. The usual party could be seen around the table, Lord Luke, Lady Rose, and the three commanders, and at one end it was Benjamin who looked more tired than the last time they met.

"I would like some time to speak with my lord husband about some affairs regarding the estate," Iris declared and was met with silence while the people inside turned to her.

"Now is not the time," Benjamin responded at once.

"It's about the security of the castle and I feel that it is essential to..."

"It's essential to finish with the plans and meeting I am having right now, My Lady. The security of the castle can wait."

"But it won't take long, and I am already done with everything else."

Benjamin looked as if he was ready to refuse again but looked instead at his people.

"Would you leave the room for a short time while I speak with my lady wife?"

After dismissing them, he turned to Iris with gentler eyes.

"What is the problem, Iris? I don't think the security is so urgent to disrupt our meeting."

She started to fidget before answering him.

"I miss you. You are always busy and never have time for me." She knew she sounded as she was whining, but it was the truth.

"There are pressing matters at the moment, Iris. This won't take long until it's finished and after that we can spend more time together."

"But I could help if I also attend. My knowledge might rush everything to an earlier conclusion." She was the daughter of a duke and received the education of a princess. Her knowledge had to be greater than a lesser lord's daughter.

"There is no need."

"If you could only present the problems you have, I might see them from another light and…"

"I said there is no need." His voice was no longer gentler.

"But I am your wife and it is a lady's duty to be by her husband's side and help him in these situations," she became more fiery.

"It is a lady's duty to take care of the estate as well, so do that instead. There has to be other things you can do."

"Like taking care of the security here."

"You can leave that to me. I heard the mage is done recording so go there instead." He concluded their discussion, but Iris was not ready to let it go.

"But I want to be here, to help you. Why can Lady Rose be here, but not me?" She raised her voice at him. Realising what she had done, her cheeks started to burn. Benjamin looked incredulously at her.

"I am sorry for my outburst. You are right, I will take care of the mage's requests."

And before she could embarrass herself anymore, she left, feeling stings in her eyes.

She climbed the stairs to Ray's workshop, getting mad at them instead and swearing that the next time the mage would have to come to her instead if he ever wanted anything. Upon her arrival, the door opened, and the mage invited her in before she could even knock.

"Your Grace," he bowed.

"I heard you've finished and there is a list of things to be bought."

"There aren't many, Your Grace. The previous mage did a good job in preserving the herbs and not many are missing. But there is a lack of healing potions and, although I can help people without it, there is a limit to it, and many might be left injured if something happens."

"If something happens?"

"If there is ever a fight or if the lord goes raiding for monsters. It's always better to be prepared."

The mage was right. Many things can happen and maybe that's exactly the matter her husband was trying to solve. If that was the case and he would have to leave soon, she would be devastated to let him leave after an argument. Her behaviour earlier was far from adequate. The stings in her eyes returned and she felt her heart galloping. Her husband should not leave like that.

"Your Grace, is something the matter?"

He looked at her worrying and she saw his gentle eyes studying her face.

"Nothing. Give the list to the butler. I'll take my leave now."

She left without a word, leaving the mage with a puzzled look on his face. Her problems were not for him to know, and she didn't want to look anymore less like a lady in the presence of others.

When she returned to her chambers, she ordered Mary to prepare her a bath and dinner. While eating, evening came, but the clouds dispersed, leaving thousands of stars to glow gently in the sky. Iris saw the change and ordered her maid to prepare a glass of wine. The full moon was up in the skies, bathing her in its warm light. It was the first time she had her wine on the balcony. She missed the calm and serene moments, and it was the perfect time to recharge. The past weeks weren't as easy as she thought, but it would be better soon. Benjamin promised her. Until then she would have to do her duty as the lady of the castle.

'The wine is sweeter tonight.'