Futile attempts

It continued to be warm and sunny the following weeks, so much so that the grass began to sprout again, small light green patches making their places through the golden leaves on the ground. Everyday servants could be seen outside, delaying their works if only a few minutes to be able to enjoy the sunbath. Those last days of warm autumn animated the castle in such a way that Iris forgot about how she disgraced herself in front of her husband. He was gentleman enough to ignore her outburst and didn't mention it since then. Instead, he tried to make more time for her, and they were having lunch at least three times a week now and, sometimes, her husband would also surprise her during lunch or tea. This made Iris extremely happy, although they did not share a bed since they arrived at Alutus castle, she didn't insist on the matter either. The pale face and dark eyes of Benjamin were proof enough that he really had a lot on his plate.

After gathering every list of winter necessities from the servants, she called for a merchant a week before and entrusted him with the task of finding every item. The merchant worked fast and not long after that he came again with everything, pleased with himself after receiving the lady's praises. And at that, Iris found herself looking over every item that was brought, assuring that it was sent to the right people. A few times she looked outside the window at the servants enjoying the sun and after some hours of work she decided to finally visit the stables. She called for Mary to help her dress up and to show the way.

On their way, many servants stopped in their tracks to greet the lady. From the young boys training in the yard, to the maids cleaning the castle entrance and finally, to the marshal who was surprised to see her ladyship between the horses.

"You Grace," he hurried towards her, "it's a pleasure to see you so soon." It was just the day before that she called for him to receive the goods the merchant brought. "How can I serve your ladyship today?"

"I just need my horse to be ready. I want to ride a little in the forest before the weather becomes cold again."

"At once, Your Grace."

He called a boy and instructed him to get the dainty brown horse ready for riding. Dainty was indeed a good way to describe her horse, especially when standing between all the war horses there.

"I want to express my thanks again for everything you acquired for the sables, Your Grace. The items were of great help and the boys here are very glad to have received new working robes. They keep chattering endlessly since yesterday, praising your ladyship."

"It brings me much joy to hear this. Don't hesitate to come by the castle if there is everything you need."

"Your Grace," the marshal bowed right before the boy came with her horse.

Iris took the reins and gave him a radiant smile which reddened his face all the way to his ears. She found it cute and liked the atmosphere there. It seemed as if her work was paying off and the servants were opening up to her.

The horse named Blaze was a young mare gifted to her by the second prince on her 16th birthday. It received its name from its blazing red color when standing in the sunlight as well as its temperamental behaviour. As to show it, she started to attract her attention. Iris patted the horse's nose and got on it, exalted to be in the saddle after so long.

"Do you want to get someone to accompany you on horse, My Lady?"

"No need Mary. I won't be going far. Just wait for me here."

She started galloping before hearing her maid's answer. The wind blew her hair loose, tangling it. It was whipping her face and burning her cheeks. Her legs tightened around her mare for a better hold as they were gaining speed. She didn't go far, but the race made her heart pound hard in her chest and Blaze seemed thankful to be able to stretch her legs. They galloped through the forest back and forth until Iris felt the autumn cold through her clothes instead of the warm sun. And then she stirred her horse for one more round before finally going back to the stables. The ride and the fresh air filled Iris with vitality and joy, but when she got back, there was not only Mary who waited for her, but the butler as well.

"William, what brings you here? Is there some urgent matter at the castle that I need to attend to?"

"The Lord is looking for you, My Lady."

"What for?"

"He did not say, My Lady."

Iris gave the horse to the boy from before who was displaying a shining smile on his face. So much so that she couldn't help but smile back. The group of three went to the castle together, the butler showing the way to her husband's study where he was waiting for her.

"Benjamin, has something happened?"

"Is a husband not allowed to call upon his wife without a reason besides just wanting to see her?" he teased, and her cheeks started to burn again.

When he approached her, she felt his warmth before receiving a sweet kiss on the forehead.

"Come and have tea with me. Although I just want us to spend some leisure time together, there is actually something I want to tell you." His voice turned grave, the mischievous look he had earlier making place for a serious one.

They sat at the table in his study and waited for the maids to serve tea and aperitives before leaving them alone.

"Please, have some tea my dear."

They drank in silence, the tea warming Iris' body. Benjamin was studying her intensely before starting to speak.

"The butler told me you went riding."

"Oh, yes. I wanted to take some fresh air as the weather outside is so nice."

"It's good to take fresh air especially now before the cold arrives. I will also be taking some air, but not in the same way." he hesitated before continuing. "I'll be off to the capital in a fortnight. The first prince has requested my presence to assist him this winter when he will be ruling instead of his father, until the king regains his strength."

Iris was speechless. She hoped that his work would drop before winter came and they would spend the cold season together. Those thoughts were keeping her away from barging into his study and making a fool of herself again. It almost became a mantra for her that when winter came, they would be together again.

"The whole winter?"

"I am afraid so, my dear."

"But you said we will soon have more time together. When winter comes."

"I am sorry, but I can not disregard the call. It's the royal family we are dealing with."

"You could postpone it. Say you're sick or something. Or that you are needed here."

"Iris, dear, you know I cannot do that."

"But you can. You can send a letter. You can leave later, even if it is only for a month. Only by a fortnight," she pleaded, feeling her mouth go dry, but stopped any possible tears from rolling out.

"Enough of this blabbering. The first prince is summoning me to the palace, and I cannot refuse. It's a great honour to be of help to him." He raised his voice, silencing whatever plead she wanted to make. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, but I do not have a choice."

'But you do,' Iris thought, but did not dare to say. They spent some more time together making small talk, not mentioning his departure. Before leaving, he announced he will come by for dinner and she saw a ray of hope.

But even that was quickly shattered when he left as soon as he finished eating citing urgent matters as the eternal excuse, even when Iris tried to spend the night as husband and wife. Her husband dismissed her once again.