No affinity (1)

Not even a week after their fight, Benjamin left for the capital with the promise he'll be back as soon as possible, and they'll finally have their long awaited time together. When his wife asked him whether he'll stay all summer, he promised to come back in time for their wedding anniversary. It was less than two months away which made Iris a little relieved, but still amazed a year had passed by since their quick marriage ceremony.

Thinking about the past months following their union, their time together had been reduced drastically. It was the third time her husband went away from their home and the second time it happened for a longer period of time.

Though he still remained at the castle longer, those periods of time he dedicated to work, reducing their meetings even more. More than once did Iris ask herself how could two freshly married people be so distant to each other when they lived in the same castle? Especially two people so in love as themselves?