No affinity (2)

"Welcome in, my lady!" The mage opened the door to his study which was exactly like the last time Iris saw it and she wondered, not for the first time, if it was supposed to be so messy.

Despite the disarray of the room, Ray walked cheerfully to his desk. To her surprise, she noticed a vase with fresh flowers sitting on it, a vibrant burst of colour in an otherwise chaotic space.  The blue petals at the top of a long stem with long, narrow, sword-shaped leaves filled the space with a sweet, delicate smell. 

She approached the flowers with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, stretching her arm over the flower as if to caress them.

"Irisess!" She exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise and, causing the mage to flinch. The sight of those flowers brought back memories of her father giving them to her mother countless times in the past. Suddenly, a memory flooded her mind of the Duchess telling her that she was named after her favourite flowers.