I'll take care of everything

"My lady, my lady," Daisy's voice broke the silence of her study where Iris was seeing over the rapports from the witnesses from the attack that happened a fortnight earlier.

Most stated the same thing: monsters appeared from the forest at the crack of dawn and attacked, capturing some of them. The captives woke up deep in the woods, on the other side of the clearing where the artefact resided. The injured mostly recovered, including Commander Thornwood who started guarding every time she had to leave the main building. At night they took turns standing in front of her door.

Standing at her desk looking over the papers in frustration, Iris raised her head at the sound of her maid quickly approaching. "What is the matter, Daisy? There is no reason to make such haste.

Stopping in front of her desk, the girl paused for a moment to recover her breath. "There is a reason. Lord Walter has been seen entering the village just now. His grace is back!"