Waiting for an Answer

*The name at the top of each chapter is the point of view the chapter is based on. Bold is inner wolf voices, italic text is mental links*


I watched as she grabbed her bag and turned to me like she was leaving. She said she was leaving, but she hadn't moved. Her eyes stared straight into mine. They drew me in, calling me. I could claim her now, one mark and it would be settled. My wolf began to howl as he tried to surface. "Not yet, remember what you said, patience." 

Such a switch in his moods, not that I could blame him. Her hazel eyes were sparkling in the early sun, their depths of color calling to me, to us. When she had broken that line and her scent had raced to me it felt like I had practically fallen into the river and was crashing into the lines of flowers on its end. The beautiful fragrance captivated my senses. 

"So, do you plan to ask her now or wait until she tries to reject us again?" I know she was planning to reject us, she had admitted as much right away. "Although she has been standing there for a few minutes and hasn't said anything." 

"Exactly. Why would I ruin that by speaking right now? Besides, we decided Sinlan and I would ask together. That's the only fair way." I smiled a bit as I saw her eyes moving from my own and then back again. What was she thinking? If she was going to reject me right now she would have done so already, so maybe we did stand a chance, even if it is only a small one. Thank the Goddess for that! 

"We won't waste the chance! Say something!" My wolf did have a point, if I didn't start talking soon she may change her mind and run away, back to her room, like she was planning.

"So you're a witch?" That at least answered our question about what else she was, although something told me there was still more to it. "I agree." 

"Oh uhm," She blinked as if just realizing we could both speak. She shook her head before looking at the bag. The large bag looked about ready to pop with the items stuffed quickly into it. "Yes, I guess so. Why? Does that bother you?" 

I couldn't help but laugh a little, "Not at all, actually in the Shadow Moon pack we have an alliance with many of our local witches. We help them if they need it and they assist in energy work skills for our youngest pups if our own methods aren't teaching them well enough." 

"So you aren't afraid of asking for help or claim you know best when it comes to energy work?" She sounded surprised and doubtful, although I couldn't blame her. Most would assume the pride of the wolf ruled with our reasoning as it did with many other packs, but we strived to remember our limitations to prevent that from ever happening. We weren't afraid to ask a witch for help. We may be the energy workers for the wolves, but witches are the energy manipulators of the universe. Everything we knew came from them originally, and that was one fact we made sure our pack members remembered. 

I shook my head slowly, "Not at all. Witches are the original manipulators of energy. They use it in spells and rituals, some just in the energy work itself of course. We just learned a few tricks from a few witches and made sure to keep growing and practicing our skills through the generations. I fully admit that any level of energy work I can do a witch could probably do quicker and with less effort." Her eyes went wide and a small smile curved her lips. I felt my breath halt in my throat just witnessing her beautiful smile. 

"Well, that's a nice surprise. I've heard of your pack of course, but only in passing from others and many put your pack's energy skills on a very high pedestal." She still hadn't taken a single step towards leaving. A few strands of her hair blew in the light wind. I wanted to reach out to touch them, to feel them, to feel her. I took a slow breath in, letting her scent fill the air around me. It helped my wolf to relax, at least a little. 

"That's their choice, we make an effort to remind all our pups at a young age that the skills we have are just that, skills. There's others out there who can learn them. That's why we have to learn a variety of skills and tools for the battlefield. Limiting ourselves to only physical combat would be just as much of a drawback as limiting ourselves to only energy work. Witches can access levels of it that a wolf simply can't." Her smile grew as she let out a slight laugh.

"Well, you are certainly smarter than some." Her laugh sounded like birds chirping on a cold winter day, the same promise of freedom and comfort. I never wanted it to stop. It was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

Speaking of energy, I wonder how much she can access. Her skill last night was beyond any witch I'd ever seen. "I'm actually very curious how strong you are in your energy work. I was very impressed by your skills in pain management for the young pup last night. It was well beyond my skills to help him with such an extreme wound."

I saw her mind racing. Her eyes narrowed and her smile tightened as she debated what to share. "A compliment from an Alpha." I gave a single nod and smiled at her, waiting for more. "Thanks, but it really wasn't anything special. I'm sure any witch could have done that." Something about the way she said that last part told me she knew it was a lie just as much as I did.

"So no pushing the reason behind that, got it." This time she laughed even louder, not a small chuckle or a giggle, a full laugh. I let it resonate around us as it echoed a bit from the wall to the building and back to the roof's edge. I closed my eyes for just a moment to enjoy that sound. 

"Yeah, uhm I'm a bit complicated I guess. Well, I really do have to go."

She gestured to the door behind me, but still didn't try to walk past me. "Mind if I walk you down?" I saw her jaw tense and she regripped her bag. "I'll keep my hands to myself." I threw both hands up as if in defense. She smiled a bit and just nodded once before finally taking a step in my direction. I turned to let her go through the door first, breathing in her scent as she did.

"I'm sorry by the way." Sorry for what? She hadn't rejected me just yet.

"For what?"

"You know, just what has to happen. It isn't your fault or anything, and it isn't personal, it's just something that has to happen." Has to? As in she isn't choosing to reject us, but she has to reject us? Also, not personal? Rejection is very personal, it dooms the other to an eternity without their mate. 

"If you are sorry, why not change your mind?" I let her take an extra step ahead. Partly so she wouldn't feel confined or crowded, but also because my wolf was starting to stir and I needed the extra space in case he came out. "Calm down! She is finally talking!"

"She said she has to! Is she with another? Why must she? Let me talk to her!"

"She wouldn't be able to understand you anyways, calm down!" My wolf huffed but I just rolled my eyes at him. I was doing fine, he needed to let me handle this part. 

"It's complicated." I'd heard her mention some curse on the roof, maybe she feels being a wolf is a curse. She wouldn't be the first to think that. 

"Well, I know you asked the Goddess to help you. My Beta and I have a proposition for you if you're interested. You could hear it and then sleep on it for a few hours before you decide. We don't have to leave until tonight." 

She began to move her fingers along the strap of the bag as we entered the hall where Sin and I stayed. The elevator was just down the hall and her eyes flashed to it. Was the curse she mentioned something else? Something we could help with? Her mind seemed to be conflicted. What could I say that would help without making her feel pushed? "Any ideas?"

"Oh, now you want my help?" I growled internally. I needed backup. She had turned to face me, her eyes analyzing even as they looked into my own.

"Get out here!" I called and almost immediately Sin's door opened. Sylvia flinched at the sudden sound and turned to face him. He saw Sylvia and his eyes went wide.