A Domino in Place


"Hello there. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "No warning first?"

"I asked her to wait and hear our offer, she's on the fence. I didn't want to say anything to screw it up." 

"You know for an Alpha you are a bit needy lately!" I stared daggers at him. It was out of my control. When I was around her my brain went haywire. I couldn't focus or think like I normally do. If it was a random person I could talk my way into any choice I wanted them to make. With Sylvia, it was like a wall went up between my brain and myself. "Just kidding, I get it. Trust me!"

"No, you're fine. Sorry, I was just heading back to my room." She took a step back, clearly not comfortable being with both of us so close. Everything in me was screaming to reach out and hold her, comfort her, but she needed space, not confinement. 

"Well, I won't lie. I told Sinlan to come out because we promised we'd share our proposition together and take the consequences as they came." My stomach was flipping, my heart racing.

She paused in her slow retreat to the elevator and looked between the two of us. Her eyes focused, alternating between us. "Really? Isn't it usually the Alpha that says and makes all the decisions?" 

"We are a bit different, besides sharing a mate isn't exactly a common occurrence so special times call for special circumstances. We didn't want either of us to go through either the joy or pain alone." She winced when he mentioned the pain we may go through. It was obvious she didn't want to reject us, so why did she plan to?

"Look I honestly can't explain, but I really can't accept a mate bond. It just isn't possible." Her head fell as if her feet and the floor were suddenly the most interesting things in the room.

"Not possible? Why?" Sin shot me a concerned look as his panic spread to his internal voice as well. I nodded once. It was a question I had as well.

"I know you two are probably already talking about why or how to change my mind, but I think it would just be easier for everyone if I made it quick and got this over with."

"Wait!" I said as she raised her head to look at us. There were tears in her eyes. "Look if you want to reject us that is your right and choice to make. However, we think it is only fair that you do so after learning a bit about us and our pack. Give us a week. One week to change your mind." I didn't hide the hope in my voice. I wanted her to give us this time and I needed her to know that! 

"A week isn't enough time!" I ignored my wolf. She wouldn't give us long, we had to start with a bargaining chip. After all, any time is better than no time.

Her mouth turned up into a small half smile as she shook her head. "A week is too long. It would only hurt worse after that long." She wiped a tear from her eye. My heart ached for her, it told me to pull her to me. My wolf was already trying to take control, to make her go with him regardless of what she wanted. I had to stay in control, she needed me to let this be her choice. She hadn't said no, she said it was too long. Was there a number she would say yes to?

"We are willing to accept that chance, but what about five days instead?" Sin asked with his tone more even, less emotional than my own. 

"Let me out! I'll get her to go with us!" I held my ground with my wolf. He had grown used to taking control when he wanted lately. Not this time. This time I needed to be stronger than my wolf. For her.

"No! We can't! Look at her. She would only run if you tried to force the mate bond on her."

"She wouldn't be able to if I succeeded!"

"It's not happening!" My wolf huffed and began to growl in my mind. I was biting my tongue to keep the growl internal. I looked at Sin and saw his eyes flash to me. He could feel my tether slipping. I didn't have long before I'd have to leave her presence or my wolf may finally win his way out.

Sylvia sighed, bringing both of our attention back to her. She looked at us both, biting her lip as she debated the options. My wolf began to pound, wanting to race to her. He needed to remember though, she needed patience, from both of us. "Fine." She spoke so quietly I could have misheard her. 

My smile filled my face and I felt my wolf celebrating, his howls of joy filling my mind. "Five days?" I asked, excited but half doubting I had heard her correctly. My voice practically shook with shock and relief.

She just nodded, "Five days, and I'll be ready to leave by five tonight!" 

I looked to Sin and saw the same look of relief and joy that I knew was on my own face. "Thank you!" He sounded so calm, so leveled. 

"You won't regret this!" My joy was plain in my voice, the excitement nearly unbearable. She just smiled at us, shaking her head as she turned and pushed for the elevator. It opened right away and she stepped in quickly.

"You might." She said as she pushed the button to her own floor, her lips turning to a small half smile.

"Never!" Sin and I said in unison. We caught a quick glimpse of a full smile as the doors closed. She was gone, but we had gotten time! 

I took a moment to let my heart calm down. My wolf stopped howling in celebration but was now so excited he wanted to run and hunt. I turned to see Sin with a smile I hadn't seen on his face in years. One of pure happiness and joy. "She said yes! She said yes!" He said it quietly as if any louder would scare away the truth.

"She did! Let's go, we have to tell Daniel and send word to have the pack house prepared. We can tell one of the visiting wolves from our pack to take word back." We both turned to find Daniel's room. I knocked and heard something hard hit the floor on the other side. After a few more seconds the door opened to show Daniel with his eyes barely open and his hair a matted mess around his face.

"Sirs, excuse me I was still sleeping." 

"So we can see. Listen, we will be bringing back a woman with us. I need you to be ready to leave at five, at the car and waiting. Also, find a wolf who visited from our pack and send them back with word to clean up the pack house and have it ready for a guest including the spare room on my floor. It needs to be ready by tonight, we will be taking the long way home so they'll have extra time but it's a lot to do so they need to be started as soon as possible." "Let me go to her now! She already said yes to time, I can get her to let me mark her." I rolled my eyes at my wolf. He would have to be patient. We had a mate finally, we couldn't risk losing her. "Let me out!" He pushed on my mind and I felt the pain that came with denying him access to the driver's seat. 

"A woman? Okay, uhm I'll go find someone now!" He quickly grabbed his room key off the table next to him and turned to head down the hallway. 

Sin shook his head as he watched him run down the hall. "We will definitely have questions to answer, but gotta admit he is one hell of an Omega!" 

I nodded once, the pain from my wolf turning from a nuisance to a stabbing pain. "Fucking Stop! You can't just jump on her! If you didn't notice she will run away if you try!" I gritted my teeth and tried to push my wolf back but his growl was in my throat at my words.

"Silas, are you okay?" I looked up at him and my vision flickered between normal and the sight of my wolf. "Whoa, okay let's go!" Sin pulled me into my room where I fell over fighting with my wolf for control over my body. I felt my claws begin to cut through my flesh. "Hold it together Silas, we are so close. Listen to me wolf!" My eyes were those of my wolf, the light stung them a bit as I looked up to see Sin's serious face. A low growl in my throat and my hands beginning to form paws.