Who Is She The Same As My Mother?

Elsi walked to Edgar's house to go with him, and as the neighbor's door opened and a person entered, Elsi stared at them without blinking. didn't realize his mum was the one who had come out. He had a blank expression as he prepared to water the plants.

Elsi yelled, "Mom," trying to scale the fence to the house, but a middle-aged woman who still appeared young simply stared at Elsi without making eye contact.

The woman's hand was quickly taken by someone who had just entered the house.

Elsi yelled "Mom" as she walked into the garage. The man entered with the woman and then turned to face Elsi.

"You simply misunderstood; your mum is not present. Are you Joan's family, then? We have no family ties to yours," He shouted.

Elsi wondered whether she had forgotten her mother's face. Elsi noticed the woman who was still glaring at her from behind the window.

Elsi replied, "Yeah, she's not my mother."

Elsi has forgotten her mother's face a little, whether they are similar or not because she has been without her mother for such a long time. Elsi just has fleeting memories of it; perhaps there are numerous faces like her mother. When Elsi gets home, she demands that Dicky confess.

Elsi walked into her house and gazed at Dicky without batting an eye.

Dicky, who was brewing coffee for him, glanced at Elsi before inhaling deeply.

"Els, what's wrong? You don't attend classes?"

"I observed Mom."

Dicky gave a startled frown and ceased adding more water to the coffee-filled glass.

"You misunderstood; do you still recognize your mother's face?"

Elsi shook her head; she used to often inquire as to her mother's location, but not any longer. It was as though his memories had been wiped.

"You simply misread it," Dicky remarked.

The moment Elsi inhaled, she remained silent.

Elsie questioned, "Are there only black and white wolves?"

She was intrigued by Elsi, who periodically reported seeing a black wolf. Dicky made a body turn in the direction of Elsi before turning to smile at her.

Dicky gulped the coffee he had made and exclaimed, "Shall I tell you about the other wolves?" Elsi came over right away and asked to hear Dicky's tale.

Dicky started telling the tale while he sipped his coffee.

"Wolves with brown fur exist; they are a cross between white and black wolves."

Elsi rubbed her brows together, but her thoughts didn't stop there. She was aware that black and white wolves couldn't possibly blend in.

Dicky remarked, "You must want to say it's impossible."

Elsi nodded when Dicky appeared to know what she was contemplating.

"Yes, none of them indeed wed their ancestors, but wouldn't it be nice to know that once upon a time, a white wolf dared to harbor feelings for a black wolf? There were disagreements and a fight that resulted in the deaths of the two families. But in the end, the two of them moved far away from each other since they still desire a relationship. The two families were unable to afford it."

Elsi paid close attention.

"Then? Are they content with one another?"

Shaking his head, Dicky "They constantly feel guilty. And if they get married, their offspring won't be considered the second generation. A brown wolf will be born to them."

"What about wolves and people?"

Dicky gave Elsi a critical look.

"How on earth could you be dating Edgar, can you?"

Elsi simply chuckled "No! I wasn't serious."

When Elsi wanted to think back on her mother, the environment was tight. It has since returned to being friendly. Elsi stopped inquiring about her mother's whereabouts. Elsi can't help but think of Dicky's girlfriend.

Elsi apologized for being too indifferent yesterday regarding your girlfriend.

"No issue."

"Where did you first meet him? Unless he isn't human? It follows that he is just like us."

Dicky gave a little nod and kept chugging the coffee till it was done.

Elsi awaited Dicky's response, but Dicky purposefully remained silent.

"after reaching adulthood. You'll discover it on your own."

Elsi scowled after hearing Dicky's statements in that manner.


"Els, you know I want to play at your house? Everyone in your home must be similar to you, right?"

Elsi gave Nessie a sharp look.

Nessie murmured, "I just wanted to get to know you."

Elsi said to Nessie, "My sister will find out you're human and you'll be torn to bits."

"Please don't be afraid."

As Nessie was alarmed, Elsi grinned. When Edgar walked up to Elsi, even Elsi ceased speaking.   

"Hey, that's pretty."

Elsi was seduced by Edgar, who grinned at her.

"Els, just eat this guy," Nessie said in Elsi's ear.

"What are you discussing in whispers? Tell me I'm incredibly attractive, please."

Edgar was pleasantly surprised by Nessie's nice cuddle with him and by Elsi's expressionless gaze.

Elsi became upset when Edgar tugged at her cheek and said, "Don't frown like that." Elsi can regulate her emotions so she doesn't harm her companion. Nessie, who is anxious, is scared of the power Elsi unintentionally releases to harm Edgar.

For Elsi to be accepted in the human world, Elsi had to be able to manage her emotions. Elsi gazed at Nessie as if to imply that she would not harm Edgar. He wouldn't learn that Elsi was unique compared to the other classmates in this manner.

Instead of responding to Edgar, Elsi tried to fake a grin to make him feel good about his ability to win Elsi over.

"Then, isn't it lovely when you grin," asked Edgar?

"You were easy to fall in love with," Nessie said.

"Who stated? I'm not like that, and I only have feelings for one female."

"Which of those gals is that?"

Nessie made this argument on purpose so that Edgar might admit that he had feelings for Elsi. Edgar was unable to respond to Nessie's claim.

Edgar remarked, "What the hell Ness, it's not clear," and then he walked away.

"Why is he? Humans are strange; they might be suddenly joyful or instantly angry," To Nessie, Elsi said.

"You haven't gotten acclimated to the fickle human heart yet," said Nessie as she fluffed Elsi's hair with a smile.

***To be continued....